I feel so bullied

"Be careful," several voices shouted together.

"Go to hell." Lei Zhan's fingers had already pulled the trigger. His face was hideous. He had already decided that he was going to shoot Xia Xia.

But just when he pulled the trigger, he suddenly felt his fingers get cold, and the trigger was not pulled.

"Why do I feel cold in my fingers? Why can't I pull the trigger?" Lei Zhan asked himself doubtfully. At this moment, there was a sharp pain in his fingers, and his fingers were actually cut off.

"You really don't deserve to be a martial artist anymore, and you actually attacked from behind." Xia Xia looked at Lei Zhan coldly and said.

Everyone was stunned. They only saw a flash of golden light just now, and then Lei Zhan's fingers were thrown into the air. The speed was so fast that no one could see clearly what weapon Xia Tian used to kill Lei Zhan. Fingers cut off.

"Boss" The people around Lei Zhan hurriedly surrounded him, "Boss, let's go to the hospital, we can still get our fingers back."

What Lei Zhan lost was the index finger of his right hand. This was the finger that fired the gun. If he didn't take it back, Lei Zhan would be useless.

Those people directly lifted Lei Zhan, picked up the fingers on the ground, and were about to walk outside.

"Am I letting you go?" Xia Tian said lightly.

"What else do you want? You are already powerful enough today, we are going to save people." Lei Zhan's men shouted angrily.

"You injured so many people, and you openly came here to rob people. Now you can leave. Do you think it is possible?" Xia Xia looked at them and asked.

"What if we have to go?" Those people all looked at Xia Xia angrily. Lei Zhan was their boss, and they all received the favor of Lei Zhan.

Now that Lei Zhan's fingers have been cut off, they must immediately send Lei Zhan to the hospital.

"You can be escorted away, but I won't let you walk out of this building like this. You can give it a try. I'll break the legs of anyone who steps on that section of stairs." Xia Xia said calmly, his The sound was not loud, but none of those people really dared to step on that section of the stairs.

They were not afraid, but worried that if the trouble really continued, their boss would not be able to save them.

"We will go with you and agree to be taken away, but you must take our boss to the hospital immediately."

"It doesn't matter what you said." Xia Xia said coldly.

"What do you want, do you have to make things bigger? He has a background. He's from the Lei family. If you make things bigger, the Lei family won't let you go."

"I have a lot of enemies, and I don't care how many more." Xia Xia had quite a few enemies, and there were even his enemies in Hidden Sect.

"Forget it." Zeng Rou stepped forward and said, she was still afraid that the summer would make things worse.

No matter what, the other party is also a regimental leader. If he really loses a finger that shoots, it will definitely be a big deal.

"Okay, for my sister Rou's sake, I can allow him to go to the hospital, but he must be inspected, and all of you will be taken back to the inspection bureau to make a record." Xia Xia looked at those people and said.

"Okay." Those people have already recognized it. As long as Xia Xia is willing to let their boss go to surgery, they will recognize everything.

"Take them all to me, handcuff them all, and take notes one by one after returning, and send the injured to the hospital." Qiantou ordered that he was also injured, so he wanted to go to the hospital with those people. .

Lei Zhan was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. He could endure the gunshot wound on his foot, but he didn't understand why his fingers hurt so much.

In fact, although it is very painful to break a normal finger, it is definitely not as painful as Lei Zhan. The reason why he is so painful is because of the power of the golden knife. The golden knife has a tearing function, and even the zombie in the general's tomb can't handle it. Live the golden knife, let alone a thunder war.

"Is he going to be okay?" Zeng Rou asked Xia Xia.

Those people have all been taken away.

"The finger can't be saved. The finger that was cut off by the golden knife, unless I take action, no one can pick it up. When they get to the hospital, it will be too late, even I can't pick it up." Xia Xia can only Pick up on site, once a period of time has passed

, the tearing function of the golden knife will tear apart his bone cells and muscles, and it is impossible to connect that finger.

If they don't sterilize quickly, other fingers will be spread too.

"That person is not simple. He is a team leader himself, and the Lei family seems to be very powerful." Zeng Rou reminded.

"It's okay." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Li Ying glanced at Xia Tian and Zeng Rou, and left quietly with a gloomy expression.

"You still have to be careful, those people are really hard to mess with." Zeng Rou felt that she couldn't help at all, and Xia Xia got into such a big trouble because of her.

"Don't worry, it's alright." Xia Xia comforted and took out a bracelet from his pocket, "This is for you."

"Wow, what a beautiful bracelet." Zeng Rou's eyes were all attracted by the bracelet. She knew that it was useless to worry about it~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia had already cut off Lei Zhan's finger, It is impossible for Lei Zhan to easily let go of summer.

So all she can do is see what needs her in summer.

"Come on, I'll put it on for you." Xia Tian put the bracelet on Zeng Rou's hand, "This bracelet can protect you once, do you see that bead?"

"I see." Zeng Rou said.

"If the bead is dark, it means that you have encountered a crisis of life and death. The bracelet has already helped you through it. After the bracelet is used once, it will automatically absorb the surrounding aura, and it can only be used when it lights up again." Xia Wei Zeng Rou explained the role of the bracelet.

Then the two went directly to the hotel.

We happened to have a meal together, but we didn't know half of the meal when the phone rang in Summer.

Lin Bingbing called.

Lin Bingbing said that the man named Lei Zhan couldn't get his fingers back. In his rage, he asked the Lei family martial arts practitioners and lawyers to seek justice.

Now the two sides are fighting each other.

And Lei Zhan's roll call will be over in the summer.

That's why Lin Bingbing gave him this call.

Xia Xia frowned when he knew what happened. He didn't understand how the people from this company came so quickly. If he guessed correctly, that Lei Zhan brought people here.

"It seems that he thinks I'm bullying." Xia Xia said in a cold tone.