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Pirates was still wondering who these guys were, but after listening to Xia Xia's introduction, she realized that all these people were actually killers, and they were all amazing killers.

"Bai Yu is actually looking for a wife, I respect you." Qi Huan directly picked up a bottle of wine and drank it.

Bai Yu was not polite either and started drinking directly.

"Young monster, I also respect you. After all, we had a fight at that time." Mo Li also picked up a bottle of wine and drank it.

Bai Yu nodded and started drinking again. Although he didn't say anything, he had already thanked everyone for their sincerity.

"Sister Hong, brother-in-law, I respect you too." Pirates was even more straightforward, picking up a bottle of wine and doing it, she was the first to do it.

"You little alcoholic, why are you drinking so fast, and no one will rob you." Sister Hong scolded with a smile.

Pirate stuck out his tongue and didn't speak.

"Since everyone is very happy today, how about we come and play?" Xia Xian looked at several people and said.

"What to play?" Pirates became interested as soon as they heard about playing.

"Little kid, step aside." Xia Xia then pushed, pushing Pirates behind him, "How about a fight, you don't have to use internal force, just use moves."

"Okay." Mo Li is also very playful. When she heard Xia Xia's proposal, she immediately became interested, "Who will come with me first."

"I'm coming." Xia Xia finished speaking, his body flashed, and he pointed at Mo Li.

"Hee hee, it's interesting." Mo Li's body moved slightly, directly dodging Xia Xia's fingers, and kicked Xia Xia's body directly. Due to inertia, Xia Xia couldn't avoid this kick.

At this moment, Xia Xia's body rolled on the ground, dodging it directly.

"Damn it, you dare to use such a shameless move." Mo Li scolded, she had already been defeated by Xia Xia's shamelessness.

Xia Xia rolled on the ground just now and avoided Mo Li's kick directly. It seemed like a crisis, but it was resolved so easily. Although this trick is very practical, few people are willing to use it in actual combat, because this trick It's so embarrassing.

"I'll come too." Bai Yu's body instantly came to Mo Li's side and kicked out.

Xia Tian saw the opportunity and stabbed Mo Li's right shoulder with his two fingers.

The two attacked Mo Li at the same time.

If she could use her internal strength, Mo Li could easily resolve these two moves, but now that she is not allowed to use her internal strength, she is also a little confused.

"I'm here to help you." Qi Huan also started, and as soon as he made his move, he lifted Xia Xia's fingers.

Mo Li also took this opportunity to defuse Bai Yu's attack.

A few people fought back and forth for more than ten minutes before they stopped.

The few people around were so surprised that they were almost speechless. Is this a master?

The battles of the two of them were really exciting. Although they were not allowed to use their internal strength, their moves were also unique and quite remarkable.

The friendship of several people is increasing invisibly.

There was constant laughter at the scene. Each of them had a bottle of wine in their hands, and they took a sip when they were happy. Originally, they could all relax very much today.


But the sound of the car broke everyone's laughter.

Everyone looked at the car, and the car was directly aimed at the gate of Xia Xia's house.


The car was actually installed directly on the gate of Xia's house.


After two consecutive hits, the gate of Xia Xia's house could no longer bear it, and fell directly. Everyone frowned when they saw this scene. The car didn't mean to stop, and it was about to hit Xia Xia and others. .

Both Qihuan and Moli are going to take action.

"I'm coming." Xia Xia said and disappeared directly in place.


His hands clapped directly on the front of the car, and the car was forcibly stopped by him.

"What a fast speed." Mo Li and Qi Huan looked at each other, and said at the same time that the speed that Xia Xia showed at that moment was not slower than them at all.

The car stopped.

"Wenya, what the **** are you doing?" Xia Tian looked at the

The woman in the car shouted.

That's right, the person driving the car is Wenya.

Wenya opened the car door and got out of the car, "I said, I will definitely kill you."

"Wenya, I have no grudge against you, and I've let you go several times. What do you want?" Xia Xia frowned and looked at Wenya. Although Wenya had hurt him a few times, he didn't bother with Wenya. .

After all, Wenya was his first love. Although he no longer liked Wenya, they were together at that time.

"How dare you say that you have no hatred against me and I like someone, and you will destroy one person and break us up. How dare you say that you have no hatred against me and my life has been ruined, but you have ruined me." Wenya was angry. looking towards summer.

"I didn't deliberately target you. It was those people who wanted to harm me. I was just fighting back normally. It's between you and me that they abandoned you. It has nothing to do with me." Xia Xia looked at Wenya and said calmly. .

"Summer, do you know how I got here in the past few months? Hate, it's the hate that made me survive. You don't have to be rhetoric, I'm going to kill you today." Wen Ya's whole body was very cold.

swish swish

There were suddenly three more people beside Wen Ya, and these three people were Bai Yu, Mo Li and Qi Huan.

There is a feather in Bai Yu's hand. This feather is only a few millimeters away from Wenya's throat, and Qihuan's fist is only one centimeter away from Wenya~www.mtlnovel.com~ Mo Li's iron fan has been attached to Wenya's face, the three of them As long as anyone moves too much, Wenya will surely die.


Wenya actually felt the breath of death just now.

She didn't expect that there are so many masters here in Xia. This is her mistake. "Xia, do you only rely on others to get ahead?"

"Wenya, what are you doing? I won't beat women, nor will I kill you, but I don't want to see you either." Xia Xia looked at Wenya and said.

"Xia Tian, ​​if you're still a man, then go one-on-one with me." Wen Ya shouted angrily.

Xia Xia glanced at the three of them and nodded at the same time.

"Okay, but you have to promise me that if you lose, you will leave immediately." Xia Xia looked at Wen Ya and said.

The three Bai Yu also returned to their original places.

"Okay." Wen Ya said coldly.

"Wenya, I know that you worship Tong Lao as your teacher, but no matter how talented you are, you can't surpass me in such a short period of time." Xia Xia said lightly, he saw Tong Lao that day and Wenya took away, He also saw Wen Ya worship Tong Lao as his teacher with his own eyes.

"You can give it a try." A fiery red dagger appeared in Wen Ya's right hand.

When they saw this dagger, everyone was slightly taken aback.

"Pseudo-spiritual weapon, in summer, she is holding a pseudo-spiritual weapon." Bai Yu hurriedly reminded.