someone fights

Seeing the gestures of the people at the Jianghai City Special Operations Department, the two of them were about to explode with anger, but they still took some measures in summer.

"I just like the way you look at me and can't kill me." Xia Xia said to the two chiefs.

"Let's go." The director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office said angrily.

They couldn't beat Xia Xia, and they couldn't talk about Xia Xia, so they could only leave angrily.

"Hey, the last one, why don't you leave?" Xia Xia turned to look at the director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City and asked.

When she heard the last few words, the director of the special operations department of Suhai City almost died of anger. Her heart seemed to be broken, and this had become her biggest pain.

But Xia Tian actually sprinkled salt on his wound.

"Let's wait and see." The director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City kicked the table behind him fiercely.

Everyone has packed up and is ready to leave.

"Old man, did I let you go?" At this moment, Xia Xia suddenly stopped Ye Lao. Today, Ye Lao did not know how many times he embarrassed him. How could he let Ye Lao leave so easily.

"Hey, boy, do you want to do it? Don't think that I won't dare to touch you if the chief of the military region supports you." Ye Lao snorted coldly. He is not a small character. He is one of the ten elders of the Ye family. Why he is called the ten elders is not only because of his qualifications, but also because his strength is enough to sit in this position.

"I'm not interested in a person who has half of his legs in the coffin. Others should think that I bullied the old man, but you should give me an explanation for today's intelligence." Xia Xia looked at Old Ye with cold eyes. The people in the special operations department also looked at Ye Lao coldly.

"Explain that I need to explain to a small character like you, even Ye Wanqing is just a subordinate of the Ye family. What kind of thing are you?" Ye Lao looked at Xia Xia coldly and said.

"Hey, I'm really not a big character. I can't compare to a big man like you. I'm nothing, but I know you must be one." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"Looking for death" Ye Lao couldn't bear it any longer. Today, he has been suffering for too long, and now he has to teach a lesson to this ignorant boy, Xia Xia.

At this moment, his arm was pulled, "Lao Ye, don't be so angry, he's just a child."

It was Long Baichuan, the leader of the Dragon Group who shot.

"Such a stinky boy, is it worth you to stand up for him?" Old Ye looked at Long Baichuan in confusion and asked.

"I just prefer people with the surname Xia, because I owe them kindness." Long Baichuan didn't explain too much, but when he heard the surname Xia, Ye Lao was slightly taken aback and turned to look at Xia Xia." You are from the Xia family in the imperial capital"

"My surname is Xia, but I'm Xia from Jianghai City, and I have nothing to do with the imperial capital." Although Xia knew that he was from the Xia family in the imperial capital, he didn't bother to pay attention to that Xia family.

His father was the strongest abandoned boy of the Xia family, and his grandfather's whereabouts were unknown, so the Xia family had no feelings for him.

"Hmph, boy, the general game is not so easy to break through. I'll be waiting for you in the finals, and then I'll show you what a real elite is." Old Ye snorted coldly, then left.

He didn't stop him this summer. In the situation just now, if Ye Lao started to do something, it would be a war. If Ye Lao didn't do anything, it would mean that he admitted to being a coward. No matter what he said before he left, it was only a matter of It's just a remark before confession.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's triumph." Ye Wanqing said excitedly. She was really happy today. After so many years, she has never won the first place in the regional competition. This is a great happiness for her.

In the past, no matter where she went, others would say that she was only the bottom of the regional competition, and she couldn't get on the stage at all. Even in large gatherings, no one paid any attention to her.

Once the people from the Ye family meet, the first topic is which action department you are in, how many places are you in the regional competition, how many places are you in the regional competition, once you are a team that enters the finals, you will become

Everyone's favorite object.

A lot of people will come forward to have a relationship.

As soon as Ye Wanqing went to that kind of party, she had no sense of existence at all. She could only sit in the corner and drink by herself, but this time it was different. This time he was the first place in the regional competition. The next time there is another party, she can also He raised his chest and spoke.

The first place in the regional competition is already a very good ranking.

"Auntie, you said you invited us to a big dinner." Xia Xia looked at Ye Wanqing and said.

"Don't worry, it must be a big meal." Ye Wanqing smiled. Two hours later, Xia Xia and the others were sitting at a food stall by the sea.

Xia Xia looked at Ye Wanqing with a puzzled expression, "Auntie, this is the big meal you said."

"Don't worry, everyone can eat and drink as much as you want, and you can eat without any hesitation today." Ye Wanqing said very generously.

Seeing Ye Wanqing's high-spirited appearance, Xia Tian was completely speechless, her aunt was really high-spirited.

Although Xian Xian said that, he was really rude when he ate it. All kinds of seafood from the sea, they ordered desperately, and more than ten people sat at a large table.

They won today, and everyone in the Jianghai City Special Operations Department is very happy.

Everyone drank and ate seafood.


At this moment, a man at the next table was hit with a beer bottle on the head.

The beer bottle was smashed into pieces, and blood flowed from the man's face. The man and two women were sitting at a table. The two women were obviously frightened by the sudden situation.

Lin Bingbing is a policeman. Seeing such a situation, how could she ignore it and stand up directly, but she was immediately pulled down by Xia Xia.

"Why did you pull me?" Lin Bingbing asked inexplicably.

"Wait and see, that person is fine." Xia Xia had already seen that the person's head was just broken. In fact, there was nothing serious, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

"Malle Gobi, you dare to touch our boss's woman." The man smashed another beer bottle, but this time he didn't hit the man because the man's hand had already grabbed his wrist.

"I've slept with too many women, who is your boss?" The man looked at the man who beat him with blood on his face, his eyes were cold.

"Well," the man wanted to withdraw his hand, but no matter how he pulled it, he couldn't.

"Hey, I just left for a while, and you were beaten. It's really worthless." At this moment, a man walked by. The man was very handsome, heroic, and his body muscles Very well developed, walks upright.