true and false

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There is no problem in passing two people in an aisle, and it is almost the same for three people, but the woman walked in the middle of the road, aggressive, did not give way to anyone, and kept writhing while walking.

Holding her upper body upright, her upper body was very open, and she deliberately put her upper body outside.

"I'm sorry? Little girl, don't think that you are amazing because you have a little beauty." The woman said aggressively.

"What did you say? We've already apologized, what else do you want?" Bing Xin is not a character to be provoked. Growing up in the army, she would have a lot of temper if she got angry.

"Forget it, her upper body is small, ignore her." Xia Xia said from behind.

"What did you say? How dare you say that my upper body is small? Have you ever seen such a big upper body? I know you haven't seen it before, so I said that with jealousy." The woman deliberately straightened her upper body and said.

Seeing that summer was coming, Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue both stood by his side, and the people around came to watch the fun when they saw the excitement.

"Hey, is it your money that fell on the ground?" Xia Xia pointed to the one hundred yuan note that fell on the ground.

"Yes, yes." The woman said very rudely, and then squatted down to pick up the money.

Xia Xia smiled slightly, and a silver needle shot out, which happened to hit the upper body of the woman. For a moment, everyone was stunned, the goddess scattered flowers? Flying all over the sky? Or willow leaves fluttering.

No, it's silicone sleeves flying all over the place.

All sixteen silicone sleeves flew out, and these silicone sleeves all flew out of the woman's upper body.

"Oh, so exciting." Xia Tian said with a smile.

"Ah!" The woman shouted, and hurriedly covered her upper body, her super upper body shrunk by half.

"It turned out to be a pad." Xia Tian looked suddenly realized.

"What's wrong with the pad? I'm still big enough, it's just a little sagging." The woman looked at Xia Xia aggressively, and she straightened her upper body again.

"Be careful, it's easy to burst with water." Xia Xia was still like that, as if everything was said very casually.

"Whose water are you talking about? Let me tell you, mine is original, and it has never been processed in any way." The woman said high-spiritedly, very proud.

Xia Xia did not speak, and two silver needles were quietly shot out, which was extremely accurate.

Then he quickly withdrew the silver needle. All this happened so fast that no one saw it, but the woman felt a chill on her upper body: "Why are you still sweating?"

The woman took out a tissue and wiped it, but she immediately realized that it was wrong, because the thing she was wiping was like water, and it seemed that the more she wiped it, the more she wiped it.

But the people around were stunned. They saw that the woman's upper body was shrinking little by little, and it became smaller after a circle. After a minute, the woman's upper body almost disappeared.

"It turned out to be fake. Forget it, cousin, she has a small upper body, so don't pay attention to her." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he walked straight ahead with Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin.

"Well, it's really small." Ye Qingxue nodded.

"It's so young, elementary school students." Bing Xin walked up after saying that.

At the scene, only the woman was left standing there stupidly. At this time, she didn't know what to say at all. Looking at her upper body that cost a lot of money, she had completely collapsed.

How could a good upper body suddenly shrink?

She can guarantee that it was not so small before, but now it is even smaller than before.

"Hahaha, Summer, you are really bad." Ye Qingxue said with a big smile.

"Who let her bully my dearest cousin." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"You are so kind to your cousin. My cousin is so moved that she can't help but want to marry you." Ye Qingxue said with a smile.

"You two, are you treating me like air?" Bing Xin said dissatisfiedly.

"Summer, why don't you take Bingxin first, she is my good sister, she can be a small one." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Tian very seriously.

"Uh!" Xia Tian was slightly taken aback, and glanced at Bing Xin, but Bing Xin didn't speak.

"Is it okay?" Ye Qingxue asked again.

"Haha, I'm still young." Xia Xia smiled awkwardly.

"Cut, I told her to be small, you don't dare to ask for it, you really have no seeds." Ye Qingxue glared at Xia Xia, how many years she and Bing Xin were sisters, how could she not see Bing Xin's love for Xia Xia Interesting.

That's why she took this joking opportunity to tell Xia Xia this.

"Who said I don't have a seed, Sister Bingxin, are you willing to be with me? I can't guarantee that I will only love you all my life, will you still be willing to be with me?" Xia Xia gathered up the courage to look at Bing Xin and asked.

"I do!" Bing Xin said it very quickly, almost at the same time. She had long known that Xia Xian was concerned, but she could understand that at Xia's age, it was not a big problem, and although Xia was provocative Tang Yan and the others, but she didn't have anything with them. She had tried not to think about summer.

But she found that as long as she had free time, summer was on her mind.

Sometimes she thinks about why people wronged themselves in their whole life and why they can't pursue what they like, so she chooses to do what she wants most. UU reading

She likes Summer, so she wants to be with Summer, without thinking about any issues, no matter who agrees or disagrees.

Hearing that Bing Xin agreed so happily.

Even Ye Qingxue was stunned, although she knew that Bing Xin had always liked summer, but she did not expect that Bing Xin agreed so happily, why was she not reserved.

But Bing Xin's thoughts were completely different. He believed that happiness should be in his own hands, and she didn't want to make herself regret in the future.

"Sister Bingxin, do you really agree?" Xia Tian also asked suspiciously.

"Well, I agree." Bing Xin nodded very seriously.

Xia Xia felt that happiness came too suddenly. Since Wenya, he has not had an official girlfriend. Although Zeng Rou has had a relationship, Zeng Rou has always been very resistant to him, and she is determined not to be his girlfriend.

So until now, Summer is still a real bachelor.

"Hold me!" Xia Xia said to Bing Xin.

Bing Xin hugged the summer directly.

"I can't give you a promise, because I don't know how long I will live. I have countless enemies, are you sure?" Xia Xia asked again.

"I'm sure, I don't care about all other external factors, I just tell myself that I like you." Tears flowed from the corners of Bing Xin's eyes, tears of happiness.