Scary Treasure Entrance

In the summer, he calculated several times and it was the result. The location of the last treasure chest was his home. He guessed that it should be the tree in his yard. That tree has been there since he was sensible in the summer.

"Your home" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Tian suspiciously.

"It's so weird, why did your mother hide her treasure in my house, does she know my father?" Xia Xia frowned.

"Let's go over and take a look first." Lin Bingbing also frowned.

"My father is the leader of the dragon group, and his father is a member of the dragon group. Could it be that my father and his father are very familiar." Xia Xia thought to himself, but he didn't say it, it was just his guess.

Of course, it is also possible that he and Lin Bingbing are the same father, but this is directly ruled out by Xia Xia. Lin Bingbing's mother died earlier than Xia Xia's father, so if the two of them were related, Lin Bingbing's mother would have come to find Xia Xia long ago. 's father.

Xia Xia guessed that the most likely possibility was that Lin Bingbing's father and his father were close friends.

But this is all just speculation.

The two walked towards Xia Xia's house. When Lin Bingbing came to Xia Xia's house, she was slightly taken aback. Although she lived with her mother when she was a child, she lived in a good environment because she had an uncle who was the mayor.

But in summer, the home looks rather shabby.

It was hard for him to imagine that that cheerful summer actually went out from here, and he didn't have any inferiority complex.

"It's this tree. He is the patron saint of my family. I didn't expect your mother to hide something under this." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

Xia Xian said digging, but he was very careful this time. The pin just now gave him a very dangerous feeling. Maybe something will appear this time, so Xia Xia must not be sloppy in the slightest.

"Wait!" Lin Bingbing suddenly called out Xia Xia, she was very nervous at this time.

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian looked at Lin Bingbing and asked.

"If there is any danger, it is I who harmed you. I promise you that I will not live alone, I will accompany you." Lin Bingbing said very seriously.

"Haha, you want to be a desperate mandarin duck with me, but unfortunately I haven't lived enough." Xia Xia laughed, he couldn't just die like this, he hasn't seen his mother yet, and he hasn't avenged his father yet. .

Lin Bingbing didn't speak, her attitude had already been made clear.

Xia Xian did not dare to relax in the slightest, and continued to dig carefully. The excavation went very smoothly, without encountering any traps. Xia Xian took out the iron box, but there were still no traps.

He deliberately turned the tin box to Lin Bingbing, fearing that there was a trap in the tin box.

Lin Bingbing nervously looked at the iron box in Xia's hand.

"Huh" Xia Tian let out a long breath, then quickly opened the iron box.

There is no agency.

In the end, there was no mechanism, but there was a note underneath. Xia Xia handed the stone to Lin Bingbing and opened the note.

"I didn't expect this to kill you. It seems that I can't take revenge. To be honest, I don't know whether I should hate you or not. I buried the key in the places where we met and loved each other. Finally, I hid this key in I didn't put the organ at the boss's house, because I was afraid of accidentally hurting the boss's son, but that doesn't mean I forgive you. If you want that thing, try it. If you die in it, Then even if I take revenge, if you survive, then the grievance between me and you will be written off."

Xia Xia finally understood what was going on after reading this note.

It turned out that the places where they found the treasure chest along the way were places where Lin Bingbing's father and mother knew each other, and the boss they said must be their father.

Lin Bingbing's mother was afraid that when she was a child, she would dig here, so she didn't put a trap here.

"Here, this is what your mother left to your father." Xia Xia handed the note to Lin Bingbing.

Lin Bingbing frowned after reading the note, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Did your mother teach you anything when you were a child? If I'm not mistaken, your mother should also be in the dragon group, but she quit the dragon group for some unknown reason." Xia Xia

He looked at Lin Bingbing and asked.

"She taught me a lot of things, but she never taught me any kung fu." Lin Bingbing said with a frown.

When Xia Xia was a child, his father also gave him a lot of garbled things. At that time, he didn't understand the use of those things. Later, Yin Nie gave him Manyun Xianbu and Lingxi Finger, and he realized what he had learned. All are paving the way for these two abilities.

Since Lin Bingbing's mother calls her father the eldest, it proves that she is likely to teach Lin Bingbing the basics like Xia Xia's father, but not her true skills. The purpose of this is to protect Lin Bingbing.

If she doesn't set foot on this road, she will never use those things in her life, but if she sets foot on this road, those things are her best foundation.

"Let's go, I guess your mother left something in the treasure." Xia Xia said lightly.

He has confirmed that the entrance to the treasure is in a cemetery in the back mountain. He grew up here in the summer, so he is very familiar with that cemetery.

In the middle of that cemetery is the Great General's Tomb.

There is a famous cemetery During the Qingming Festival, people nearby will pay homage to the tomb of the great general. As for which general this general's tomb belongs to, no one knows.

"Why is it a cemetery?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia suspiciously. It was really scary to come to the cemetery in the middle of the night.

"The location marked on the map is here. I estimate that the entrance should be the general's tomb in the middle, because the others are earth tombs, and only that one is a stone tablet." Xia Xia explained.

"It's eerie and terrifying here." Lin Bingbing felt a chill all over her body.

"This is normal. The cemetery is yin. The yin qi of people who die here is the most difficult to dissipate. The yin qi of so many people will naturally feel gloomy and cold when they gather here. This kind of cold is not The coldness on the surface of the body is the coldness that enters the body after the yin qi enters the body." Xia Xia explained, at the same time he came to Lin Bingbing's side and grabbed Lin Bingbing's right hand with his left hand.

"What are you doing?" Lin Bingbing asked in confusion when she saw that Xia Xia was going to hold her hand.

"You grab my hand first, you'll feel better in a while." Xia Xia said very seriously.

Although Lin Bingbing didn't understand what Xia Xia meant, she still held Xia Xia's hand. When she held Xia Xia's hand, she suddenly felt that the warmth in her body had completely disappeared.


"What?" Lin Bingbing suddenly saw a dark shadow flash past her eyes.