No matter how painful it is, I should salute

After the call was hung up, the mayor stood up and became a little anxious. As a mayor, he actually started to get nervous.

"Who is coming?" Glacier asked when he saw the mayor's nervous look.

"That's it." The mayor gestured with his hand.

"What is he?" Glacier suddenly became nervous. Although he was the youngest major general, he had never seen such a big man before, but his grandfather did.

Today, such a big person actually came.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. This incident is not small in the eyes of the country. This is a small war. If it weren't for the efforts of the glacier and the summer, the last five dr10s would definitely be shipped out of Hong Kong. If a few items are shipped out of Hong Kong, then the reputation of Hong Kong will be ruined, and if the attack on the thousands of people succeeds, then Hong Kong will become a base for crime in the future.

Anyone can fight it.

It was the Glacier and Xia Xia who opened the two channels, and the Flying Tigers could turn the tide of the battle. In the end, it was Xia Xia's sentence, who would scare away all those enemies.

He alone fought hundreds of high-level ninjas in the island country in the smoke, beheading them all.

Recovered huge losses for the country.

This is definitely not something that can be measured with money.

"That's right, it's him." The mayor nodded. Although he was the mayor of a city, he had to become serious. Although he was sore now, he still had to persevere.

Soon, Xia Xia was pushed out by the doctor.

"How is the situation?" the mayor asked.

Those doctors knew that he was the mayor, so naturally they didn't dare to ignore him. "This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a person. He didn't let him take anesthesia. He had more than 300 stitches on his body, and his bones were exposed in some places."

It was the first time for the doctor to see a patient like Xia Xia. He didn't expect a person to have such perseverance and actually persevere.

He never thought that a person with so many wounds would not need anesthesia.

Summer has completely broken his cognition.

Fortunately, these knives have no fatal wounds, and their self-healing ability is very good in summer.

"You idiot, why don't you use anesthesia?" Glacier said dissatisfiedly.

"I'm trying to make myself remember the lesson and remind myself all the time, don't pretend to be a b. The world is so big, maybe someone can kill me, or it's a benefit to go back and practice hard." Xia Xia said with difficulty, when he fought before, he Still so tough, but once he relaxed, he felt pain all over his body.

He really did it to sound the alarm for himself, to warn himself that he must practice hard, and he has many opponents.

"Hey, you." Glacier shook his head helplessly. He didn't know what to say, but he knew that Xia Xia was right, and people shouldn't be too proud.

Some time ago, he was so confident in his own strength that he thought he was already the best among the younger generation, but no one cares how old you are or who your grandfather is.

It doesn't matter what rank you have on your head.

All they care about is life and death.

This also made him see his own shortcomings.

"Mayor, I think your physical condition is not good, why don't you go to rest." Xia Tian is half a doctor, and his medical skills are no worse than any doctor, so it is natural to see that the mayor has exhausted his physical strength.

"I'm fine, the key is you. If something happens to you, I'll regret it for the rest of my life." The mayor said solemnly.

"I regret that it was done by the losers. You should crack down on smuggling in Hong Kong. When you **** the dr10, the opponent's weapons are all armaments, and there are rockets, and even a helicopter has been lost." This is Xia Xia thought that he had lost a helicopter because of his failure. The cost of helicopters is not cheap.

He is also a waste of the country's wealth.

"The helicopter and what you have recovered are just a drop in the bucket." The mayor said very seriously.

dong dong dong

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Xia Xia called.


A group of three people walked in and saw the person in the lead, Xia Xia's mouth was wide open. Isn't this the character who often appears on TV? The country's No. 3 character.

"Salute" Xia Xia gave a direct salute, the salute almost didn't open the wound, and the pain made him hoarse.

"It's alright, alright, it's all hurt like this, what's the salute?" Person No. 3 hurriedly said.

"Salute no matter how painful it is, I am a civil servant of the country." Xia Xia said with a smile on his face.

Glacier and the mayor also salute at the same time.

"It's hard work." Number three shook hands with the mayor and Glacier one by one.

"You're an old bone. I heard that you've played in person. Take a break and don't force yourself. It just so happens that I have something to talk about with these two little guys." Number three patted the mayor. shoulders.

"Yes." The mayor saluted and left the room.

"You two are heroes of the country. I have read your information. To be honest, the reason why Huaxia is getting stronger and stronger is precisely because people like you have appeared." The third person looked at the glacier seriously and said, "Glacier , male, soldier of the Northeast Military major general rank, with twelve first-class merits and forty-three second-class merits, is the youngest major general in China, grandfather is still my old brother, China fourth The master of the North Army, yes, I am proud of you for your grandfather."

"Thank you, Chief, for your compliment." Glacier saluted again.

"This time I have a special merit for you. The first special merit in your life has appeared. I hope you will not let down the country's expectations." The third person took out the special merit badge and handed it to Glacier. Citizens thank you."

After speaking, Person No. 3 saluted Glacier and Xia Xia.

"Xia Xia, male, the person with the strongest individual combat ability in the Southeast Military Region. The King of Soldiers in the Southeast Military Region is your younger brother, and he is also the chief instructor of the Jianghai City Special Operations Department. He has achieved personal first-class merit three times. Now he is still a student. Your father He is the most remarkable person in my heart, your father is Xia Xialong, the chief instructor of Huaxia Dragon Group, and Xiyin, one of the four masters of Huaxia. No one can investigate the credits he has made, and you have not lost his face." Person No. 3 looked at the summer very seriously.

Glacier looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. For the first time, he knew that Xia Xia's father was actually Xia Xia Long, one of the four great masters in China, the legend of invincibility.

He has heard a lot about Xia Xianlong, and it sounds like a story.

"Thank you, Chief, for your praise." Xia Xia said.

"This time, I will give you a special credit, and I will invite the two of you to join the dragon group at the same time." The third person officially sent an invitation to Xia Xia and Glacier.