blow up you guys

The two figures that flew up just now, one was the leader of the seventh group, and the other was Xia Xia. When the seven group leader stepped on the mine, Xia Xian flew up and pulled him away with every single step.

In this way, the two escaped from the explosion.

Although the mine is also fake, it is a special mine for acting, but it also has its own shooting range. As long as it is hit by the paintball in the mine, it is considered eliminated.

"It's dangerous." The leader of the seventh group patted his chest.

"Everyone is on alert, this is a minefield, and the explosion just now must have attracted a lot of guards. Quickly hide, hit a wave first, and then quickly change places." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

All of them left their positions and searched for the best battle location for concealment.

Five minutes later, a team appeared here, and the team consisted of only twenty people.


With a gunshot, all the team members fired together.

Destroyed a local team in one turn.

"Brothers, you are already dead, just stay here honestly." Xia Xia greeted the people in the team, and then made a gesture to the other people, asking them to bury mines and make booby traps.

Using dead people to make booby-trapped mines is the most despicable method, but it is also the most useful one.

A minute later, the booby traps and mines were all buried. This is all the mines and grenades on them in the summer.

"Take their guns, put away the grenades on them, and move on." They finally changed their guns in the summer. Except for Xia, the others happily put away all the guns of that squad.

The people in that team admired their actions when they saw Xia Xia, but it was a bit too despicable to let them use them as corpses as booby traps, but they also learned a trick here in Xia Xia.

In the summer, their team continued to move forward.

Five minutes later, all the people from the other three departments came over.

"Where are the people?" the instructor of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office asked the few soldiers who died in action.

"I'm sorry, we have already been killed," said the soldiers.

"Whatever our instructor asks you, you can answer whatever you want." One person directly reminded the soldier who died in action.


bang bang bang

A series of explosions sounded.

Everyone rushed into the distance.

"MaleGobi, those guys dare to bully us." The instructor of the Hangzhou Special Operations Department scolded angrily.

"Count the number of dead," said the instructor of the Special Operations Office of Zhehai City loudly.

"Report, instructor, our three divisions lost a total of ten people, of which eight people were killed in the Suhai City Special Operations Division." The soldier reported.

"What?" the instructor from the Special Operations Department of Zhejiang Province shouted with surprise, that so many people were killed in action, and the Special Operations Department of Suhai City actually killed eight people.

"Report the instructor, the people from the Suhai City Special Operations Department are all standing on the mines. It was also the mines that they detonated just now, plus the booby traps in front of them, they were bombed so badly." The soldier continued to report.

"Idiots, are you all idiots?" The instructor from the Special Operations Office of Zhehai City angrily looked at the people in Suhai City. Although they were all second-line personnel, they didn't have to make so many mistakes.

Those people in Suhai City didn't dare to say a word.

"Damn, you two should follow behind the team, don't die anymore, or your director should say that we have hurt you like this." The instructor of the Special Operations Department of Zhehai City faced the remaining two people. said.

If the entire army is destroyed now, then they will be eliminated, and the last place will fall to their Suhai City Special Operations Department.

At the same time, those people outside received the latest information.

"Eight people were killed by the Special Operations Department of Suhai City, one was killed by the Special Operations Department of Zhejiang City, one was killed by the Special Operations Department of Hangzhou City, and zero were killed by the Special Operations Department of Jianghai City." The recorder reported.

"What?" The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City looked incredulous.

"Okay, those half-ass of yours,

Never had any experience, must have hit a mine. The director of the Zhejiang Special Operations Office explained that he knew the other party's temper and was suspicious by nature. If he didn't explain, the other party would really think that he and the director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Department conspired to kill the other party.

"I think the remaining two of you should be protected by our people. Don't worry, you won't be the last one." said the director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office.

He also only promised that the director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City was not the last one.

"Nice job." Ye Wanqing was very happy there.

"It should be summer they did it," Lin Bingbing asked in a low voice.

"It must be that the three of them have already joined forces, so there is such a loss." Ye Wanqing explained.

"Today's regional competition is really exciting. Ten people have already been eliminated in less than half an hour." Long Baichuan, the captain of the dragon group, said excitedly, but it has not yet entered the reconnaissance range of the micro reconnaissance aircraft, so they are still watching Not inside.

"That kid must have done it." Staff officer Yu Xiaoyun said with a smile.

"Hmph." Old Ye snorted coldly, but said nothing.

The competition area at this Oh, instructor, you said that the explosion just now can kill a few." The leader of the seventh group said excitedly.

"I don't care how many of them, anyway, they are going to blow up these guys, have you seen the intelligence station in front of you?" Xia Xia pointed to an intelligence station in front of him.

"Instructor, we brought it"

"Idiot, take it, what can you use to lure those guys to take the bait, anyway, there are three pieces of real information here, this one will be discarded, let's go around the front, then bury the booby trap, and wait for the guys to take the intelligence station. After that, let's start the fight, only fight one round, and then run away." Xia Xia said with a smirk.

If he did this, his side would not have any losses, and the opponent would definitely pursue after being beaten. Booby traps were another great gift given to them by Summer.

As expected in the summer, those people came.

When they saw the intelligence station, they began to plan the strategy, trying to take down the intelligence station in one fell swoop.

"Listen to me, did you see the two people from the Suhai City Special Operations Office? They should have killed eight of them just now. This time our goal is the two of them. Kill these two guys first." Summer whispered.

He didn't expect that the pile of mines just killed eight people from the Special Operations Department of Suhai City. These people are too idiots.

He wanted to get rid of the remaining two people in one fell swoop, and let the shrew chief of the special operations department in Suhai find a place to cry.