Zhao Shanhe

The person Xia Xia saw was Deputy Director Li. Xia Xia kept forgetting about this person. This person has dealt with Xia Xia more than once, but he is a dark person. Normally, he would let others harm Xia Xia, and he would take matters into his own hands. clear.

Seeing the sneaky appearance of Deputy Director Li, Xia Xia followed directly: "There must be a conspiracy sneaking up, and I don't know who to harm and destroy the enemy's plan, that's a good thing."

Summer can't kill a deputy chief of a police department for no reason.

Unless he has evidence of a crime from Deputy Director Li, but this Deputy Director Li is very cautious in his actions. He doesn't even have a private car and lives in an ordinary house.

So Xia Xia never had a chance to deal with Deputy Director Li.

"This old fox is sneaking, there must be something ghostly." Xia Xia followed directly.

Deputy Director Li looked like he was sneaking, and at a glance, he knew that he was not doing something good. He was a little too cautious, so he deliberately dressed like this, and now he is still looking around.

Afraid of being followed, Xia Xia followed.

Deputy Director Li quietly entered a ktv. When he entered the ktv, he deliberately covered his hat down, and his sunglasses also covered most of his face.

The waiter stepped forward to receive him, but he waved his hand hastily and walked inside.

Summer also went inside.

"Hello sir." The waiter stepped forward to greet him.

"A room is reserved inside." Xia Xia said and walked straight forward. After the waiter heard Xia said that the room was reserved, they didn't ask any more questions, but continued to entertain the next group of people.

Deputy Director Li was still very cautious when he went upstairs, taking three steps at a time, always observing suspicious people around him.

Xia Xia did not follow, but opened his perspective to observe the situation of Deputy Director Li. After he saw Deputy Director Li go upstairs, he followed up, and Deputy Director Li went up to the fourth floor.

Summer also followed to the fourth floor.

Deputy Director Li broke into the third door directly. After pushing the door open, he hurried in.

Xia Xian walked directly inside. The room opposite the third door was dark, which meant that there was no one in that room. After Xia entered, he sat directly on the sofa.

The doors in the KTV are all made of glass. Although the glass is frosted, it can easily penetrate the two layers of frosted glass with the ability to see through the eyes in summer.

Through the glass, Xia Tian saw the situation in the box opposite.

There were only two people in the box opposite. One was Deputy Chief Li of the police station, and the other was a stranger. Xia Xian had never seen this person before, but one person in this mouth made Xia Xia very interested.

Li Yuan, Li Laoba!

Thinking back to Xia Xia now, whether it was Lei Zhan or a strong enemy like Xia Qing, they all had something to do with Li Yuan.

Later, Xia Qing also personally admitted the matter.

If it hadn't happened to him today, he wouldn't really remember Li Yuan, but now he understands that sometimes he has to be ruthless, otherwise these people won't give up.

"Deputy Director Li, you should know very well who my boss is, and now there is the only fourth son of Jianghai in Jianghai City," the man said.

"What else does Li Yuan want, we are only in the summer." Deputy Director Li said nervously.

"Deputy Director Li, you are also the uncle of the boss anyway. The boss secretly helped you to get your current position, and the boss helped you wash your money. I'm afraid it's not good if you turn your face and don't recognize anyone." The man was clearly threatening Deputy Director Li.

"That is, that is." Deputy Director Li said politely.

"Deputy Director Li, now we need you to do one thing!" said the man.

"You said." Deputy Director Li said.

"Our people ordered Zhao Shanhe's house, and we left some evidence at the scene, all of which pointed to the summer, what I want you to do is to take your people over there, say you can't control this, say you offend I can't afford Xia Xia, Xia Xia is the most famous person in Jianghai City, anyone who offends him will die, in short, the more tragic the better." The person said.

"Is the Zhao Shanhe you're talking about the Zhao Shanhe called the Shoe Shine Righteous?" Deputy Director Li was slightly taken aback when he heard the name Zhao Shanhe.

"It's him." The man nodded.

"You guys are really ruthless." Deputy Director Li had a stunned expression.

Xia Xian sat there and watched without saying a word, quietly watching the conversation between the two people in the opposite house. He knew lip language, so he could easily know what the two were talking about.

"Zhao Shanhe." Xia Xia frowned slightly when he heard the name, but he didn't say anything.

Then Xia Xian stood up and walked outside. He already knew everything he wanted to know. Now he has to deal with this matter. After he left ktv, he made four calls in total. The first call was to Xu Xu. old. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

He wanted to find out who this Zhao Shanhe was, and the second one was to call Captain Qian, asking him to arrest those who were fighting the fire and collect some evidence.

The third one was to call the people from the Special Operations Department. He asked those people to check Deputy Director Li, but this time he didn't ask them to use ordinary methods to check, but to check the connection between him and Li Yuan.

The fourth was to call Han Zifeng.

He didn't call Han Zifeng and the others over in the last battle, because Han Zifeng and his brothers and sisters were Xia's trump cards. It was like insinuation. If the two of them were called in the last battle, then the two of them would be exposed.

Then in the summer, when you want people to do covert operations, it will be difficult.

The purpose of calling Han Zifeng was to make him turn Li Yuan into an idiot.

inside the hospital.

"I didn't expect this summer to be so terrifying, even the second brother died, but no matter how powerful he is, he can't escape my third strategy." Li Yuan instantly had a feeling of being possessed by Zhuge Liang.

He found Lei Zhan for the first time, and Xia Qing for the second time.

After these two schemes failed, he began to design the contradiction between Xia Xia and Zhao Shanhe.

Who is Zhao Shanhe? That was the person Li Yuan was most afraid of. Li Yuan was almost beaten to death by Zhao Shanhe, because Zhao Shanhe was a man of justice. He happened to be hit by Zhao Shanhe when he beat up several students of Jianghai University.

Although he had known Zhao Shanhe before, he didn't know how powerful Zhao Shanhe was, so he fought with Zhao Shanhe, but he didn't even survive Zhao Shanhe's move.

In the end, he was almost killed by Zhao Shanhe.

Since then, he has never dared to provoke Zhao Shanhe, because Zhao Shanhe is alone. He has no relatives or friends. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with. He can play with anyone at any time.