5 talent formation

After hearing the words of the tenth elder of the Xia family, all those who were watching the lively around were stunned.


Array method

Only those sects of the hidden sects can form formations, but the Xia family is actually calling for the formation. Could it be that the Xia family also has the strength of those big sects?

This made everyone present puzzled.

The Xia family is really getting more and more abnormal. Before, they dispatched a hundred mysterious experts quietly.

Now there are still formations.

The formation is the strongest ability in the hidden door. The biggest reason why no one dares to provoke the masters of the hidden door is because of their formation. The formation is the most mysterious thing. Usually, the formation of two people can play a role. The strength of five people.

And this strength has grown exponentially.

So when they heard the formation, those people were so surprised.

"No way, the Xia family actually knows how to form formations, so wouldn't the Xia family be comparable to Hidden Sect?"

"It's really surprising. If the Xia family wins today's battle, the Xia family will definitely be famous."

"At that time, I am afraid that there will be few people in the entire imperial capital who dare to provoke the Xia family."

The people around were originally from various forces in the imperial capital. The purpose of their coming here was to find out the current strength of the Xia family. The strength displayed by the Xia family now makes them feel fearful.

When he heard the formation, Xia Xia was also taken aback.

Isn't that what Qinglin and the others used before is the exact formation.

The power of the formation used by those few people shot together soared in an instant, and even Brother Xiao Ma was injured by them in one round.

Those Xuan level masters of the Xia family began to move.

They quickly merged, five people formed a team, and quickly converged together.

"Go to hell!" How could Xia Xia helplessly watch their formation, and rushed forward in an instant, the golden knife flew out directly, the golden light burst, and the five people hurriedly separated.


The person closest to the golden knife was directly cut off by Xia Xia.

The remaining four hurriedly looked for new people to form a team, but summer did not give them a chance at all.

body instant

Xia Xia appeared next to a person in an instant, the golden knife pierced directly into the person's body, and then his left hands pointed at the person's heart.

bang bang

The two fell down again.

Although this group of people has the power of Xuan-level masters, they do not have the strength to match it. It is like a weak person holding a gun in his hand. The power of the gun is indeed strong enough.

But once they can't hit each other, their power is useless.

The clouds and fairy walks of summer are unimpeded among these people.


At this moment, a violent explosion sounded from behind Xia Xia.

Little Marco pulled Xiao Fei's body back quickly.

And a 20-centimeter-deep hole appeared on the ground where Xiao Fei was standing just now.

"Damn" Xia Tian turned around instantly and came directly to the five people.

Five people shot at the same time, Xia Xian had to dodge, when he wanted to attack again, he found that the attacks of these five people started to flow continuously, it was as if one person had ten arms.

Five-talent formation.

"Hahahaha, Xia Xia, weren't you very good just now?" The ten elders of the Xia family laughed excitedly.

They naturally knew that the strength of this kind of Xuan-level masters cultivated with drugs was very limited, so they worked hard to get this five-talented formation, and the five people shot together to directly defend the neutral position.

On the other hand, Lin Bingbing and Xia Xue, who were rushing the fastest, also kept retreating.

The battle situation was turned back by the opponent.

"It's over, these people are over this summer. Xuan-level masters who know the formation technique can be said to be undefeated."

"I originally thought they had some hope, but it's a pity."

"Now we can only hope that the war will be turned around again that summer."

Those who watch the fun are just beginning to recognize

There is nothing to watch for this war, because the strength gap between the two sides is really too big, but later they gradually discovered that the strength of these people in the summer is not weak.

But those Xuan-level masters of the Xia family actually started to form the formation again.

Bai Yu stood there without saying a word, his eyes were always on Xia Xia.

"Huh" Xia Tian snorted coldly, pointing his fingers straight ahead.

Lingxi's first finger is the second.


A huge finger phantom appeared directly in the void.

The five-man team hurriedly resisted.

"Kill" Brother Xiao Ma and the others saw the opportunity and directly killed them. In just an instant, the five people were killed by Brother Xiao Ma and others.

Inner force out

"What is the release of internal force?" This time, the ten elders of the Xia family were stunned. His face was full of incredulity. He couldn't imagine that Xia Xia actually used internal force to release it. It was too terrifying.

Those who were watching the fun were also stunned. Although they couldn't see clearly here, they could be sure that the one just now was definitely putting out internal power.

The release of internal force represents the prefecture level

In other words, what he showed in the summer just now was a prefecture-level strength.

"Don't be afraid, he can't be an earth-level master, otherwise he can kill those five people in one fell swoop. He must have used some means." The ten elders of the Xia family shouted loudly, and he clearly felt that Xia Xia's attack just now He stunned all his own people~www.mtlnovel.com~ Indeed, a prefecture-level expert is definitely a terrifying existence.

But the ten elders of the Xia family absolutely do not believe that Xia is a prefecture-level expert.

"It should be like what the ten elders said, Xia Xia can't be a prefecture-level expert, such a young prefecture-level expert is a bit scary, and if he is really a prefecture-level expert, just now he should have put those five people directly. kill."

"That's right, even if it can't be done, those five people will definitely be seriously injured, so he can't be an earth-level expert."

"Hey, even if he is an Earth-level expert now, how can an Earth-level expert be able to face hundreds of Xuan-level experts who use formations?"

As soon as this person's words came out, everyone looked at Xia Xia and the others worriedly. Although Xia Xia's life and death had nothing to do with them, they were all nervous about Xia Xia now.

Watching the fun is immersive.

boom boom boom

Several explosions came, and the people behind Xia Xia kept retreating. They were completely in fear, even though Xia Xia broke one of the other's formations.

But there are more than ten formations here.

Others can't be like Summer.

"Be careful." At this moment, Xia Xia discovered that Lin Bingbing actually rushed in front of a formation. Her speed was very fast, but she came to the front of the five-person formation in an instant.