Emperor Xia Qing

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"What's wrong?" Lin Bingbing asked Xia Xia in confusion.

"This person's surname is actually Xia." Xia pointed to the banner and said.

"Well, it's the first time I've seen someone with the same surname as you." Lin Bingbing never knew the name of Gongsun Ping's fiancé.

"What a coincidence." Xia Tian didn't say anything, but walked directly inside, and Lin Bingbing followed. The place was very grand, with fruits, food and cakes everywhere.

Wherever Lin Bingbing went, people turned back.

The man's eyes were full of surprise, while the woman's eyes were full of jealousy.

Those women were chatting with the man beside him, but when the man found Lin Bingbing, he suddenly turned his head, and his eyes were completely attracted to Lin Bingbing.

For a while, Lin Bingbing became the object of everyone's hatred.

"Beauty, you are really beautiful." A man who thought he was very dashing stepped forward to chat with Lin Bingbing.

"Thank you." Lin Bingbing responded, and then looked at Xia Tian, ​​she found that Xia Xian actually started to eat.

"Can I leave it to a friend?" The man seemed to have opened a chat box.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you, and I don't like to make friends with strangers." Lin Bingbing said calmly, what she hated most was this kind of rich second-generation, who thought she was cool.

But she also knew that today was Gongsun Ping's big day, so she didn't show too much excitement.

"The first time is born, the second time is ripe." The man said very gracefully.

"But I've only seen you once." Lin Bingbing said.

The man turned around directly, and then turned back again, "This time we have met twice."

"Sick" Lin Bingbing really couldn't control her emotions.

The man was stunned this time. He didn't expect Lin Bingbing to start cursing.

"Hey, Sister Jinghua, I heard you swear just now, didn't you let me cause trouble?" Xia Xia said while eating a piece of watermelon in his hand.

"Missed," Lin Bingbing said embarrassedly.

She really made a mistake this time to scold her.

"Bingbing" was at this moment, and a voice attracted Lin Bingbing's attention. It was Gongsun Ping. Today Gongsun Ping was dressed very beautifully.

She was wearing a white wedding dress, which was very open, and her back was almost completely exposed to the air.

When Xia Xia saw Gongsun Ping, he smiled slightly and directly handed half of the watermelon in his hand to the stunned man, then wiped his hand on his clothes, and then walked to Gongsun Ping, "Sister Ping, you are really today. beautiful."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, he directly hugged Gongsun Ping and rubbed his hands on Gongsun Ping's back.

"Hurry up and let go." Lin Bingbing also saw Xia Xia's actions and said angrily.

"Uh" Xia Xia saw that Lin Bingbing was angry, and hurriedly let go of Gongsun Ping's back.

"You kid, it's still like this, you even dare to eat my tofu." Gongsun Ping scolded with a smile.

The stunned man just now looked at the watermelon in his hand, looked at the water stains on his body that had been rubbed by Xia Xian, and then looked at Xia Xia's actions just now, he was about to eat people.


He didn't expect this person to be so shameless.

"Sister Ping, I always thought you were going to be my wife." Xia Xia said very sadly.

"How can one person marry two wives, you are not afraid that your elder sister Jinghua will be jealous." Gongsun Ping looked at Xia Xia playfully.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care, and who said I'm going to marry two wives, I'm about to marry ten now." Xia Xia looked at Gongsun Ping and said very seriously.

"Uh, it's better to meet you if you're famous." Gongsun Ping smiled slightly.

"Sister Ping, think about it again, I really don't mind." Xia Xia looked at Gongsun Ping and said.

"I'm talking about marriage, you think I can think about it casually." Gongsun Ping explained.


"It doesn't matter, as long as I kill your fiancé, then you will be free." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"Forget it, my fiancé is not easy to mess with." Gongsun Ping chatted with the two of them for a while, and then went to entertain other people. Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing went shopping by themselves.

Although many people were looking at Lin Bingbing, they dismissed the idea after seeing a handsome man beside Lin Bingbing.

However, there were still some people who didn't give up, and they inquired about Lin Bingbing's identity everywhere.

I want to contact Lin Bingbing in the future, or through a friend's introduction, I want to befriend Lin Bingbing.


At this moment, everyone looked at the entrance.

There was a Rolls-Royce parked there. When everyone saw this Rolls-Royce, they knew that today's master was coming.

That is Xia Qing.

An old man walked down from the back of the car and opened the door respectfully.

Then a young and handsome boy walked out of the car door.

The boy looked in his twenties, but he was wearing a suit, which seemed to be from a famous teacher.

"As expected of Shao Xia, this aura just instantly killed the people in Jianghai City."

"That's right, people from the imperial capital are different."

"The clothes alone should be no less than several hundred thousand."

The people around were talking.

"He came from the imperial capital." Xia Xia frowned.

I have to say that this Xia Qing's aura is too strong, everyone looked at him with admiration~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xiao Ya, Xiao Erlang, carrying that schoolbag to school.

At this moment, a bell rang.

Everyone around looked at Xia Tian with disgust.

This ringtone is really embarrassing.

Even Lin Bingbing looked at the summer with a strange expression. The Big Apple's ringtone in the summer was already shocking enough, but now there is such a classic ringtone.

"Boss, those people are all dead."

"what happened"

"Just now they answered a phone call, and then rushed in a few yellow-level masters, and immediately killed them."

"Do you know who those people are?"

"I don't know. They drove away so fast that the baby couldn't catch up."

"Okay, I get it."

Summer hung up the phone.

The people at the entrance greeted Xia Qing one by one, but Xia Xia only nodded slightly in response occasionally.

After Gongsun Ping said a few words to Xia Qing, Xia Qing walked directly to Lin Bingbing and Xia Xia, but his eyes were always looking at the sky, almost not at people.

When he came to Lin Bingbing, he looked at Lin Bingbing.

When he saw Lin Bingbing's appearance, he was obviously taken aback, "She's actually a beautiful woman."