Chapter 510

The soft sword in the hands of the ten elders seemed to turn into a spirit snake, stabbing directly at Xia Xia.

A finger of consonance

Xia Xia's **** directly clamped the soft sword in the hands of the ten elders. Lingxi's greatest ability is that it can clamp the opponent's weapon with great precision.

And when using the consonance one finger, the internal force gathers on the two fingers.

So no matter how sharp a weapon is, it can't hurt his fingers, which is the strongest point of Lingxi Finger.

"Hmph, courting death." The soft sword in the hands of the ten elders circled.

It was the same trick just now, he wanted to chop off Xia Xia's fingers with a soft sword.

"How could it be possible for you to succeed." Xia Xian shouted and then squeezed his fingers together.

Lingxi's first finger is the second.

A phantom of an unexpected finger appeared and completely clamped the soft sword in the hands of the ten elders.


The soft sword actually broke.

The biggest advantage of the soft sword is that it will not break, because its willfulness is good enough, but now the soft sword in the hands of the ten elders is broken.

It was pinched off by Xia Xia's consonance finger.

"How is this possible?" The ten elders looked at the broken sword in his hand with disbelief.

bang bang bang

At this time, the battle at Fan Zhuifeng was over. All the Xia family's Xuan-level masters fell to the ground and could not stand up. Fan Zhuifeng was worthy of being the first master in Jianghai City. It took more than ten minutes to knock down all the thirty or forty Xuan-level masters to the ground.

Although his battle is over, he has no intention of stepping forward to help Xia Xia.

"Old guy, if you don't have anything else, then you're dead." Xia Xia said coldly, looking at the ten elders of the Xia family.

"It's amazing, the ten elders of the Xia family actually lost."

"It's really exciting. The ten elders of the Xia family, a master who has been famous for many years, actually lost to an eighteen- or nine-year-old man."

"In today's battle, summer will surely become famous."

Those who watched the fun never thought that it would turn out like this. At first, they thought that Xia Xia and his people would be wiped out, but in the end, although most of Xia Xia's people were injured, none of them died.

Looking at the Xia family's Xuan-level masters, they all fell to the ground, and none of them could stand up.

The death of the dead, the wound of the wound.

Even the ten elders of the Xia family were defeated by Xia Xia, and the soft sword in his hand had been cut off by Xia Xia.

"Damn, I'm not reconciled." The ten elders of the Xia family looked at Xia Xia angrily and shouted.

"It looks like you don't have much ability." Xia Xia turned to look at Fan Zhuifeng, "Thanks."


At this moment, the ten elders of the Xia family suddenly issued a hidden weapon. At this time, Xia Xia turned his back to him, and he was confident that the sneak attack would be successful.

Instant body technique.

Xia Xia's figure instantly appeared behind the tenth elder of the Xia family, and then he grabbed his right hand and grabbed the body of the tenth elder directly, "Go to hell"


Xia Xia directly smashed the ten elders' body on the ground.

bang bang bang

Xia Xia punched the tenth elder in the face one by one, blood spattered from the tenth elder's face, and Xia's body and face were covered in blood, looking very terrifying.


Summer's approach is very violent.

Seeing this scene, those who were watching the excitement were all chilled in their hearts. Xia Xia's strength was so strong, and he was decisive in killing. At first glance, he was a person who was not easy to mess with.

In their hearts, they secretly warned themselves that this kind of person can only befriend, not offend.

"Summer, what do these people do?" Brother Ma asked.

"Kill all of them." Xia Xia picked up the ten elders with a **** face. "Since ancient times, the king has been defeated. If we lose, the end will be worse than this."


Xia Xia's downward slash directly stepped on the body of the ten elders on the ground.

The ten elders of the Xia family couldn't die any longer.

The moment Xia Xia said to kill, the girls from the Xia family took action, and they all killed Xia.

Treat Tian as a real brother, since Xia Xia said he was going to kill him, he and the others would naturally not let him go.

"Hey" Fan Zhuifeng sighed when he saw Xia Xia's actions, then turned and left. He was just here to help. Now that Xia Xia was all right, he naturally had to leave.

Xia Xia knew what Fan Zhuifeng meant. Fan Zhuifeng was a benevolent person. He never killed anyone. Even in the face of people like Hidden Bat, he would only injure but not kill him, just like the forest in his family.

He is a man who respects life.

So Xia didn't plan to convince him.

"It's over, the Xia family lost too much this time, and all one hundred profound experts and one elder were buried here."

"This summer is really too powerful, and he is decisive in killing people. This kind of person can't be offended."

"I'm afraid this incident will cause a sensation in the entire imperial capital. The Xia family is going crazy this time. They originally wanted to stand up, but now it seems that they not only failed, but also took the lives of so many masters."

One by one, the people watching the lively around said with emotion that this summer has shown them their strength. Although Xia Xia is only a member of Jianghai City, he already has his own reputation in the imperial capital.

Under normal circumstances, apart from the four major Chinese masters in the imperial capital, they would not be interested in masters other than the imperial capital.

The girls in the summer also surprised this group of people.

Normally, girls don't kill people, but it was these women who ordered to kill, and these women didn't have any aversion to killing.

"Your speed has increased again." Bai Yu came to Xia Xia's side and said.

Xia Xian picked up the weight on the ground and put it on again, "This is not your way, otherwise, how could you improve so quickly."

"There are many people who use this method, but you are the best one, even better than me." Bai Yu praised, he never deliberately compliments anyone when he speaks.

"Haha, thank you for your compliment." Xia Xia said with a big smile.

"I think I will meet that Fan Chaifeng." Bai Yu said lightly.

"Tomorrow I'll take you to the Green Forest Villa." Xia Xia nodded, Bai Yu had a request, and he naturally wouldn't refuse.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." After Bai Yu finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot and walked into the distance.

Bai Yu's speed is very fast, and he seems to be flying.

"Who is that person, and how can he be so fast?"

"He seems to be flying. It turns out that the master who never made a shot is actually Xia's friend. It's really amazing."

"Bai Yu, that person is Bai Yu, the quicksand killer Bai Yu, the fastest person in China."

Those who were watching the fun finally saw that there was only one person at such a fast speed and in that outfit, and that was the legendary Bai Yu.