Ice Heart Variation

Xia Xia's words, like the voice of the devil, stopped the people in Suhai City. No one doubted what Xia Xia said, because he had just proved with facts that as long as he said it, he would definitely do it. .

"What else do you want? You've already made a splash today." The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City looked at Xia Xia viciously.

"I just like the way you look down on me and can't kill me." Xia Tian said with a smile on his face.

"If you have the ability, kill me." The director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City shouted angrily.

"Do you think I dare not?" Xia Xia's tone suddenly turned cold, and then everyone only saw a **** light, and then the director of the special operations department of Suhai City was mentioned by Xia Xia.

Xia Xia's hand grabbed each other's neck.

"Summer, stop." Ye Wanqing could no longer watch the fun, otherwise Xiaxia would really be in trouble.

"Hey, if you weren't a woman, maybe I would really kill you." Xia Xia shook his head and threw her out.

"Let's go, it's just a friendly match, we are landlords, we should be more aggressive." Ye Wanqing looked at them and said, her words are very simple, we are generous people, you are some small-bellied people, bet you keep hanging up In our mouths, we won but we can not care.

"The seven of you, come with me." Xia Xia took Bing Xin's hand and said to the seven people.

Five minutes later, they returned to the interior of the training ground.

Ye Wanqing was doing the aftermath work.

"You have seen everything today, the face is not given by others, but to be earned by yourself." Xia Xian looked at the few people and said, "Except for the team leader of the seven groups, the rest of the time can't be used by others. Take a rest, and call the Daniel over, you can pick someone with better skills and train together."

Xia Xia wanted to gather enough people for ten people. He wanted Xiaofei and Fan Jin to participate. Later, he thought that Mr. Xu's place was still unstable and he also needed Fan Jin and Xiaofei's help, so he chose directly from the place.

"Instructor, I'm fine, my legs are almost healed." The leader of the seventh group patted his leg and said.

"I told you to rest, you rest." Xia Xia glanced at him, and the leader of the seventh group nodded.

"You are optimistic, I will simply walk this footwork. You must carry 30 kilograms of leg weight for me in the next few days. Remember that no one is allowed to take it off." Xia Xia looked at the few people. , then turned to look at the leader of the seventh group and continued, "You only have three days to rest, and after three days, you must do the same training as them."

Soon someone called Da Niu and another person, both of whom were in seven groups, and that person was called Da Zhuang.

Hearing Xia Xia's request, they all nodded in agreement, because they knew that Xia Xian was going to teach them real skills.

"I want to learn too." Bing Xin suggested.

"Go back and teach you a simple method." Xia Tian suddenly thought of a good method, and he planned to let Bing Xin try it.

After handing over a few of them, Xia Xia returned to the old house with Bing Xin.

After Bing Xin came to the old house, she looked east and west.

"Come here, I'll bleed for a while, you drink." Xia Xia directly cut a slit in his wrist.

"What are you doing and how can you hurt yourself." Seeing Xia Xia being injured, Bing Xin hurriedly wanted to bandage Xia Xia, but Xia Xia stopped her and aimed her wrist at her mouth.

Bing Xin was forced to drink it.

After a minute, Xia Xian's wrist healed almost automatically.

"Try it, how do you feel?" Xia Xia looked at Bing Xin and asked.

"I feel so hot on my body." Bing Xin looked at her hands, her hands were a little red.

"Damn, did it fail? It's different from what I thought. My blood contains Cain's essence and blood, as well as the power of the ancient Buddha relic, so it should be able to transform her body, how did you do it? She seems to have taken an aphrodisiac." Xia Tian was speechless for a while.

"My body seems to have become very light." Bing Xin said suddenly.

"There is a door" Xia Tian's face was overjoyed, and then he began to help Bing Xin with silver needles

Drain her blood.

Ten minutes later, Bing Xin's body returned to its original state.

"Try walking to the door." Xia Xia looked at Bing Xin and said.

Bing Xin nodded. As soon as she took a step, she felt her body jump out.

"Damn it, I won't be dazzled." Xia Xia stared at Bing Xin in a stunned manner. Could it be that Bing Xin has changed? This is too illusory. Bing Xin didn't use any footwork just now, but his speed doesn't seem to be the same. Not much slower than summer.

"So fast" Bing Xin herself was stunned.

"Try to bend this iron spoon." Xia Xia brought an iron spoon and handed it to Bing Xin.

"How can you pinch such a big iron spoon?" Bingxin looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"You try hard" Xia Tian did not explain.

Bing Xin nodded, grabbed the head and tail of the spoon with both hands, and pinched it directly.


The iron spoon was really bent.

"My darling, your current strength and speed are only a little worse than mine." Xia Xia couldn't imagine that Bing Xin had never participated in any training, but she only drank a little of her own blood to become so powerful.

"Could it be that Cain's blood is making fun of you?" Xia Xia secretly thought, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but he immediately shook his head, "It seems that I have a chance to really check up on vampires. This ability must be related to vampires."

"I actually became so powerful." Bing Xin said excitedly.

"Well, from today, you have to pay attention, don't use too much force with ordinary people, or you will kill people." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"Killing can't work, then what can I do?" Bingxin asked anxiously, she was afraid that she really killed someone.

"It's fine, as long as you don't get angry and hit someone hard, there shouldn't be a big problem. Also, don't run at full speed, otherwise people will look at you like a monster." Xia Tian explained patiently.

Later, Xia Xia gave the footwork he stole from Tong Lao to Bing Xin.

It's a matter of course.

Bing Xin learned it simply.

Xia Xia didn't know what to say anymore. Bing Xin's overall speed is improving now, and even her learning ability is also improving. She now seems to be a miniature version of Xia Xia.

But Xia Xia tried it again to see if she could learn to walk in the clouds and move the finger, but unfortunately she failed.

"You are already a master now, I have decided, let's go to open a big room, and then I will give you in-depth guidance." Xia Xia said solemnly looking at Bing Xin.