Poisonous Hu Fangye

What about the surname Lei?" Xia Xia said loudly.

"Hey, you're in trouble." The gentleman above shook his head helplessly.

"I've always had a lot of trouble. I've never been afraid. By the way, we both made mistakes. Let's get in and make a record together." Xia Xia left immediately after speaking.

In the hidden door.


Wen Ya shouted angrily.

Everything around was smashed to pieces by him.

"I must kill you in the summer." Wenya shouted angrily.

The reason for Wen Ya's anger is not because of Qing Lin's death. In her eyes, Qing Lin is just a chess piece. Qing Lin's life and death have nothing to do with her. The reason why she is really angry is that her whole family is dead. Including his younger brother and younger siblings.

The whole family has no one to live.

They were all dead, and according to those who returned, they were all at the hands of Xia Xia.

As soon as Wenya heard the news, she was completely covered by hatred.

Xia Xia killed her whole family, so how could she not be angry, she knew Xia Xia must know Qing Lin was the one who was looking for her, so she would take revenge on herself.

"Summer, I must kill you." Wenya retreated again with a strong hatred.

Also in the hidden door.

"Young Master Jiang, Wenya's anger this time is probably enough for her to improve again." Yu He gently shook the fan in his hand and said.

"Be careful, don't let her escape our control." Jiang Tianshu said lightly.

"Don't worry, Wenya will definitely die, but she must play her due role before she dies." Yu He smiled slightly.

"What happened to Hu Fangye?" Jiang Tianshu asked.

"It's going very smoothly now, and almost all the toxicity in the batch of medicinal materials will be absorbed by him." Yu He explained.

"Well, try to hurry up as soon as possible. When the Tongtian Outer Cave opens this time, I must advance to the prefecture level." Jiang Tianshu has been waiting for this day for too long.

"Jiang Shao, not only will you become a prefecture-level subordinate, but you will also get a pseudo-prefecture-level subordinate." Yu He said confidently that Hu Fangye was used by them for their experiments. If successful, then Hu Fangye would change dramatically As a pseudo-prefecture-level expert, although Hu Fangye could no longer take an inch, the poison he carried would be feared by even an earth-level expert.

"Well, let the black robe speed up a bit." Jiang Tianshu ordered.

In Jianghai City.

"Even the big cousin fell down, how is this possible." Li Yuan said with a face full of incredulity.

"Boss, what should I do now?" Li Yuan's subordinate asked.

"The eldest cousin can't fall like this. He is a member of the Lei family. The Lei family will not let it go. I have a second cousin. I'll go and beg my second cousin." Li Yuan took it directly when he thought of this. out the phone.

"Second cousin, I'm Li Yuan."

"Why did you remember to call me, boy, I thought you were dead."

"Second cousin, I was beaten up. The older cousin heard that he took the lead for me, but he also had a finger chopped off. The background of that person is not simple, and he seems to know a lot of big people. My brother was also taken away by their people."

"There is such a thing"

"Well, I don't know what's going on with the eldest cousin now. I'm really worried about what happened to the eldest cousin."

"Don't worry, the eldest cousin is from the Lei family, and no one dares to do anything to him. It's rare that you still care about the eldest cousin. When I'm done with these things at hand, I'll go there. Jianghai."

"Second cousin, don't come here. That person's martial arts are very powerful, and he knows the people above."

"Hmph, people with powerful martial arts can be seen everywhere in the imperial capital, so what can we do? Now this society relies on brains and technology, and it's even less remarkable to know people from above. The eldest cousin is from above, so he will A little afraid of the above, I am not, they have nothing to do with me."

"Second cousin, I just want you to help my eldest cousin think of a way. I don't mean to let you come here. That person is really hard to mess with."

"It's okay, I have

My means, there will be nothing wrong with the big cousin. "

Li Yuan's second cousin hung up the phone directly. After hanging up, Li Yuan showed a hint of joy on his face. He knew the difference between the second cousin and the eldest cousin.

The big cousin lost because he brought people into Jianghai City.

But the second cousin is different. The second cousin is one of the most famous people in the imperial capital. When the three of them swore to worship in times of adversity, Li Yuan never asked them anything for so many years.

This time, when he made a call, he seemed to take the lead in loyalty, and naturally he won the favor of his second cousin.

Jianghai City at night.

"You two have been with me for so long. If you have something to say, come out and talk." Xia Xia said lightly while walking on the street.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, two shadows really came out of the darkness.

The two were still acquaintances in Xia Xia, one man and one woman, the two who raised ghosts.

This gloomy man is called Han Zifeng, and the woman is called Zhong Chuhong.

"Mr. Xia, we are here to ask you for something." Han Zifeng said straight to the point.

"We don't seem to have any friendship, and I broke your leg." Xia Xia looked at Han Zifeng in confusion~www.mtlnovel.com~ He really didn't understand why these people asked him for help.

"Mr. Xia, we apologize to you for what happened before. This time we came to you for help, not to persuade you with words." Han Zifeng continued.

"Oh, then you are planning to tie me and go." Xia Xia looked at the two with great interest and said.

"Of course not, neither of us have that ability. This time, the two of us came here to talk to you about cooperation. On August 15th, we will go to the forbidden area of ​​the Witch Gu Sect with us." Han Zifeng hurriedly explained, He was afraid of Xia Xian's anger, he had already seen Xia Xia's power.

"Let's talk about it, how can we cooperate?" Xia Xia had long been interested in the treasure of the Witch Gu Sect.

"The three of us went in together, and the treasures we got were five or five points, two of us five, and you alone five, but if we are in trouble in the future, you must help." Han Zifeng said directly.

The conditions he offered were very attractive. The reason why he was willing to give Xia Xia 50%, while he and Zhong Chuhong were 50%, was for the latter sentence.

"Sounds good, but this condition is not good and needs to be changed." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Four or six points is fine." Han Zifeng said with a frown, he was ready to be slaughtered by Xia Xia.

"No, I only need what I need, and the rest belong to you. I can also promise you two to protect you, but you two must do things for me in the future." Xia Xia looked at the two of them and said.