The first dragon group is eliminated

Seeing those six people rushing towards Xia Xia at the same time, Ye Min outside smiled. She absolutely didn't believe Xia Xia could escape this time.

The other people also looked at Xia Xia with a worried look. Six masters shot at the same time, which has completely blocked his retreat. If they were hit by these six people at the same time, it would be seriously injured if they didn't die, and they all knew that these six people would definitely be injured. He won't keep his hands. After the first attack hits, the second wave of attacks will definitely come.

But at this moment, everyone scolded "despicable"

Even Ye Wanqing laughed, there was really no one left in the summer. He actually picked up the two people from the Shenzhen Special Operations Department as shields. Although he kicked the two people just now, he didn't tear them apart. The badge on his body, so it's not a foul for him to do so now.

The six people wanted to stop, but it was too late. The attacks of the six of them all hit the two of them.

Super serial nirvana.

Broken sons and grandsons have linked feet.

Xia Xia gave each of them a kick while they were stunned.

Although the power of such a kick is a little less powerful, Xia Xia determined that these people should be lying in bed for a month.

"It's over." Xia Xia clapped her hands.

What a dramatic fight.

Such a result is unacceptable to everyone. If it is a vigorous battle, they can still accept it reluctantly, but this is a complete sneak attack, and the opponent's person is used as a shield.

"Although it looks a bit rogue, such a person can survive when he really fights, and the angle of his sneak attack is a dead angle. If he attacks from the front, everyone can dodge it, but such a dead angle attack like him No one can escape from attacking the weak point." The dragon group master who was sitting there said lightly.

"Yes, this is a person who uses their brains to fight. Some people are just ordinary people, but they can beat the Huang-level masters. What they use is not their strength, but their brains. A person who knows how to fight with their brains, That is definitely a master." Another master of the dragon group nodded and said.

Acknowledged by two senior officials of the Dragon Group at the same time, Xia Xia's identity is undoubtedly rising.

"Damn, damn, damn." Ye Min shouted inwardly. She didn't understand why she failed again. She thought that this group of people would definitely win, but in the end they also failed.

She knew that even if she went to the director of the Qinghai special operations department and the Shenzhen special operations department to have a theory, it would be useless.

The other party might have to bite her back. After all, it was because of her that the talents of these two teams were eliminated, and they were all injured so badly, so she could only suffer from this dumb loss, and the money she spent would not be returned. coming.

And she was put to sleep by the director of Shenzhen Special Operations Office.

All this can only be dumb at the time.

Now she can only pray that the Sichuan Special Operations Office will not have any more troubles, otherwise she will really lose a lot of money.

When she looked at the director of the special operations department in Sichuan, the director of the special operations department in Sichuan ignored her and smiled slightly.

Just when she turned her head to watch the game, her neck went numb and she lost consciousness. The director of Sichuan Special Operations Department gently supported her, and then said something to the people behind her, Excitement appeared on the man's face, and then he helped Ye Min away.

Everyone was watching the game, so no one saw the situation here, only Ye Wanqing saw the scene of Ye Min being helped away, but in her opinion, it was better for Ye Min to go away, so she ignored it.

The director of the Sichuan Special Operations Department had long expected that Ye Min had contacted the other two, so he agreed to Ye Min, but during the battle, he let his people deliberately avoid the Jianghai City Special Operations Department. people in action.

Doing this will allow the other two to make a move. He is taking advantage of the fisherman. If the other two fail, then his people will not be able to make a move. In his eyes, Xia Xia has become his pawn. A **** to remove obstacles for him.

His goal is the regional championship.

As for Ye Min, in his eyes, he was just a bitch, he had already given it to his subordinates, and his subordinates would bring her.

Ye Min went to a place full of dirty men, and then gave her an injection to let her die happily.

Ye Min is also just one of his pawns.

As for the person who took Ye Min away, he handled it more cleanly. They went by water. After that person finished his work, someone would naturally kill the person who was doing the work.

leave no evidence.

Today he is the winner.

"Come here and take off all the compressed biscuits and grenades on them. Remember, don't tear the badges and leave them to others. I believe there must be people here who hate them." Xia Xia confronted Daniel and Qi shouted the leader of the group.

The rations that these people worked so hard to save became the spoils of summer.


After Xia Tian threw a grenade on the ground, he left with a few of them.

The purpose of the hand is to attract others. When everyone hears that the grenade has not found dead people, they will naturally think that someone is fighting here. The mantis is behind the cicada and the oriole. Who doesn't want to be a oriole, especially now that the supplies are gone. .

Twenty minutes later.

The Shenzhen Special Operations Department eliminated one person, leaving seven people.

The Shenzhen Special Operations Department eliminated one and the remaining six.

One person was eliminated from the Shenzhen Special Operations Department, leaving five others.

The Shenzhen Special Operations Department eliminated one person, leaving 0 people remaining.

The voice of the radio told Xia Xia that someone went to their place, but he didn't know that the people from the Shenzhen Special Operations Department had been beaten up and didn't even know their mother.

When those people came here, they originally planned to mix some supplies, but when they came, they found out that these people were poor and had nothing on them. Besides, they usually looked at the faces of the Shenzhen Special Operations Department.

So when they go up, they fight, whoever has revenge, who has grievances and complaints.

In the summer, he gave Lin Bingbing the compressed cookies.

"You gave it to me, what will everyone eat?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"You are a woman, we will eat it later, it is not convenient for you to eat." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Daniel and the leader of the seventh group nodded at the same time. They all understood the meaning of summer, bloody, and making a fire here is equivalent to reporting someone's position, so they can only eat raw food.

What animals are caught and eaten, but without exception, they are all raw.

The dragon group eliminated one person, and the remaining nine people got a badge.

At this moment, in addition to a shocking news broadcast, the invincible dragon group master actually eliminated one person.