God cursed

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, at first they thought Xia Xian was pretending, but immediately they saw that something was wrong, because Xia Xia's entire face turned purple, Zhao Hu's eyes were fast, and he slapped the back of Xia Xia with his palm. back.


The thing finally spit out. Seeing what Xia Tian spit out, everyone understood that he really wasn't pretending just now.

"Huhu" Xia Tian gasped for breath.

"Come and drink some water, take it slow." The boss, Liu Qingyun, brought a bottle of water for Xia Tian.

Xia Xia picked up the water and drank it with gulps.

"It's really choking. I wish you choked with water." The BMW girl Zhao Jiajia mumbled again, although it was not loud, but everyone heard it.

cough cough cough

At this moment, Xian Xian kept spitting out a mouthful of water from his mouth and nose. He supported his hands on the table and kept coughing.

"Damn it, I'm really choking." Everyone looked at the BMW girl Zhao Jiajia in surprise. Her mouth was like a god. She said that she would choke in summer, and she would choke in summer. choked.

Even Zhao Jiajia, the BMW girl, was stunned. This is too amazing.

cough cough cough

Xia Xia coughed for a while, and finally calmed down a little. He looked at Zhao Jiajia with admiration, "I'll invite you for this meal, I'll leave now, please be merciful."

Xia Tian took out five hundred dollars from his pocket and put it on the table, and then walked out of the restaurant. He was really scared. Just now, he was sure that it was absolutely impossible for him to choke, but he seemed to choke suddenly.


Xia Xia can only be described as weird. He is not afraid of the enemy on the surface, no matter how powerful the opponent is, but he is really afraid of Zhao Jiajia. This kind of invisible curse is really no one.

"You!" Zhao Hu glanced at Zhao Jiajia, shook his head helplessly, and followed him out.

Liu Qingyun and others were very uncomfortable sitting there. Although Xia Xia didn't vomit nearby, when Xia Xia threw up, she vomited backwards, and it had been cleaned up by the waiter, but the current situation was too embarrassing.

"The third child may have something to do, let's go first, let's continue." The second child, Zhao Qiancheng, knew that Xia Xian was fine, so he advocated to continue, because there were four beautiful women on the opposite side.

"You guys eat first, I have something to do, so I'll go first." BMW girl Zhao Jiajia couldn't sit still.

In the end, there were six people left, three men and three women.

I have to say that these brothers in Xia Xia are really people who forget their friends. It didn't take long for Xia Xia to be forgotten, and they focused on chatting with the three girls in front of them.

"Mr. Xia, wait for me." Zhao Hu followed directly.

"What's the matter?" Xia Xia asked Zhao Hu with a glance.

"Thank you for what happened last time. If it wasn't for you, my life would have been lost. I'm not very good at speaking. If you have anything to use me, I'll be there for you." Zhao Hu patted The chest assured.

"Then go and kill Li Laoba." Xia Xia looked at Zhao Hu with a smile on his face.

"Uh" Zhao Hu was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that Xia Xia would actually ask him to kill Old Eight Li, but he still nodded, "Okay, anyway, you saved my life, it's a big deal."

"Okay, I'm joking." Xia Xia patted Zhao Hu on the shoulder, "You better be careful with Jiang Tianshu, this is my phone number, I guess he won't let you go so easily, if you are in danger , call me as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." Zhao Hu said with his fists folded.

"Don't be long Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia is short, I'm about the same age as you, just call me Xia." Xia still prefers Zhao Hu's character. Last time Zhao Hu actually won Li Laoba, but in the end he still Because of his tender heart, he did not continue to attack, and he also refused to become the fourth son of Jianghai.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'll call you Brother Tian in the future." Zhao Hu knew that he was older than Xia Xia, but he would never call him younger brother Xia Xia, because then he felt that he would be disrespectful to President Xia Xia, and he would still be called Brother Tian. It is more respectful, and it can also bring the relationship between the two closer.

He hates people like Jiang Tianshu, so he insists on creating a fourth son of Jianghai, but

It was he who did not have the ability to resist Jiang Tianshu.

But Xia Xia is fine, he is now on the same boat as Xia Xia. Xia Xian will never ask anyone to be a son, nor will he force others to do something.

So he was willing to hang out with Xia Xia.

"As long as you cry happy, you can call whatever you want." Xia Xia smiled slightly, but his smile immediately solidified because he saw the BMW girl Zhao Jiajia again "Your sister is here, I can't provoke her, I'll go first already."

After Xia Tian finished speaking, he left quickly.

Seeing Xia Xia's back, Zhao Hu really didn't know what to say. That Xia Tian, ​​who was not afraid of the sky, was actually afraid of his sister.

"Brother, are you familiar with that weird person?" Zhao Jiajia stepped forward and asked.

"Don't be weird. He is your brother's savior. If it wasn't for him, your brother would have died long ago. Next time you see him, don't bother him." Zhao Hu was also very helpless to his sister. Just such a sister, his sister's character now is what he is used to.

"Savior" Zhao Jiajia said embarrassedly~www.mtlnovel.com~ She really didn't know what Xia Xia could save her brother "Brother, tell me what's going on"

"Okay, don't ask nonsense, it's not something you should know as a child. You are a college student today. Listen to me. My brother never asked you anything. Today, my brother wants you to stop bothering him, okay?" Zhao Tiger can only do roundabout operations against his sister.

Otherwise, he really has no way to take his sister.

"Well, since my brother has said it, as long as he doesn't get angry with me in the future, I won't bother him anymore." Zhao Jiajia said aggrievedly.

"You?" Zhao Hu shook his head helplessly.

Xia Xia is terrified of this Zhao Jiajia now. He can be sure that Zhao Jiajia's curse on him just now definitely has a bit of magic power. He doesn't think these things are illusory, because his clairvoyance is similar to this ability.

It's just that Zhao Jiajia probably hasn't mastered this ability. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not, and it's not very powerful, otherwise Xia Xia would really be cursed to death by him.

"Xiamen, let's compare your speed." Suddenly a voice came from Xia'an's side.

"Damn it, why did you come out without knowing it? To be honest, are you following me?" Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu and asked. Bai Yu is so amazing that he can meet him here.

"Follow your sister, I usually walk in Jianghai City, and I usually eat here at Jianghai University." Bai Yu scolded with a smile.