Jianghu rules

Several people all looked at the location of the door. At this time, there were more than 20 people at the door, and the BMW girl quietly sent a message.

The boss, Liu Qingyun, was also sweating on his forehead. This time, there were more than 20 people coming. He couldn't fight even more than 20 ordinary people, let alone 20 masters of Shenlong Martial Arts Academy.

The owner of the hotel hurried out, "Everyone, I'm a small business, serious business."

"Get out of the way, the injustice is the debt and the owner. The people of our Shenlong Martial Arts Academy were injured. We must find this place today."

"That's right, no one can stop us. Our Shenlong Martial Arts School has never suffered any loss outside."

"Today, I must teach him a good lesson, and see if he will dare to offend the people of our Shenlong Martial Arts Academy in the future."

The biggest feature of Shenlong Martial Arts School is unity. They usually fight constantly in the school, but once someone is bullied outside, they will become very united and fight against foreign enemies together.

No matter who offends their Shenlong Wushu school, they will go all out.

As long as someone from the Shenlong Martial Arts School is being bullied outside, all the people from the nearby Shenlong Martial Arts School will rush over.

This is the rule of the Shenlong Martial Arts School.

The few people just sent two people to take the injured person to the hospital, and the others went to call for someone.

There is a great momentum of a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops meet each other.

"From a mathematical point of view, there are too many people on the opposite side, and we are at a disadvantage. In reality, our disadvantage is even greater." Chen Jing, the fourth oldest, said lightly.

"They have already formed a crowd to fight, but the boss first injured their people. If they are prosecuted, the boss will be sentenced more severely than them." Zhao Qiancheng once again took the attitude of law.

"People from Shenlong Martial Arts School will not call the police. This is their rule. As long as no one is dead, they can't call the police." Xia Xia said lightly, and then he remembered that he had an appointment with someone from Shenlong Martial Arts School before he left. , but he went to the area the next day, so he let the gang of pigeons.

"Procrastinate for a while, my brother will come right away." The BMW girl whispered.

"Okay, I'll try my best." The boss, Liu Qingyun, said lightly.

"Procrastination, there's no problem at all," Xia Xia assured.

Only then did the BMW girl remember that although Xia Xian fought and hid behind him, his mouth was so powerful that he could usually choke people to death.

At this time, the 20 or so mighty people had already entered the hotel. The boss wanted to call the police, but the people from Shenlong Martial Arts School threw the mobile phone into the bucket. The boss looked at his Nokia brick and felt very distressed. The mobile phone has been with him for six or seven years.

If it was dropped, there would be no problem with the Nokia brick, but now his precious Nokia brick was thrown into the water.

"It's just the few of you who injured our Shenlong Martial Arts School." The one headed by a very strong man looked at Xia Tian and asked.

"Hey, I think you are so familiar." Xia Xia asked the strong man, and then thought for himself.

The strong man was slightly taken aback when he heard Xia Xia's words. He was also afraid that the flood would flood the Dragon King Temple. The family didn't know each other, so he also thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't put Xia Xia and anyone in his mind right. "I don't remember who you are."

"Wait, I'll look for it." Xia Tian took out a small notebook from his pocket and began to flip it over seriously.

There were a few crooked words written with a marker on the outside of the small notebook. At first, everyone didn't care, but it took too long to find them in the summer, so they looked at the s13 record roster.

"Why can't I find it." Xia Xia handed the small book to the BMW girl. "You help me find this book, and I'll look for it again."

Xia Tian took out another small notebook from his pocket.

This time, everyone looked at the name of the little book, because this small book was exactly the same as the one just now, with crooked words.

This small book is written as a guide for not finding the s13 name.

The strong man's face was ashen, he could see that, Xia Tian was playing with him, playing with him, and he was just standing there foolishly watching.

half a day.

"You are courting death," the strong man said coldly.

"Young man, don't be so angry, look at you, your face is yellow, your brows are wrinkled, your mouth is dry, and you have a bad breath. It looks like you have been angry recently. You should try your best to control your emotions and eat more. Some refreshing things, do more exercise, and it will be fine in a few days." Xia Xia said very seriously.

Xia Xia's series of words made the strong man a little confused, because Xia Xia was all right, but he immediately realized what he was here for. "Don't change the subject."

"You just don't listen to the persuasion. After a few days, your hands and feet will start to burst, which will also affect your blood pressure. In the end, there may even be lesions, broken femoral head, leukemia, hair loss, cancer, etc." Xia Tian The more he said it, the more he hung up, but the more he said it, the more unreliable it became. It was alright at first, but what happened after that?

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I'll blow your head off." The strong man looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"We did it." Said this summer very happily.

"Since you admit it, don't blame us." The strong man said coldly.

"Wait." Xia Tian reached out and stopped him, "Do you understand the rules of the world?"

"What are the rules?" the strong man asked ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Before starting, you must bow first, and then show a friendly handshake. You don't understand the rules, and you are a member of the Shenlong Martial Arts Academy. "Summer taught.

"Alright then, just follow the rules you said." The strong man said.

The strong man bowed directly to Summer.

"Be flat," Xia Xia said lightly.

"You dare to play with me" the strong man shouted angrily when he saw Xia Xia did not bow.

"Don't say that, I'm not interested in men, let's shake hands." Xia Xia extended his right hand kindly.

Seeing Xia Xia extending his right hand, the strong man smiled coldly. He was going to teach Xia a good lesson here. His big hand went directly to Xia Xia. When the two held their hands together, the strong man's face changed. .

"Oh my God, it hurts to death." Xia Xia shouted exaggeratedly.

The strong man couldn't say a word, because of the severe pain in his hand, he couldn't open his mouth, and once he opened his mouth, he was afraid that he would scream, and he would lose face. He didn't expect Xia Tian to have such a grip. .

But summer pretends to be like this.

"What are you doing, quickly let go." Liu Qingyun thought that Xia Xia was really in pain, so he hurriedly stepped forward and shouted.

The people behind the strong man saw that the strong man took advantage, so it was impossible for Liu Qingyun to disturb them, so they all took a step forward.