very trustworthy

Xia Xia spoke too calmly, and the calmness was a little scary.

If what he said was just an ordinary sentence, then everyone could accept it, but what he said was so extraordinary that he actually said that he would break Li Yuan's arm.


It's really overbearing.

Even more domineering than Li Yuan.

Those people couldn't even believe their ears, but someone dared to say that they would break Li Yuan's arm.

"I'm not dreaming. He actually said that he would break Li Yuan's arm."

"It's not that you are dreaming, it's that he is dreaming and hasn't woken up yet."

"It seems that Li Yuan is really going to take action this time. This kid is miserable. He is really making trouble for himself."

The people around think that the summer is over, and the big words he just said will definitely bring disaster to him. They all know very well who Li Yuan is. He has not hurt people once or twice. But the police never caught him.

And those who were beaten had to come to him to apologize in the end.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Li Ying and others were speechless. They didn't expect Xia Xia to say such a thing.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Li Yuan's eyes could burst into flames, "Xia Tian, ​​do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Are you afraid that I have nothing to do with me. Originally you didn't blame me. I was too lazy to take care of you, but you hurt my friend." Xia Xia looked at Li Yuan calmly and said, his expression was always the same very light.

No one can analyze his mood at this time from his expression, and neither can Li Yuan.

"Hmph, Xia, don't be too arrogant." Li Yuan looked at Xia angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth, or it can be said to remind you that I'm going to break your arm." Xia Xia looked at Li Yuan and said.

"Summer, forget it, I'm fine." Li Ying hurriedly shouted.

"No, I am a very trustworthy person. If I want to break his arm, then I have to break his arm, otherwise people should say I have no credibility." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Hmph, Xia Xia, if you have the ability, you can try it." Li Yuan's anger rose, he never thought how powerful Xia Xia was. The reason why Zhao Long could be rescued from him last summer was because Because he has no strength.

It just so happened that he always wanted to go to have a good meeting in the summer.

"Can we start?" Xia Xia looked at Li Yuan and asked.

"Any time," Li Yuan said coldly.

Everyone looked at the two attentively, not knowing what would happen next.

"Sorry, it's over." Xia Xia turned around and left after saying that.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone looked at him suspiciously. It's over, but everyone didn't see anything. Why is it over? Nothing happened, so why is it over?

"Hahaha, Xia Xia, it seems that I really think highly of you." Seeing Xia Xia turn around, Li Yuan thought he was conceited, and he raised his hand to point at Xia Xia.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that his arm was broken directly from the joint.

"Ah!" A sharp pain came, and a scream came from Li Yuan's mouth.

His younger brothers hurriedly stepped forward to help him, only to find that Li Yuan's left arm was completely drooping, and it looked like his bones were all broken.


The people around were all shocked. It was too amazing. They didn't see Xia Xia's shot at all, but Li Yuan's bones were broken, and it was so miserable that no one knew how Xia Xia did it.

Li Yuan, who was invincible just now, is now rolling on the ground in pain.

"Summer, I won't let you go." Li Yuan shouted angrily.

"Hey, you can do it yourself." Xia Xia sighed. There are really so many people who are not afraid of death. His words are to remind Li Yuan to go and see what happens to the other four young masters of Jianghai.

But Li Yuan ignored him at all, and there was only anger in Li Yuan's eyes.

"Summer, I will definitely kill you." Li Yuan's eyes were full of murderous intent

, He has never been so miserable as today, and he has never lost so much face today.

"It's a society ruled by law now, and I'll sue you for intimidation." Xia Xia glanced at Li Yuan, then walked towards Li Ying and the others.

Li Ying and others were completely shocked by Xia Xia.

"Let's go." Xia Tian looked at Li Ying and said.

Just like that, Xia Xia took Li Ying and her roommates out of the gym together, and the people around were completely shocked. They didn't recover until Xia Xia and Li Yuan and the others left the gym.

"I must have read it wrong, Li Yuan's arm was actually broken."

"That person didn't shoot at all. Li Yuan's arm was broken. This is incredible."

"Who is that person? Even Li Yuan dares to offend him."

Those talents recovered from what happened just now. The scene just now was really shocking. They actually saw that Li Yuan was beaten.

After Xia Xia left the gym with Li Ying and others.

"Raise your arms." Xia Xia looked at Li Ying and said.

Li Ying nodded, raised her arm, and then Xia Xia's palm gently rubbed Li Ying's arm.

When Xia Xia's hand touched Li Ying's arm, Li Ying's face turned red.

Several other women saw her but did not speak, but looked at the bruise on Li Ying's arm.

I saw Xia Xia's hand, which seemed to have magical power. He only rubbed it a few times, and the bruise soon became very light. After half a minute, the bruise on Li Ying's arm disappeared completely.

"It's amazing." Li Ying looked at her arm in disbelief.

"How on earth did you do it?" Ma Lan asked Xia Xia with a look of surprise.

"I'm a doctor, these are all trivialities." Xia Xia smiled slightly. It was very simple. As long as he used his inner strength to gather his palms, he could easily dissolve the bruises on Li Ying's arms.

"How did you break Li Yuan's arm just now?" Li Ying's roommate was even more curious about this question.

"I've said it all, I'm a doctor, it's not difficult for me, I moved my hands and feet on his arm before I came in, I stabbed twelve silver needles in his arm, I Just control the silver needle to smash his flesh and blood when walking towards him just now." Xia Xia explained.

"It's terrifying, you must never offend those who study medicine in the future." Ma Lan looked at Xia Xia in horror and said.

You are me, my big apple.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm Zhao Long, help me."

"What happened"

"My whole family was kidnapped."

"Where are you, I'll go right over."