ice necklace

With the sound of the card, the green rainbow jade on the flame took off a layer of skin, revealing a blue-red light inside, which was really beautiful. At the same time, Xia Tian threw a few other auxiliary materials on it, and then concentrated on it. .

Now is the time to test your mental strength.

First remove the impurities in the main ingredient, that is, the green rainbow jade, then raise the green rainbow jade, put other accessories in, and after these accessories are put in, the flame starts to burn again, and control these things together, the spiritual power of summer The wear and tear is very large.

Fortunately, the previous Super Refinement Technique has been recorded, so Xia Xia took the stone in his left hand early.

When his mental power was depleted, the stone was quickly replenishing him.

"Sure enough, it's a good baby." Xia Tian secretly said in his heart, this cycle made his mental power seem to be incessant.

With this stone, he can continuously use his spiritual power to refine tools.

I have to say that the refining process is quite troublesome, because during this process, he needs to keep paying attention to prevent any sloppy things. Those accessories will be purified quickly, and those will be discharged out. The impurities were not wasted, but two thin lines were automatically formed, and the two fast azure rainbow jades were strung together.

Ten minutes later, the process was finally over.

Two extremely beautiful necklaces appeared in front of Xia Xia. Xia Xia discovered that what she had refined was exactly the same as the one she had in mind. That is to say, during the refining process, those automatic fusions were based on Xia Xia. ideas to integrate.

Xia Tian took two necklaces in his hands. There were some slight differences between the two. The pendants next to them were different. One was in the shape of snowflakes and the other was in the shape of ice crystals.

When I imagined these two things in summer, I thought about them, one is snow and the other is ice.

This is the perfect match for Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin's names.

These two necklaces were also given to them. The snowflakes were given to Ye Qingxue, and the ice crystals were given to Bingxin.

Looking at the artwork in his hand, Xia Xia was very happy. According to the records on the Super Item Refining Technique, the ornaments on both sides, namely the six snowflakes and the six ice crystals, were used to record the number of defenses.

That is to say, these two necklaces can be automatically released six times during a crisis. After six times, the aura needs to be replenished again. As for how long it takes to fill up, it depends on the density of the nearby aura.

"Give these two things to them, they must like it very much." Xia Xia said excitedly.

Then he focused his attention on the remaining materials, which should be able to make three bracelets with a little use, just enough for Zeng Rou, Lin Bingbing, and Bai Yiyi.

This time, there are not enough things, so I can only use the three of them first. When I get good things next summer, I will help them refine them again.

Xia Xia moved as soon as he said it, and threw all the remaining items on the flames and started refining.

Half an hour later, three exquisite bracelets appeared in Xia Xia's hands. Although each of these three bracelets can only be used once to store energy, their exquisiteness is not inferior to the ice and snow necklace at all.

"You're done." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction at the bracelets in his hand.

This was his first time refining a weapon, and he clearly felt that he had a lot of shortcomings, so he planned to use various things to refine after returning, not to refine something good, but to improve his technique.

I have to say that refining is a very environmentally friendly business. At least it knows how to recycle and reuse waste. Just like when refining in summer, those impurities become the rope of the necklace. Although it looks like a rope, it is actually not the same. No, the impurities themselves are part of the materials, so what summer does is break them down and then fuse them together.

dong dong dong

Summer's door was knocked.

Summer opened the door.

"Brother Tian." As soon as the door opened, Xia Xia's eyes were greeted by a very good-looking overlord.

And she was holding a black whip in her right hand.

"what are you doing"

Xia Xia looked at the overlord girl and asked.

"Don't you want to say something to me?" The overbearing girl glanced at Xia Xia, which made Xia Xia feel cold.

"Really." Xia Xia looked at the overlord and said.

The overlord girl had a look of joy on her face, and she secretly said in her heart, "I finally won you, so you are really good at this."

"I'm hungry, take me to dinner in your car, I'll change clothes first." Xia Xia closed the door after he finished speaking.

The face of the queen who was placed outside turned purple, and Xia Xian actually regarded her as a driver. Did Xia Xia not see this side of her?

"Hmph, I don't believe I can't take you." Shangba Wang turned around and left angrily. She was going to change her clothes, so she couldn't go out to dinner with Xia Xia dressed like this.

After taking a bath in the summer, she put on her The tyrant girl has changed her clothes, she is even more ruthless than before, but she didn't take the whip.

"Let's go" This time, the overbearing queen is very happy. She is a changeable girl. She thinks that Xia Xia may not like that type, so she plans to change her type.

"Okay." Xia Xia had been busy all afternoon, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. He was indeed a little hungry. He didn't know what to eat here, and he happened to see Bawang's daughter, so he decided to let Bawang's daughter lead the way.

I have to say that the Queen's Ferrari is quite cool, but in the summer when she is sitting in the co-pilot, she is regarded as a little white face.

"What do you want to eat?" The overbearing queen looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"I'm not familiar with this place, you can take me there, as long as you can eat enough, and I want to book a ticket to Jianghai City tomorrow morning." Xia Xia knew that he was going back, although the regional competition of the special team still had For a while, but it was too dangerous here, he felt that Jianghai City was safer.

After all, I didn't go to a jewelry store bare-faced in broad daylight.

"I'm leaving so soon." The overlord said dissatisfiedly.

"It's too dangerous here, it's not suitable for me." Xia Xia said looking at the overlord girl, he could see that although this overlord girl looked very wild on the surface, her Yuan Yin was still there, that is to say, she Still complete.


At this moment, a sports car next to them drove directly to the side of their car, very fast.