Whose fist is harder

Lin Bingbing has been suppressing her strength, but she didn't use it all up, and according to Xia's words, she would run away when she saw anyone, so until now, she has not participated in any battles.

Later, he met Daniel and the leader of the seventh group, and the three of them walked together, but she did not expect that they had been targeted by someone, and it was a team of eight people.

From the logo Lin Bingbing on these people's clothes, it can be seen that they are the team of the Shenzhen special team.

At this time, she remembered what Xia Tian reminded them before she came in. These people must be weird. They had a lot of opportunities to do something just now, but they didn't do it. At this time, they were standing around Lin Bingbing and others. This is obviously not to eliminate them.

"People from the Jianghai City Special Team, how about if I give you a chance?" The chief instructor of the Shenzhen City Special Team looked at Lin Bingbing and the others with a playful look.

"What tricks are you trying to play?" Lin Bingbing asked while looking at the people around her vigilantly.

"The means are played by the weak. Now it seems that we are the strong, and you are the weak. This is the way the world is. Just how to play" said the chief instructor of the Shenzhen special team disdainfully.

Now there are eight of them, and each of them is a master, and the other has only three.

They are quite sure.

It's like a game now. The task given to them by their captain is to beat all the people in the Jianghai City special team.

The expressions of those watching the game outside were complicated.

Ye Wanqing did not expect that Ye Min had even invited the members of the Shenzhen City special team to move. In addition to the members of the Qhai City special team who had been eliminated by Xia Xia, Ye Min actually invited three of the four seeded teams.


Ye Wanqing couldn't imagine how much effort Ye Min had spent to get revenge on her and Xia Xia.

These three people are notorious for being greedy, but Ye Min was able to handle these three at the same time.

Ye Min looked at Ye Wanqing sarcastically, her expression seemed to be saying, just wait and watch the show, see how your people were abused by my subordinates, Ye Min finally waited for this opportunity.

This was also the scene she wanted to see the most.

She spent so much money and so much thought for this moment.

If she didn't get angry, she wouldn't rest her eyes, so she didn't hesitate to spend so much effort and money to deal with Ye Wanqing's Jianghai City special team.

The captain of the Shenzhen special team smiled slightly, looking like he was watching a good show.

The people above clenched their fists, and everyone could see that the Jianghai City special team was targeted everywhere in this match. At first, they were from the Qhai City special team. Later, some people used live ammunition. The people from the Shenzhen special team also began to attack the people from the Jianghai special team.

The special team was originally supposed to be their team, but now it has become a tool in the hands of these people, which made him not angry, he decided to report this matter to the top after returning.

This time, things can't be just like that.

The special team had to make a big change, and the Ye family had to move.

If the people of the Ye family continue to make trouble like this, the special team will become the biggest cancer, because they have too much power and information.

If the information in their hands is leaked, it will be a huge loss.

Ye Min's eyes turned to Ye Wanqing, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, which meant that the good show was about to start, this time to see how your people escaped, she still remembers how Xia Xia hurt her people, if not because of All her people are injured, and she will not get the last place.

It was a huge shame for her.

That's why she hated Ye Wanqing and Xia Xia so much. Her plan was that all three of them had their bones broken, and then seeing Ye Wanqing's painful expression, the rest of Xia Xia could not cry alone, and it was impossible for one person to fight against so many people.

As long as those people take action together, Xia Xia will finally taste the taste of being broken by someone.


She must make Xia Xia regret.

And she also wanted to let Xia Xia and Ye Wanqing know that she did it, so that she could really relieve her anger.

"Your fists are really big now." The leader of the seventh group said coldly, "But our fists are not vegetarian."

"Hahahaha, let's try which one of us has a hard fist." The head coach of the Shenzhen special team said excitedly, in his eyes, these three people are already food on a plate, meat and vegetables.

He can play whatever he wants.

"Come here, the big deal is that we will tear off the badge ourselves." The leader of the seventh group said loudly.

"It's really a useless performance, cowardly, don't tell me you Jianghai City Special Squad is so capable of this?" The chief instructor of the Shenzhen City Special Squad looked at the three of them with contempt and said.

His tone was full of disdain.

All of them are **** men. Although they knew that he was acting aggressively, Daniel and the leader of the seventh group looked at him angrily, "How do you want to play, we'll be with you."

"Of course what I want to play is the most fun~www.mtlnovel.com~ One-on-two, whoever wins can go." The head coach of the Shenzhen special team said lightly.

"It's not fair," the bull shouted.

"The measure of fairness and fairness is determined by the strong, and you are just the weak, you are not qualified to talk about fairness, and we have eight people here. If the score is average, you will fight against three people alone. I have already done this. It's enough to take care of you." The head coach of the Shenzhen special team just used his power to overwhelm people, so he didn't bother to compare the rules of the world with the opponent, one-on-one.

That would be so boring.

He is most interested in bullying people.

What he likes most is the feeling right now, the feeling of a strong man, condescending, and he can dominate the fate of others.

"Do you really think you've beaten us, or do you think your fists are really big, let's fight it out." Lin Bingbing angrily looked at the head coach of the Shenzhen special team and said.

"As I said just now, it's up to whoever has the bigger fist. Now it's obviously ours. If you're not convinced, then we'll just have a fight." The general manager of the Shenzhen special team The teacher said disdainfully.

Although those who watched the game outside could not hear the sound inside, they could see the situation inside.

Just then they saw on the main screen, the person they were most concerned about, his speed was getting faster and faster and his direction was exactly where those people were.