a blessing in disguise

Following Qi Huan's gaze, all the heat saw the fire on Xia Xia's chest, which was the damage caused by the fire dragon dagger.

Xia Xia felt the sharp pain from the wound. This kind of pain made him feel like his whole body was on fire, but he still endured the severe pain.


As Xia Xia's body became more and more painful, he punched the ground, and he hoped to use this vent to relieve the pain.

"What should I do now, think of a way?" Sister Hong looked anxiously at Bai Yu and asked.

"That pseudo-spiritual dagger is a fire attribute. Let's take a shot together and try to force the fire poison out of his body." The three Bai Yu shot at the same time, converging their inner strength in their palms, and shooting them in the summer at the same time. on the back.

But just as the three of them approached Xia's body with their internal force, the three of them realized that something was wrong.

"No, hurry up and stop." Bai Yu shouted loudly.

The three of them stopped at the same time.

"How could this be?" Qi Huan frowned, looking at Xia Xia strangely.

"Why did we help him fight the fire poison, but instead accelerated the fire poison's invasion of his body." Mo Li asked in a puzzled way.

Everyone is looking at the wounds of summer.

"No, Xia, what are you doing?" Bai Yu suddenly discovered something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, Xia would bring the fire poison out of her body, and a few of their input of internal force would speed up the speed of Xia's expelling the fire poison.

But summer is actually absorbing fire poison.

"You're actually absorbing fire poison, you're going to die." Mo Li also discovered Xia Xia's intentions.

ah ah ah

Xia Xian shouted loudly, he was dashing around at a fast speed, his fists kept hitting the surroundings, and he felt as if his body was on fire.

"Pain" You can only feel pain in summer.

"Xia Tian, ​​hurry up and force the poison out, or you will die." Bai Yu shouted loudly.

"No." Xia Xian refused. The moment he felt the fire poison, he knew what he was going to do. The flame, the flame he had always dreamed of, as long as he could tame these flames, then the flames would become his body's Part of it, so that he can turn the flame into his own weapon whether he refines the weapon or fights in the future.

Pain, this is really painful, but he knows that there may be too many opportunities, so he must seize it. If he wants to improve his strength, it is impossible to go smoothly along the way, so he must endure this kind of pain.

"What on earth is he going to do?" Mo Li looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"He wants to absorb the flame and control the fire poison in his body." Qihuan explained.

"Controlling the fire poison, how is it possible, no one has ever succeeded in this." Mo Li had heard before that someone wanted to control the fire poison for her own use, so that when fighting, she could make her attack with flames. power.

But she had never heard of anyone succeeding. Those people died in the end.

Bai Yu has been watching Xia Xia nervously. He knows that it is too late to stop him now, so he can only pray to God for a miracle to happen.

Everyone was waiting, they didn't speak, and they couldn't do anything looking at Xia Xia's almost crazy appearance there.

"It hurts to death, I can't take it anymore." Xia Xia's heart kept roaring, he never dreamed that it would be so painful.

"No, I have to persevere. If I want to survive and protect those I want to protect, I have to survive." Xia Xia insisted with gritted teeth.

Figures flashed in his mind.

Those are his relatives and friends. He knows that if he wants to protect these people, he must persevere.

Time passed little by little.

Finally, an hour later, Xia Xian stopped struggling, and his body fell to the ground. Seeing Xia Xia falling down, Bai Yu and the others rushed over and started to check Xia Xia's body.

"How's it going?" Sister Hong and others ran over and asked.

"There is nothing unusual, he seems to have succeeded." Bai Yu said.

"How can it be possible?" Sister Hong said in surprise. He had never heard of anyone who could control the fire poison.

r/> "Huhu" As they were discussing, Xia Xia suddenly gasped.

"Are you alright?" Sister Hong and the others hurriedly asked.

"It almost happened." Xia Tian opened his eyes and smiled.

"Successful!" Seven Magic asked Xia Xia.

"Wait for me to slow down." Xia Xia didn't speak, but breathed greedily. He almost had no chance to breathe this beautiful air just now.

Ten minutes later, Summer sat up.

When he slowly stood up, Qi Huan and others all looked at him expectantly. Although they were all Earth-level experts, they had never seen anyone who could control the fire poison, and they had never even heard of it. .

Xia Xia sealed the fire escape hole in his right hand in an instant, then concentrated his mind and began to control the flame.


To everyone's astonished eyes, Summer was a success.

A red flame appeared on his right hand. Looking at the flame, Xia Xian felt extremely relieved. He knew that the pain he suffered just now was not in vain.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to succeed.

But the alchemy technique and the ancient Buddha relics helped him a lot.

"Successful, really successful." Qihuan said with an incredible look.

"This is simply a wonder of the world, it's amazing." Mo Li also kept shaking her head, she witnessed the miracle.

"You really dare to mess around." Bai Yu shook his head helplessly.

The other people also stared at Xia Tian in stunned eyes~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although they are not ordinary people, they have never seen such a scene.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Everyone shouted very late, and finally everyone left.

Qihuan took the Leopard Girl and the girl to go abroad. He came here today to say goodbye. Mo Li also has to leave Jianghai City to do a mission. Bai Yu plans to travel with Sister Hong. I have to say that Bai Yu is the most leisurely thing in summer. of a killer.

Even Thief Star is about to leave Jianghai City. She lost her master's treasure and needs to go back and apologize to her master.

Thinking of this, Xia Xia was absolutely embarrassed, because the treasure had already been swallowed by him, so he could only write down this matter silently in his heart, and he would just give the thief a big gift in the future.

After a night's rest, the next morning, I woke up early in the summer.

Today, he plans to go to school. It's been half a month since the start of school, and today he is finally going to his class in the summer. Anyway, he is also a member of Jianghai University, a student of the Department of Advanced Nursing.

Skipping class is truancy, but he still has to report in.

Because I didn't come to class for a long time in the summer, I came to the door of the dean's office early in the summer.

dong dong dong

Summer knocked several times, but no one responded.

Just then, a long-legged beauty came over from behind Xia Xia.