enter the playing field

When he saw Ye Lao, Xia Xia knew that the situation was not good. This old guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He must have done something else. Originally, he thought that his people would be together after entering, so that he could Protect these people.

But he didn't expect to enter separately.

This is dangerous, and Ye Min and Ye Lao and the others are all playing tricks. It's easy to hide with open guns, and it's hard to guard against dark arrows.

"You guys, remember it all for me. If it's a big deal, you'll be caught by the team. Don't be brave. The adults in Suhai City and Ye Lao are the ones I offended. I'm afraid he will take action against you. ." Xia Tian hurriedly reminded.

"Teacher, we have never slackened, and we have always trained according to the method you said." The leader of the seventh group said.

"I'm just afraid of your overconfidence. Although I don't know what tricks they have, I know they must be playing tricks. Once you are in danger, run to me and surrender in front of the team. This is an order. "Summer said very seriously.

"You guys must listen to your instructor. After following him for so long, did he miss it?" Ye Wanqing also stepped forward and said.

Everyone nodded, Ye Wanqing was right in the second half of the sentence, did Xia miss it? The answer is no.

When they saw Xia Xia's expression, they knew that something was about to happen.

"Are you sure you can?" Xia Xia asked, looking at Lin Bingbing seriously.

"Yes." Lin Bingbing nodded.

"The first thing you do after entering is to protect yourself. Don't let anything happen. I will definitely find you." Xia Tian didn't want Lin Bingbing to make any mistakes.

"Okay, go over there and bring your own equipment, luggage and water." Ye Wanqing reminded them, they all changed into different colors of clothes, and the names of the department were posted on the clothes.

This is to facilitate the identification of both the enemy and the enemy, and the competition stipulates that the opponent's clothes and badges cannot be used.

The ten team members have already entered the competition venue, and the rest are these people checking weapons, equipment and supplies. Xia Xia and others checked things one by one to ensure that everything is normal, then everyone will go to Ye Lao to check again. again.

"You must have played some tricks." Xia Xia glanced at Old Ye and said.

"I gave you a big gift, please accept it." Old Ye said viciously.

Then they were covered with black cloth.

This is the way to disrupt, they will be escorted inside by the troops, go in from different entrances, and be in different places.

Xia Xia opened his perspective eyes for the first time, and his eyes locked on Lin Bingbing's position. Although he was getting farther and farther away from Lin Bingbing, he still remembered the approximate direction Lin Bingbing was going.

After half an hour, all the team members were put in.

"Put the miniature reconnaissance instrument on and turn on the screen." The head of the Ministry of Defense ordered.

When they heard about the miniature reconnaissance instrument, everyone was stunned. Isn't that something that is being developed? Why is there such a thing in this competition?

Old Ye's heart froze. He had ordered the people he sent in before, and the reconnaissance plane had to be destroyed before he started.

Generally, the reconnaissance planes used to broadcast battle reports are larger than the palm of your hand, but they heard that the miniature reconnaissance instruments are only as big as a finger cover, and there is no sound, just like an insect in the jungle, you can't find it at all .

"Damn, how can there be such an advanced thing." Now Lao Ye can only pray that his people will not be photographed by this thing before they attack.

"I heard that some people like to play reconnaissance planes, so I brought miniature reconnaissance instruments. There are a thousand miniature reconnaissance instruments in this jungle. The image of the image is conveyed to these screens, there are a total of twenty-four screens here, you can watch it at will." A person above said very casually.

He asked someone to bring chairs and tables, and the floor was covered with water and some lunch boxes.

No matter what kind of leader, the food they eat here these days will be this. As for their resting place, it is also here. They have simple tents around them.

Go in and sleep for a while, one by one.

Overall, the environment is pretty good.

In the technical department, in order to ensure that the most exciting pictures will appear 24 hours a day, a total of more than 1,000 people take turns to work, constantly monitoring the wonderful pictures uploaded by the micro-reconnaissance instruments.

This shows how much importance the above places on this regional competition.

When the personnel were first sent in, they were very far away from each other, including those in the group, the thermal instruments in their hands could only detect a distance of about 20 meters, so they were not invincible. .

The first picture sent back by the micro-reconnaissance instrument was the appearance of the ten team members. They were all wearing sports uniforms, which were particularly conspicuous. There was a big word on the back of the sports uniforms.

Ten of them are also in different positions.

"The game officially begins."

With the sound of the broadcast, everyone started running. They didn't know where they were, but they knew that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ had to leave this place to find a safe place or find a companion.

Xia Xia also rushed out instantly, and the direction he rushed out was exactly where Lin Bingbing was.

He knew that there would definitely be a deviation between the real location and the calculation in his mind, but the deviation would definitely not be too large. He guessed that it would take time for these people to transport them, and this time should also be regulated, so he had in mind He kept calculating Lin Bingbing's direction and the distance he traveled at that speed.

"Sister Hua, you must wait for me." Xia Xia kept running.

One person from the nine cities was eliminated, and nine people remained.

The radio broadcast the situation directly. It turns out that those people have chips on their tags. As long as the tags are torn off, the broadcast will be played. This is also to let the people inside know what the current situation is.

"Hey Ye Wanqing, I see how miserable your people are this time." Ye Min gave Ye Qingxue a vicious look. She contacted three places this time, and these three places are popular to win the championship. She believes these People will definitely beat all the people in Jianghai City to death.

Ye Wanqing also saw Ye Min's vicious gaze, her brows furrowed, and now no one from Jianghai City appeared in these videos, which made her very anxious, she knew that this was a matter of privilege, and now five of these screens were blocked The group of people switched to appear, and most of the remaining fifteen screens were also showing the four most popular teams.

"What is that?" At this time, in the summer, I suddenly saw an interesting thing.