take a big girl

Xia Xia can't remember how many assassinations she has encountered along the way, there are dozens of them anyway, and the assassinations along the way really made her stunned, all kinds, like flowers. .

But the only constant is the bomb on them, so no matter how they change, Xia Tian can recognize them at first sight.

So every summer is a near miss.

"I've gone, these crazy women, I really can't get enough of them." Summer will soon arrive at Jianghai University.

When he saw Jianghai University, he breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he finally didn't have to face those assassinations.

He believed that those killers would not go to the campus to carry out blatant assassinations.

Because that would have a big impact.

All killer organizations have this rule, don't shoot in trouble, don't kill in school, because this kind of local public opinion is very powerful, once the news reports them, then they will be disliked by customers.

It is very likely that there will be no business in the future.

"Come here, come here." Just when Xia Xian was about to enter the school, he saw another female killer. This female killer was very beautiful, but now Xia Xia has no intention of aesthetics at all, he directly confronted him. The female killer beckons.

He was almost out of tolerance.

These people seem to be endless.

"You're calling me" The female killer didn't believe that her disguise would be exposed, because she was the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

She has full confidence in her disguise.

"Of course I called you, come here." Xia Xia said very seriously.

The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization walked towards Xia Tian step by step. At the same time, she prepared the pins hidden in her fingers. She thought this was a good opportunity.

"Are you finished?" Xia Xia asked while looking at the female killer.

"En" the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization frowned, looked at Xia Xia and asked, "What do you mean, I don't understand?"

"Stop pretending, everyone in your entire killer organization has a bomb hidden on them, so I won't identify the wrong person. I just want to ask you, you are all finished." Xia Xia looked at the female killer seriously and asked.

The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization knew that he was exposed. From Xia Xia's words, she knew that Xia Xia had indeed discovered her, but she was very curious. How did Xia Xia discover her? It's very secret. "How did you see my bomb"

"Don't change the subject, what I'm asking you is that you have no end." Xia Xia looked at the female killer and asked again.

"I'm the last one, if I can't kill you, then I'll give up the mission." The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization looked at Xia Xia and said.

"Alright then, come on." Xia Xia looked at the female killer very seriously. Since the female killer had already said that she was the last one, Xia Xia would not be worse than the last one.

"Wait!" The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Xia Xia asked depressedly.

"I'm curious, why don't you kill those people, but save them instead?" The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization asked the question in his heart.

"I've never hit a woman, and I don't like being a killer. Although you are all killers, you are all women. I think you must have your own difficulties. Otherwise, who would like to be a killer, I Why bother to embarrass you." Xia Xia explained.

When the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization heard Xia Xia's words, she actually cried.


Seeing the other party cry, Xia Xian was confused. He had seen all battles, but he had never seen a killer cry, and she was also a female killer.

"Hey, don't cry, I didn't do anything to you." Xia Xia suddenly became in a hurry.


The killer hugged Xia Xia and cried.

Xia Xia didn't feel any murderous aura from her, so she didn't stop her.

The more the female killer cried, the louder it became, as if she couldn't stop it.

The female killers in the shadows were all blinded. At first, they thought that the leader was a new assassination method, but after watching for a while, they realized that something was wrong, and the leader actually cried.

"Don't cry. If you have anything, just say it. As long as it didn't kill me, anything is fine." Xia Xia really had no choice but to take her.

"No one has ever been so considerate of us, sisters, come out." As her voice fell, more than fifty women came out in all directions. They have all met in Xia Xia, because these people have assassinated Xia Xia, but they all It didn't work.

"Hey, you guys." Xia Xia looked at the people around him and shook his head helplessly.

"Thank you, you are the first person to understand us and the first person to respect us. I decided to give up the assassination of you." The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization said very seriously.

"Forget it, I think you should give up being a killer. I think it's not easy for you." Xia Xia said to the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

"What else can we do without being a killer? Women like us, without any craftsmanship, can't do anything except kill, and we can't stand on the outside at all~www.mtlnovel.com~ Let's go get married, That's a bit unrealistic, sisters are used to seeing the faces of those bastards, it's hard to find someone they like, and there are no good men in our industry at all." The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization said tragically.

"I have a solution, are all your people here?" Xia Xia asked the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

"No, we have a total of 100 people, and the rest are doing tasks." said the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

"You summoned them all to Jianghai City. From now on, Jianghai City will be your home. I will arrange jobs for you so that you can live a normal life." Xia Xia said very seriously.

"But we know nothing," said the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

"Since you can kill people, you will definitely protect people, so you should be bodyguards, female bodyguards." Xia Xia also came up with a whim.

"Bodyguard, it sounds good." The leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization nodded.

"I feel that I have a good affinity with you. You will be my sister from today on. What's your name?" Xia Xia asked the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

"I don't have a name, everyone in our entire Black Rose Killer Organization is called Black Rose." said the leader of the Black Rose Killer Organization.

"Okay, then, everyone in your Black Rose Killer Organization will have the surname Xia, and I will have the same surname as me. You will all be my sisters from now on, so you can call it Xia Xue." Xia Tian just accepted a big girl.