Save the beauty in summer

Xia Xia finally understood what Yin Nie meant by beating him to half death.

Yin Nie actually wanted to force him to use the power of Cain's blood essence. He asked Xia to try to release this power, but in the end he failed. Once Xia became violent, he would become a madman.

There is no way to control it.

In the end, Yin Nie simply gave up and told Xia Xia not to wait for him tomorrow.

Let Summer go to practice by himself.

It was the first time that Xia Xia saw such a powerful master. He had to face the battle of life and death in three months, yet he actually asked himself to practice.

In the end, I took a shower after regaining my strength in the summer.

It's already past ten o'clock in the evening, and he's also a little hungry, so he plans to go out to eat something.

The wounds on his body are much better now, and the two wounds injured by the Fire Dragon Dagger are also scarred, but it will take a long time to remove these scars.

In the summer, I never forgot to bring my wallet when I went out this time. When Huo Lao asked someone to send him a card, he directly sent him a wallet. The wallet contained several thousand dollars and a card.

"Boss, bring me twenty mutton skewers, two large kidneys and two bottles of beer." My favorite food in summer is this kind of roadside stall in the middle of the night.

Although he knows that this kind of thing is not clean, whoever comes out to eat is for the sake of cleanliness.

Xia Xia remembered that he had watched a program before, where the professor said that according to scientific statistics, if watermelon is placed in the refrigerator, it will destroy the vitamin A in it. b. c. d. e. f. g and so on.

At that time, I laughed in the summer. Who eats watermelon for the vitamins in it?

These experts simply have no common sense in life.

In summer, the appetite is very large, and then he ordered some things like oysters and scallops, plus some seafood stir-fries, which are the characteristics of roadside stalls in Jianghai City.

Someone once said that things like oysters and kidneys are a gas station for men and a beauty salon for women.

People as pure as Summer don't understand what they mean.

After eating, Xia Tian planned to go for a walk and go home, but just a few steps out, he saw a familiar person.

his guide.

It was the one who almost sat on the ground when he played it.

At this time, the guide seemed to be drinking too much. Someone helped her into the car, but she kept resisting there.

"I didn't drink too much, I don't know you, I'll go home by myself." The teacher's body was almost unable to stand up.

"I'll take you off. Can you still remember where your home is so late? I'll take you to my house." A wretched man went to help the teacher to his car.

"I don't know you, I'll go home myself." The teacher kept pushing the wretched man, but the wretched man didn't move at all. She really drank too much and had no strength.

The wretched man opened his car door directly, trying to push the teacher into the car, and she was even less and less sober.

"Stop, let go of that woman and let me come." Xia Xia stood up with a sense of justice.

"Where's the stinky boy, get out of the way, don't ruin my good deeds, sir." The wretched man said very dissatisfied.

The teacher "Xia Xia" completely lost consciousness after seeing Xia Xia.

"I'll give you three numbers, hurry up." Xia Xia shook her head helplessly when she saw the unconscious teacher. If she hadn't happened to pass by this place today, she would be finished. I really don't know why she drank so much. liquor.

Must have been stimulated by something.

"Stinky boy, you are really impatient." The wretched man took out a switchblade directly from his waist, and stabbed Xia Xia's waist after saying that.

Super invincible nirvana

Cut off sons and grandsons' feet.

Xia Xia kicked the wretched man directly at the vital point. He knew that this man would never be able to do such bad things in his life.

The man's mouth turned into an O shape, his legs were long inside, and he knelt on the ground.

Xia Xia bypassed him and directly hugged the teacher who had completely fainted.


"Hey, you owe me a favor this time." Xia Xia took her to the hotel and asked for a room. The people in the hotel saw that the teacher who Xia Xian was holding fainted, so they were very vigilant and asked Xia to register. After getting the ID card, I have to stand under the surveillance to take a clear picture of Xia Xia's face.

There is no resistance to this in summer.

He knew that the people in the hotel did this because they were afraid that the teacher would drink too much in the summer and then bring them here to do some obscene deeds.

Xia Tian laid the teacher flat on the bed, poured her a glass of warm water, let her drink it, and then she fell asleep little by little.

In the summer, he himself slept on the sofa.

Early the next morning, Xia Xian was woken up by the sound of crying.

"What's the matter?" Xia Xia looked at the teacher suspiciously.

"Why are you like this, I'm your teacher, you actually do such despicable things to me." The beautiful teacher cried non-stop when she saw Xia Xia.

"Teacher, what have I done to you? I've been sleeping on the sofa." Xia Xia said You lied, look, I'm bleeding. "The teacher lifted the quilt and cried.

Xia Xia saw the blood flowing from the teacher's body, and was completely speechless, "Lord Teacher, look at your clothes and trousers, which are not in good condition, you are looking carefully, who can get the bed full of errands, this is obvious Your relatives are here."

At this time, the sheets under the teacher's body were all soaked, and Xia Xia knew that he would definitely have to pay for the hotel this time.

"Uh" Teacher was slightly taken aback when he heard Xia Xia's words, and stopped crying, "Yes, it seems that my relatives are really here."

Thinking of this, she immediately began to laugh.

"That's right, how could an honest person like me take advantage of someone's danger." Xia Xia looked righteous and awe-inspiring, but last night, that was not the case.

There was a battle of hearts in the summer last night.

"try it."


"Thanks for not giving it a try."

"That's right, I don't want it anymore. I can't do things that take advantage of people's dangers."

"It's alright, she doesn't know it anyway, just give it a try, have you forgotten it?"

The little white man and the little black man in Xia's mind kept fighting.

"Can I ask you a favor?" The teacher looked at Xia Xia awkwardly.