Depressed Captain Money

At the same time that the man made his move, the man who came back later also made his move, and the two directly entered the other's camp of hundreds of people.

"Damn it, it's so powerful." The leader of the seventh group looked at the two people in surprise.

"These two people are definitely not ordinary people." Ye Wanqing frowned. The two people in front of her were actually going to directly fight a hundred people with their two strengths.

This is not an alley, nor is it a narrow area. If it is in an alley, it is still possible for two people to fight a hundred, because only four or five of those hundred people can shoot at the same time.

Generally, a more powerful expert can deal with it.

But this is not an alley, but an open space. There is no advantage for the two of them to fight in such a place, but the two of them rushed in like this.

The man with blood on his head was even more brave. He did not dodge or dodge when he fought, and let the attacks of those people hit him.

Some of those gangsters even had weapons in their hands.

The battle is getting fiercer.


A gunshot came.

Then everyone stopped.

It was Ye Wanqing who fired the gun. No matter what, she was the director of the special operations department, and it was impossible for them to let them go on. If they continued to fight like this, many people would be injured in the end.

"Police, we're just here to eat. You leave now, I don't care." Ye Wanqing said coldly.

"Who are you scaring? Let me tell you, my brother knows Captain Qian and who is Captain Qian? He is the most famous policeman in Jianghai City, and Captain Qian can lay you off in minutes just like you guys." That social elder brother shouted loudly shouted.

His aura was not low at all, and when it came to Captain Qian, he raised his head even more.

"Hey, fox fake tiger might." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, he naturally knew who the other party was talking about Captain Qian, and I'm afraid there is only one Captain Qian in the whole Jianghai City. "Didn't you say you know Captain Qian? Call him. come over."

"Just because you are worthy of seeing Captain Qian." The elder brother in society gave Xia Xia a disdainful look.

"I'll let you call someone, but if you don't call me, then I'll leave." Xia Xia said impatiently.

"Hmph, if you say let us go, then I'll be very embarrassed if we go." The social elder brother snorted coldly.


Xia Xia snatched the pistol from Ye Wanqing's hand and shot the big brother in front of the toes, "Next time, guess where I will shoot"

"Who are you scaring, who doesn't know that you, the police, can't beat anyone casually," the social elder brother said confidently.


Xia Tian shot through his calf.


A scream like killing a pig came out of the man's mouth.

"Are you going or calling someone?" Xia Xia asked again.

"You dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, I want to call the police, I want to sue you." The social elder brother directly picked up the phone.

"Brother, I was shot with a gun, and he didn't give face when I called you and Captain Qian." The social elder brother cried.

"In today's society, the quality is getting worse and worse." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

The two of them were also slightly taken aback when they saw such a scene. It was the first time that the two of them saw a policeman who dared to shoot casually, but now they don't have to do it anymore, the two of them came directly to Xia Xia and others." Thank you."

"Thank you, if I don't shoot, they can't do anything to the two of you." Xia Xia knew that these two people definitely had the ability to fight against hundreds of people.

"My name is Glacier, and his name is Hu Lie." The man kindly stretched out his right hand, and the man who came back was named Glacier, and the man with the bleeding head was named Hu Lie.

"Hello." Xia Xia didn't say his name, because the glacier had already inquired about him at the beginning, so it was inconvenient for him to say it now.

Those gangsters didn't leave, but were waiting there. They were waiting for reinforcements to come. These days, the reinforcements in the society were actually policemen, which made Xia Xia even more speechless. He wouldn't leave.

He wants to wait for Captain Qian to come.

He wants to see how powerful Captain Qian is now, and he actually dares to support these h society.

Ten minutes later, four or five police cars drove directly over.

"Who hit the man?" A chubby policeman shouted loudly as soon as he got out of the car.

"Brother is them, they beat me up, you see, I'm still bleeding." The social elder brother shouted, he had to admire his perseverance, he was shot, and he could stay here for more than ten minutes, but He smoked a cigarette just now, and Xia Xia suspected it was related to that cigarette.

"Damn, you dare to fight my brother, don't you die?" the chubby policeman shouted angrily.

At this moment, a person came out of the last police car, and it was Captain Qian, "You are a policeman, what's the point of yelling, let's ask the situation first."

"Captain Qian, you are really powerful." Xia Xian sneered when he saw Captain Qian.

Hearing this extremely familiar voice, Captain Qian looked directly at Xia Xia, "Brother Tian, ​​why are you here, and Team Lin."

"Don't call me that, I can't afford it, you are starting to support the h society I don't dare to offend you." Xia Xia said coldly.

Captain Qian knew that Xia Xia might have misunderstood. He really has nothing to do with this group of people. The fat man just now was indeed his subordinate, and he was quite good at it, so he took care of it a little bit, but he didn't expect that the fat man could He pitted him, "Brother Tian, ​​don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with them at all, Team Lin, help me talk, you know this person too."

Seeing that the legendary Captain Qian was so polite to this person, everyone was stunned. The elder brother of the h society was completely out of his mouth.

The fat policeman also saw the situation here in Xia Xia. Although he didn't know Xia Xia, he knew Lin Bingbing, and he heard that Lin Bingbing was the girlfriend of the legendary superhero Xia Xia. When he thought of this, he would see Captain Qian's right. The man was so respectful, he naturally guessed who the person in front of him was.

He didn't expect that his unsatisfactory younger brother would offend such a big man.

"Captain Qian, me." The fat policeman knew that he was in trouble, but I didn't say a word for a long time.

"Captain Qian didn't do it on purpose, and that fat man is indeed a newcomer." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia and said.

"Okay, since Sister Police Flower has pleaded for you, then I will spare you this time. If you let me know that you are really supporting these scumbags, then I will punish you personally." Xia Xia glanced at Captain Qian said.

Then he turned his attention to the big brother in society.