Fire Dragon Dagger

As Tong Lao's voice fell, a beautiful woman came out from behind. The beautiful woman's face was cold, even colder than the woman brought by the elder Qi from the Huashan Sect. This woman was none other than Wenya.

The coldness of the two is different. The coldness of the woman brought by Elder Qi is because she is not happy, and there is a coldness that resists others.

And Wenya's coldness is from the bottom of her heart. After she saw through the world, hatred baptized her whole being, and her coldness was her whole being.

But since Wenya practiced hate determination, her whole person has indeed become a lot more beautiful.

"Hey, who is she?" The third elder looked at Wenya suspiciously. He had never seen Wenya before.

"She's my new disciple, Wenya, she hasn't seen you Qi Shishu and your third Shishu." Elder Tong said leisurely while sitting there.

"Hello Master Qi, hello Uncle San." Wen Ya bowed slightly to the two of them.

"Well, yes, the little girl is very beautiful." Elder Qi praised, and the male disciple behind him stared at Wenya, and Elder Qi also discovered the state of his disciple, but did not say anything. what.

"Thank you Uncle Qi for your praise." Wenya said, but she still looked cold and did not smile.

"Okay, third child, are you comparable?" Tong Lao opened his mouth this time.

"Bi, of course, I brought three disciples today, you can come to the wheel battle, as long as all three of them are defeated, then I will lose." The third elder pointed to the three disciples he brought behind him. said.

He had great confidence in his three disciples, because the three of them had tried too many times with Tong Lao's disciples, and they never lost.

"The third child, how about we take a bet this time?" Tong Lao suddenly said.

Hearing the word "bet", the third elder was slightly stunned. Tong Lao actually said that he wanted to bet, which is a bit strange, because Tong Lao never won against them at all. Now saying that betting is like giving away for nothing, this is obviously stupid behavior.

But is Tong Lao a fool?

The third elder didn't speak. He felt that there was something strange in it, but he couldn't tell where it was.

"Why the third child, you are afraid of losing?" Tong Lao said with a smile.

"It's a comparison, who's afraid of who." The third elder's anger also came up, how could he admit that he was cowardly? Elder Qi is here. If he admits cowardly, then this negotiation will be completely over.

So he had to fight, even if Tong Lao had any tricks, he believed that any tricks would be useless in the face of absolute strength.

"Okay, then I'll have one person here, and you can pick one too. We only have one match. I'll use my **** fist as a bet, and you use your fire dragon dagger as a bet, how about it?" Tong Lao looked The third elder said very seriously.

"What?" The third elder directly stood up.

Looking at Tong Lao with a puzzled expression, he really couldn't understand why Tong Lao asked for these two things as a bet.

These two things are both pseudo-spiritual tools.

"Why can't you afford to gamble? If you can't gamble, forget it." Tong Lao said very casually.

"Okay, I promise you." The third elder gritted his teeth and said, the fire dragon dagger is his own weapon, just like Tong Lao's divine fist.


Tong Lao directly threw his divine fist on the ground. Seeing Tong Lao's movements, the third elder also threw his fire dragon dagger on the ground.

"Wenya, it's up to you, if you win the fire dragon dagger, it will be yours." Tong Lao glanced at Wenya and said.

"Thank you, Master." Wenya understood that this was a benefit given to her by Tong Lao, and it was also to win her heart.

"You actually sent a new disciple to the stage." The third elder looked at Tong Lao in a puzzled way and asked, Wenya was definitely not a member of the Mountain Cloud Sect before, otherwise he could not have known it. How could a newly recruited disciple be so powerful? .

This is just like giving him God's Gloves for nothing.

"Qinglin, come on, remember not to hurt her life." The third elder waved to the big disciple behind him.

"Wenya, don't hurt his life, just break an arm and a leg." Tong Lao imitated the third elder and said.

"Hmph, Second Elder

, You are not afraid of the wind, you are not afraid of the wind, you are using a new entry foundation to compare with my chief disciple, have you forgotten Qinglin's strength? Qinglin is the strength of the late Xuan level. "The third elder boasted, and he said this not only to Elder Tong, but also to Elder Qi.

He was showing his strength to Elder Qi.

"My disciple is too talented, and I don't know what strength she is now, so I just asked her to try it with Qinglin, but her child is not very good-natured and has a heavy hand. You should let Qinglin take more responsibility. "Tong Lao said provocatively.

"Second elder, Qing Lin has a bad temper. If you beat up your female apprentice, don't blame him." The third elder said viciously.

Elder Qi and others on the side were watching the play there.

"Master." The male disciple behind Elder Qi wanted to say something.

"I know what you mean, let's take a look first." Elder Qi saw through his disciple's mind, but he still planned to watch the play first.

Wen Ya and Qing Lin came to the stage at the same time.

"Junior sister, don't blame senior brother for being cruel." After Qing Lin finished speaking, he directly attacked Wen Ya.

Wenya stood there motionless.

"Be careful," the male disciple behind Elder Qi shouted hurriedly.

Elder Tong glanced at the male disciple and smiled He knew that his plan was half successful.

Just when Qing Lin killed Wenya in front of him, he was stunned. He stood there motionless, as if his body was fixed there, and Wenya was also motionless.

"Qinglin, what are you doing?" the third elder shouted loudly.

Wen Ya's right hand was slowly raised, pinched hard against Qing Lin's wrist, and then kicked her right foot on Qing Lin's leg.


Twice, Qing Lin's arms and legs were broken, and then Wen Ya punched Qing Lin in the face, and Qing Lin flew out of the ring like this.

The third elder was confused.

What kind of game is this.

Why didn't even he see what happened.

"Ah!" At this moment, Qing Lin let out a scream.

"Qinglin, what happened just now?" The third elder hurried forward and asked.

"Master, I don't know. Just now, I felt a great hatred. The hatred from childhood to adulthood has emerged, and then I don't know anything." Qing Lin explained.

"Wenya, that fire dragon dagger is a gift from your master, are you satisfied?" Old Tong looked at Wenya and asked.

"Thank you, Master." Wenya said respectfully, looking at the fire dragon dagger in her hand, Wenya clenched her fists, and secretly said in her heart, "Xia Tian, ​​wait for me, I will kill you with my own hands."