Regional competition begins

Hearing Sister Jinghua's voice, Xia Xia didn't hesitate at all, turned around and ran to Lin Bingbing, rushed directly into the pool, hugged Lin Bingbing in his arms, and shouted loudly: "Where is the evildoer, don't show up quickly? body."

Now Lin Bingbing is naked, standing in the water in summer, hurriedly protecting Lin Bingbing behind him, Lin Bingbing is his goddess, he will not put Lin Bingbing in any danger.

Xia Xia's eyes were fixed on the front. He forcibly controlled himself not to look at Lin Bingbing's body. He was not the kind of guy who took advantage of others' dangers, and he didn't want to leave a bad impression on Lin Bingbing.

"Don't look at me." Lin Bingbing was still worried and reminded.

"En" Xia Tian heard Lin Bingbing's voice, but he really didn't dare to look at it. He glanced around and finally found the shadow, it was a fox. The fox seemed to want to drink the water here, but I was scared away by Lin Bingbing's voice just now, "It's a fox."

"Fox, how come there are foxes here?" Lin Bingbing asked inexplicably.

"I don't know either, but it's not malicious. It wanted to drink water just now, but was scared by you later." Xia Xia explained.

"You are not allowed to look at me, put me down, I'm done washing." Lin Bingbing was frightened by the fox, and had no intention of continuing to wash, and she felt so weird being held by Xia Xia, she had never been The man has hugged like this before, and it is in such an embarrassing situation now.

"Oh" Xia Tian put Lin Bingbing's body down gently, perhaps because he was afraid of hurting Lin Bingbing, he put it down lightly, his right hand dipped, then when he stood up, his right hand slid across Lin Bingbing's and legs.

Lin Bingbing glanced at Xia Xia dissatisfiedly, although she knew Xia Xian was unintentional, but Xia Xia bumped into her just now after all.

Soon, Lin Bingbing came ashore, and in the summer he went ashore after directly washing in the water for a while.

After taking a clean bath, the two returned to their summer home.

"You're injured, I'll sleep on the ground." Lin Bingbing came here to practice in Xia Xia. She didn't care about the living environment. She knew Xia Xian had injuries, so she chose to live on the ground and let Xia live in bed.

"How could I let Sister Jinghua sleep on the ground." Xia Tian took out a new pair of quilts and sheets for Lin Bingbing, and then took out another set and spread it on the ground. He lay directly on it and fell asleep.

In the next two days, Xia still didn't go to class. Bing Xin made two phone calls to condolence. Xia told him that he was training with Sister Jinghua and was going to participate in the special training before the competition.

Bing Xin didn't ask much, and she also felt that she was very sorry for Xia Xia. As Xia Xia's girlfriend, she didn't go to accompany Xia Xia.

After these two days of rest, Xia Xian's wound has basically healed, and Xia Xian discovered that the small pool in the back mountain could actually speed up the healing of his wound. Although it only increased the speed a little bit, it already made Xia Xia very happy. .

Today is the time for the regional competition, so I went to the special operations office with Lin Bingbing in the summer.

Ye Wanqing had already bought the ticket, and this summer, she replaced another member of the seventh group with Lin Bingbing, which means that the seven team leaders and Daniel, as well as Lin Bingbing, and the lead team participated in the regional competition this time. Team summer.

From the Jianghai City Special Operations Office, a total of 12 people set off, and 10 people participated in the competition, including Ye Wanqing and her secretary.

This competition is different from the past. Although the Jianghai City Special Operations Office has not participated in the regional competition, Ye Wanqing still knows some rules. Although the conditions of the previous competition were also very harsh, the battle could basically be ended in one day.

But this time the competition is different. There is no time limit for this competition, and the location of the competition is a small island. The content of the assessment is the survival of the small island. There are a total of twelve teams participating, and only one team can win.

As for the rest, Ye Wanqing doesn't know.

Everything has to wait until the place to know.

Ye Min, the director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City, recently spent a lot of time and broke his leg.

"Brother, just help the girl this time. She, Ye Wanqing, is so deceiving. I'm embarrassed now." Ye Min said, looking at the director of the Qinghai Special Operations Department in front of her. br/>

"Okay, I'll help you this time. I'll let my people in and kill the people from the Jianghai City Special Operations Office first." The director of the Qinghai City Special Operations Office looked at the two boxes of cash on the table and nodded.

The relationship between him and Ye Min is not close. Although they both share the surname of Ye, their relationship is separated by several generations.

The reason why he was willing to help was because the two boxes of cash that Ye Min brought, about 20 million, was not a small sum, so he was tempted.

Ye Min saw that the director of the Qinghai Special Operations Department was willing to help, and she was naturally grateful. She knew that the Qinghai Special Operations Department was very powerful. They were one of the most promising teams to win the championship.

Ye Min then went to the director of the Shenzhen Special Operations Department.

This time, what she sent was not money, but a few beauties, all of them were celebrities, and even she gave herself to each other. Although they were both surnamed Ye, their blood relationship was almost nothing. Whether the Ye family is married to a wife or a person, the next generation must have the surname Ye. This is the rule.

The strength of the Shenzhen Special Operations Office is no worse than that of the Qinghai Special Operations They even won the regional championship, which shows how strong the Shenzhen Special Operations Office is.

The last place Ye Min went was the Sichuan Special Operations Office, they were the last regional champions.

It can be said that Ye Min took a lot of thought to win the director of the special operations department in Sichuan, famous wine, famous cars, cash and beautiful women, and finally Ye Min agreed to be his mistress for a year.

The director of the Sichuan Special Operations Department agreed to Ye Min's request.

It can be said that Ye Min worked hard for this competition, "Ye Wanqing, I want all of your people to die."

The difference from Ye Min here is that Ye Lao also has movements, but his movements are not ordinary movements, but black-box operations. He called out the undercover agents in the various special operations offices and gave them to them. Live ammunition was arranged.

Although there is an inspection when entering the island, this inspection is precisely what Ye Lao is responsible for.

In the hidden door.

"Why is she actually injured." Qing Lin of Huashan Sect was furious when he heard the news that Wen Ya was injured.

"Hey, Wenya, this child has a hard life. When she was in Jianghai City, she was played with her feelings. She originally planned to go back to reason with the other party a few days ago, but the other party just relied on the fact that she knew a few masters and just joined a group of people. , and severely injured Wenya." Tong Lao said tragically, his tone was very tragic, as if Wenya had really experienced some big life and death.