final shock

You are me, my big apple.

At this moment, Xia Xia's cell phone rang, and Xia Xian wanted to throw away his cell phone.

But now is an extraordinary period, and he has to answer all the calls.

The call was from Lin Bingbing.

"Sister Police Flower, what happened?"

"Someone wanted to kidnap Zeng Rou just now, but I drove him away. I want to ask you what to do next?"

"Then you two don't go back to your own house, just find a hotel outside, open two when you open a room, and then ask Sister Rou's staff to open another one later. Don't live in your own."

"Okay, I understand."

After Xia Xia hung up the phone, she looked at Bai Yiyi. Bai Yiyi had already let go of her hand, and her little face was flushed.

"Why did you say it so troublesome just now?" Bai Yiyi wanted to divert his attention.

"No trouble, my little wife, my stomach still hurts." Xia Xia was not fooled, and turned her attention back again.

You are me, my big apple.

"Elder Xu, something happened to you too."

"Someone came to kill me, but that person didn't seem to understand the situation here. The two people you brought here and Fan Jin and Xiaofei captured them alive."

"It's really good to be alive. I finally caught someone alive. Don't let him die. Check it out for me. You must know who the other person is."

After Xia Xia hung up the phone, she received calls from the remaining people one after another. The result was the same. The people who were sent to arrest people were all killed by Xia Xia's preparations.

Only Elder Xu caught a living.

Inside the luxurious presidential suite.

Lord Bing and Yu He sat face to face, neither of them said a word.

Feather Crane, who has never been defeated, started the ambush, but all of them were destroyed.

"Damn, where did he get so many helpers?" Yu He's brows were furrowed, his plan was a complete failure. It can be said that every plan he came up with was flawless.

But so many plans failed to deal with a summer.

He is a poisoner, every trick of his is poisonous enough, and he never leaves evidence when he does things, so he will send someone to silence him later.

"What to do next?" Bing Ye looked at Yu He and asked.

"Book the first flight, let's go back and apologize." That's how Yu He shot. He definitely didn't lose his life just to get angry, he had already prepared a battle plan before he came.

Now that all his plans have been implemented, they have failed, and he underestimated the strength of summer.

A true leader does not need you to be powerful in everything, invincible in everything, and the strongest in everything, but you must have that kind of leadership charisma, the charisma that brings those strong people and talents from all walks of life together .

Obviously, summer has this kind of charisma.

There are many things that Xia can order others to do, but if he is allowed to do it himself, it is absolutely impossible for those people to do it well.

Just like Captain Qian, he can take people to arrest people, people from the Special Operations Department, they can investigate those people, and they can also protect the people they want to protect.

Yu He admitted that he lost, and what he lost to Xia was not intelligence and strategy, but people.

You are me, my big apple.

"Elder Xu, have you found out?"

"I found out that it was Jiang Tianshu's subordinate Yu He who came back."

"Find out their location for me. When my injury is healed, I must kill him myself. This crane is too dangerous."

"It's too late, he has already boarded the plane and left Jianghai."

"Damn, he's really a tough guy to deal with."

"What's next?"

"Everything is reopened, and a lottery is held."

The tense day is over. Now, except for Brother Xiao Ma, everything else has been resolved. That feathered crane's trip to Jianghai City caused such a big trouble for Xia.


It's money that you lost.

Xia Xia dialed a mobile number again.

"Master, I am Summer."

"You boy, why is the phone always turned off? I've been looking for an opportunity to invite you to a meal. Thank you very much."

"I wasn't in Jianghai a while ago, old man, I have something to ask for your help."

"If you have something to do, just tell me, what help is not helpful."

"Old man, when Brother Xiao Ma was doing engineering, he cost people more than ten million yuan. Look."

"And this kind of thing, in which construction site, who did it?"

"Old man, look and think of a way for us. More than 10 million is not a small amount for us."

After Xia Xia told Mr. Xiang the address, he just had to wait for the news. Mr. Xiang was the backbone of the Xiang family, and the juniors in his family were all working in important positions.

Including the Land Bureau, the Construction Bureau and other departments, since he agreed to help, the matter can be said to have been resolved.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Mr. Xiang called back.

"Boy, the matter is settled, the second packager is dead, and the general contractor promised to give all the projects to Xiaoma."

"Thank you so much."

"What are you polite to me? Someday you have time to come and accompany me."

"The old man will wait for me in a few Xia Xia hangs up the phone, his mood is completely improved, this crisis has finally been resolved, and after all kinds of help, his business not only Instead of being destroyed, it became stronger.

Although it will take time for this to become stronger.

But now these things are a foregone conclusion.

In fact, the Xia Group has nothing to do with Xia Xia himself. He is just a boss, but if something happens to the Xia Group, he must help.

Because the four shareholders in the Xia Group are the people he is closest to in Jianghai City.

In the next few days, summer was spent in the hospital, and Jianghai City returned to calm again. The day Yu He came, the whole Jianghai City was a big change, but when Yu He left, Jianghai City also recovered.

Xia Xia spent five full days in the hospital before she fully recovered.

Now his body is almost all healed, but even if he is not well, he has to be discharged, because the regional game of the special operations department is about to start.

"Hey, the injury is just right, and I'm about to face this test." Xia Xia sighed, he felt as if he had become a warrior, a hard-hitting warrior.

"Let's go, Chief Instructor." Lin Bingbing said half-jokingly. Since she knew Xia Xia was the Chief Instructor of the Special Operations Department two days ago, she talked to Xia Xia, and the words "Chief Instructor" were always on her lips. .