It's too dangerous here

To say how much money Xia Xia has now, in fact, even he himself does not know, but he knows that the money is all financing, although the interest is much lower than others, but because Xia Xia Group belongs to Xia, those people are very willing Put your money into the Xia Group.

Because the reputation of the Xia Group is sufficient.

Moreover, the Xia Group has also given them hope. Although the company has not yet been listed, it has begun to carry out an internal shareholding system. As long as the amount of money reaches the standard, they will get the shares of the Xia Group.

Obtaining shares in the Xia Group is not only for making money, but also for a lot of face. These wealthy people usually have their own companies. They say they own shares in the Xia Group outside, which is a lot of face, and Everyone is willing to cooperate with such a company.

Usually, no one dares to attack their ideas.

This is the prestige of summer in Jianghai City.

And Xia Xia did not treat everyone badly. All the business of the Xia Group is soaring, and everyone can see the future development prospects of the Xia Group.

Those who hold the interest all want to get the shares of the Xia Group, even if it is 1% of the shares.

In short, in a word, the current company in the summer is not short of money.

The four shareholders below Xia Xia, Zeng Rou, Brother Xiao Ma, Mr. Huo, and Xu Dechuan, have doubled their net worth, but at the same time as their net worth has grown, the four of them are also very busy.

They have recently researched projects in all walks of life and hired the most professional personnel to manage them.

There are two cards in summer, one is for daily expenses, and the other is a running card for incoming and outgoing accounts. The first card in summer has a sum of money. If the money is used up, the second card will automatically be used. Swipe a sum of money into the first card.

These two cards were specially processed by Mr. Xu at the bank for Xia Tian.

So Xia Xia is not short of money now, but in Hong Kong, he has also seen a bigger world. He decided to let the senior officials of Xia Group travel more in the future, and the company will pay to let them see what the outside world is like. Only they can make the Xia Group better.

"Front." The beautiful thief dragged Xia Xia forward.

She brought Summer to a huge shopping mall.

"Arrived, this is a woman's shopping paradise. I believe that if you buy anything here, she will like it very much." The beautiful thief said excitedly.

"Come on, these are the same things." In summer, it's basically V, Hermes and other brands.

I have to say that these brands are indeed expensive enough, but these things are definitely not a surprise to Bingxin, but since it has come, I still plan to go in in the summer to see if there are any good things.

"How much good things are here depends on whether you have enough money." The beautiful thief looked at Xia Xia provocatively and said.

It means that as long as you have money, you can buy what you want here. The most fearful thing is that you have no money.


At this moment, a red Ferrari quickly stopped beside Xia Xian and them, and the speed was very fast, but the other party's ability to stop was also very good.

"My darling, it's too dangerous here." Xia Xia patted his chest and said, he's only been here for a few days, terrorist attacks, a large number of masters, robbery during the day, and now another crowd has come to stop.

Although there is indeed a parking space here, but everyone else is looking for a parking space to park slowly, but this guy can directly enter the crowd and stop the car.

The car is open-top, so in the summer it is clear that the driver is a fashionable woman, but in the summer, he soon finds out that the beautiful thief beside him is in a bad mood. "You know her"

"She did it on purpose. She saw me here, so she stopped like this." The beautiful thief said angrily.

"It seems that the hatred is not small." What Xia Xia couldn't understand the most was hatred between women.

Either there is no hatred between men and men, if there is hatred, it is definitely a big hatred, but there is a lot of hatred between women and women, but most of them are jealous, just like this beautiful thief around Xia Xia, she That's it, summer

Tian obviously felt that she was a little jealous of each other.

But none of this has anything to do with him. His purpose is to buy gifts for Bing Xin.

Xia Xia walked directly to the mall. When Xia Xia was gone, the beautiful thief could only follow. She didn't dare to run away. After all, she didn't know the details of Xia Xia, and the surveillance camera just now took her down. If she ran away , it would be troublesome to ask someone to arrest her again in the summer.

The two happened to pass by the red Ferrari.

"Hey, isn't it rude to say hello when you meet me?" The woman on the Ferrari looked at the beautiful thief and said.

"I'm not familiar with you." The beautiful thief didn't even look back.

"Don't be angry, why can't you hook up with the rich now, and start hooking up with little white faces?" The woman on the Ferrari got out of the car and followed.

"Hey, the two of you who are arguing with you two, don't take me with you." Xia Xian glanced at the Ferrari woman and said.

"Oh" the Ferrari woman took a careful look at Xia Xia, "It's quite individual, but I don't like tender ones, I still like rich ones."

"Yes, when you see rich people, you can do anything, and you dare to sleep with anyone." The beautiful thief sneered.

"It's true that I love money, don't you love money the same way? You steal, and I steal too, but what you stole is money, and what I stole is heart." The woman who got off the Ferrari caught up with the beautiful thief Said Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

She is also a thief, and she looks good. This beautiful thief is completely different from the star thief.

Thief is like a child, and usually fights with Xia Xia. Last time she was **** under the bridge, Xia Xia didn't rescue her, but fortunately Xia Xia knew that she was not in danger, otherwise Xia Xia would have rushed over. of.

This beautiful thief is such a noble one.

This may be the difference between Jianghai City and Hong Kong City.

"You're so annoying, can you not follow us?" Xia Xia turned to look at the Ferrari woman. This time, he looked at the woman consciously.

His first feeling was that of a super upper body overlord.

This woman is a big upper body overlord.

"The road doesn't belong to your family. I can go whatever I want," said the upper-body overlord Ferrari woman.

"What you said makes a lot of sense, but I'm speechless." Xia Xia nodded, and then walked inside. The beautiful thief quickly followed, and the Ferrari woman with the upper body was not to be outdone.

Xia Xian didn't care about the upper-body overlord girl, but kept walking forward. He wanted to buy a diamond ring just now, so he also wanted to find a place to have a look.

"Good stuff." Xia Xia's eyes suddenly saw something he was interested in, so he walked straight ahead.