Maoshan Soldiers

"Oh, I'll go, you guys have watched too many cartoons, who's child, take me away." Xia Xia was completely speechless, and he didn't even have the heart to kill this person.

"Junior brother, don't talk nonsense with them. People from the witch sect must kill. If they dare to collude with people from the shaman's sect, then he must also die. Have you forgotten the magic weapon rewarded by the master?" The senior brother reminded.

"Yeah, there are also magic weapons. There are three of them, and two of them are from the witch sect. That is to say, the two of us can get two magic tools at once. This time, we really made a fortune." The junior brother was excited. said.

"I just wanted to let you go, but it doesn't seem to be necessary now." Although Xia Xia felt that the younger person had a relatively simple personality, he could see from the older person that the Maoshan faction didn't actually want what the outside world said. So just.

The reason why this young man is so simple is probably because he has little contact with these people, otherwise he will become the same as these people sooner or later.

"Boss, the Maoshan sect is not a legitimate sect in the first place. They have always regarded themselves as a legitimate sect. In fact, most of the things they cultivate are forbidden, and some people even create some more forbidden kung fu. Otherwise, we are a witch sect. How can you lose." Han Zifeng looked at the pair of senior brothers opposite him with a look of resentment.

"Master said, this is called fighting poison with poison. To deal with you people from the shamanistic sect, you must learn some more vicious methods." The junior brother seemed to take it for granted.

"Hey, your master tricked you." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

This kid is obviously very simple, but his master took a fancy to this, and directly began to instill those wrong thoughts in him.

Prohibited kung fu is the use of living people for cultivation, or the use of dead corpses for cultivation.

"Don't talk nonsense." The senior brother obviously didn't want Xia Xia to talk more to his younger junior brother, so he started directly.

Hastily as a law

That senior shouted loudly, and then spilled a handful of beans on the ground.

Sprinkle beans into a soldier

Those beans actually turned into ghosts one by one.

"Damn it, it turns out that the Maoshan faction also uses ghosts to fight." Xia Xia suddenly felt speechless.

Before Xia Xia, he had been guessing what the Maoshan faction actually used to fight, whether they used wooden slips and talismans to fight as shown on TV, but now he understands.

It turns out that these guys fight in the same way as people from the Witch Gu Sect.

"Boss, the Wugu Sect and the Maoshan Sect were originally one family. Later, due to differences, the two brothers created the Maoshan Sect and the Wugu Sect respectively, but the Maoshan Sect is authentic after all, so their kung fu is our nemesis, and they The forbidden kung fu research is beyond our reach." Han Zifeng explained.

"I've heard that they use the placenta of pregnant women to make magical instruments." Zhong Chuhong nodded and said.

"My darling, what a ruthless bunch." Xia Xia said in surprise.

At this time, those beans have turned into one after another fools, which normal people can't see with the naked eye.

"Boss, rub this thing on your eyes and you can see the fools." Han Zifeng handed over a green leaf and said.

"I don't need that thing." Xia Xian could see clearly after opening his X-ray eyes, so he didn't need that thing at all.

"Uh" Han Zifeng was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he saw someone like Xiang Xia, and he could see a fool with the naked eye. At this time, he also remembered the first time he saw Xia Xia. Did you see his babies?

puff puff puff

Xia Tian injected internal force into the silver needle, then threw the silver needle and stabbed directly on the body of the soybean grains. Then the soybean grains fell to the ground, and the fools disappeared.

"What?" That senior brother was incredulous when he saw that his bean-scattering became a soldier so easily.

"Senior brother, this person can see the body of a bean-scattering soldier," said the junior brother.

Han Zifeng looked at Xia Xia with admiration. He knew that he really did not find the wrong person. Although this bean-scattering army could not pose too much threat to him, he was still very good at dealing with it.


Moreover, Bean Sprinkler is usually used in conjunction with other spells.

"Junior brother, let's make a move together, using weapons," the senior brother said.

"En" Junior Brother nodded.

Then the two threw a sign at the same time.

Hastily as a law

"Be careful, sir, that's a soldier card, and there will be soldier-level fools in it." Han Zifeng hurriedly shouted.

puff puff

Xia Xia directly shot ten silver needles infused with internal power at one time, shot it directly on the sign, fixed the sign in mid-air, and then a flash of light flashed under his feet.

bang bang

Two fingers quickly tapped on the two signs.

The two brands were directly shattered by summer.

"Hey, do you have all the skills in Mao Shanshu? If you always need a carrier to unleash fools, then I'll be completely impatient, you both have to die here." Xia Xia said with a sigh.

"Damn, how dare you underestimate Mao Shanshu." The senior brother looked at Xia Xia angrily, then he grabbed a handful of cinnabar and put it directly in his mouth.

Hastily as a law

"Be careful of my He used Maoshan's soldiers to get rid of it." Han Zifeng shouted loudly, and then he immediately stepped forward to help.

"You two can just watch the fun in the back, I can cover it." Xia Xia stopped Han Zifeng from behind.

He didn't act in a hurry this time. He wanted to see what the Maoshan faction's solution was.

I saw that the senior brother's body instantly became bigger, his upper body clothes were instantly torn, and then his body was covered with a layer of soul armor, which was invisible to ordinary people.

"Boss, the soul armor that appears on his body can both defend and attack, so be careful." Han Zifeng reminded.

"That's right, it's interesting." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction. He finally saw something interesting. After this man was disbanded, his overall strength instantly increased, whether it was instant explosiveness or strength.

And the soul armor on his body is very interesting.

"Arrogant boy, I will crush you directly." That senior brother's voice also became empty.

"Senior brother, do you need me to untie the seal?" the junior brother asked.

"No, no, no, you must never break the seal, unless I fail, but I can't fail." When the senior brother heard his junior brother say that the seal was to be loosened, his face was full of fear.

"It seems that your junior brother should be more interesting than you, so I must kill you first." An excited expression appeared on Xia Xia's face.