dispatch super force

Xia Xia once asked Ye Wanqing why there is no special operations department in Hong Kong.

Ye Wanqing's answer was "one country, two systems", not only in Hong Kong, but also in Macau and T Bay. Although these places are part of China's territory, they have different systems, so there are no special operations staff stationed there.

Here they are the special forces and the Flying Tigers.

These special forces and the Flying Tigers are really powerful when they deal with one, but once they encounter international mercenaries and super experts, they are not enough.

According to the strategy of the summer, the mayor has indeed achieved results, and the Flying Tigers and the special forces have really started to counterattack.

"Attack, put their firepower back."

Gunfights, both sides are non-stop gunfights. In terms of weapons, the Hong Kong police suffer. Most of them are pistols, but they have an advantage in defense, because all of them are wearing body armor, and there are many more. Explosion-proof shield.

Seeing that the situation is getting better.


At this moment, several heads flew high, and at the same time, several figures rushed into the crowd of the Flying Tigers on both sides.

The master, the super master finally dispatched.

At the same time on the other side, although the plane at the glacier was not shot down, the glacier had already jumped off the plane, because the other party's rockets were too terrifying. He was alone, so the gravity was not as strong as in the summer, and at the moment of landing, he used the Frost Art to offset the damage.

He threw away the sniper rifle, picked up the submachine gun, and started to fight head-on with the opponent.

Glacier didn't dodge or dodge at all. Layers of ice armor appeared on his body, which helped him offset most of the damage, but those people didn't have ice armor. Two minutes later, Glacier resolved the battle.

"I got it," said Glacier.

"I've already arrived, these people are so fast, wait for me." When summer came to the southeast, those people had already arrived at the pier, and some people had even boarded the boat.

The instant body technique, Xia Tian used the instant body technique, rushed forward quickly, and then shot dozens of silver needles.


At the moment when the silver needle was shot, Xian Xia threw the money flying knife in his right hand. This time he threw the money flying knife the farthest. I saw a flash of golden light, and then Xia Xia ran sideways in a straight line.

The golden silk thread ran through the bodies of those people, and their bodies were directly divided into two.

Three quick knives appeared on the head of the flying knife, and the quick knives spun and directly harvested the heads of the last few people.

Xia Xia jumped onto the boat and brought up the dr10.

"Phew, complete the task." Xia Xia got the last dr10. On this trip to Hong Kong, he and Glacier took back all seven dr10s, plus the one in Jianghai City, there were eight in total, all of which were taken back by them. .

"It's been hard work for you two, but we need support here." The mayor said hurriedly, and the newly emerged masters quickly harvested the two-sided Flying Tigers.

The Flying Tigers were forced to retreat again. Without the threat of the Flying Tigers, the mercenaries continued to start gunfights. Their marksmanship was very good. They either hit the policeman in the leg or the policeman's arm.

The little brother pilot will also arrive soon.

After getting into the car in the summer, he said to the driver, "Master driver, the country needs me, just watch and drive, and go to the largest pier."

"Okay, the country needs me too, you all sit tight." The taxi master stepped on the accelerator with one foot, almost missing Xia Tian.

"Master, it's really powerful." Xia Xia praised. At this time, the nearby road was blocked, so there were no cars on the road. That master was driving like hell.

"I'll be there soon, but the battle just now exhausted me a lot." Glacier explained his physical condition.

"My situation is not good either. I was too desperate just now, and my physical strength was too much. After that, be careful. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Cut, I'm still afraid that I won't be able to protect you in time, you kid, don't die, or my sister should be a widow." Glacier also sat out.

Taxi, he began to chat with Xia Xia, this is the last relaxation before the battle.

He also doesn't know what will happen next. After all, there are so many people, so many guns, and so many masters there. If he doesn't relax now, he may have no chance for a while.

"Your sister and I haven't married yet, so why are you a widow?" Xia Xia said, and he also started chatting with Glacier. Both of them knew that the real war was about to begin, and both of them had a lot of consumption just now. , will face so many masters for a while.

"I know my sister's character best. As long as she recognizes you, even if you really die, she will be a widow for you." Glacier knows his sister very well, and his sister is very stubborn, otherwise there is no need He came to Jianghai City to pick up Bingxin and go back.

"Who said I'm going to die, how could I die if I'm so handsome." Xia Xia clenched the money flying knife in his right hand. Tonight, the money flying knife will be famous all over the world, and he will also rewrite history in Xia Xia.

In the past, those who knew his details would only say that he was the son of Xia Xialong. From now on, he would let those people only say that he was Xia Xian.

"Life and death are on the line, let's fight." Xia Xia clenched his fists.

The battle at the wharf has heated up. The two sides will come and go, but no one will let them. They are at war with the Hong Kong government~www.mtlnovel.com~ and it is a frontal war.

Just for the dr10.

Although the number of casualties was huge, as long as they won the dr10, all the losses would be negligible.

"People on both sides continue to detour. We have a lot of people. If two rows are not enough, we will have three rows, which will make a big detour." The mayor of Hong Kong City ordered, and the commanders of the various units also issued the order.

They are justice, and justice must triumph over evil.

bang bang bang

Paintballs and smoke bombs were thrown into the vicinity of the dr10, and the ninja troops took action. The dr10 originally belonged to their country, and they had to take it back. They didn't care how others fought.

Their concealment and invisibility are the best options right now.

Puff puff

Murder is invisible.

These ninja battles all happened quietly. The policemen who were shooting suddenly felt their necks cold and their bodies fell. Soon the three boxes were snatched away by the islanders.

"Fortunately, it's fake." The mayor was relieved to see that the box had been snatched away. He knew that people from other forces should aim at the islanders.

But a minute later, the three boxes were thrown back again. "Fake, these three are fake, they are really still there."


A golden light flashed.