Raise the price and die

When the old man Qing Yang was imagining that everyone would give him face, someone actually increased the price.

This made him very angry. Why did Ma Yuanyi raise the price and no one followed him? As soon as he raised the price, someone dared to follow him. This obviously did not give him face. Before he experienced that kind of pleasure, he was pulled back to reality.

Everyone else looked at Xia Xia in confusion. Everyone understood that this meteorite was a chicken rib, and it was useless to buy it back. Otherwise, how could the auctioneer sell it for such a low price.

"I went, and you actually attracted everyone's attention again." Lu Wan's senior brother completely collapsed this time, and he was simply defeated by Xia Xia.

He always wanted to keep a low profile, but Xia Xia actually kept everyone's high profile again and again, and this time he actually tried to show the old man's face for a broken stone that was useless.

Everyone should have seen clearly who Elder Qing Yang is when he was outside just now.

But Xia Tian dared not to give him face. This is simply courting death. The old man Qingyang is notoriously bad-tempered.

"This kid is crazy. He actually paid the old man's price for a tasteless rib. It's no different from courting death."

"He's dead, old man Qing Yang must be very angry now."

"The old man Qingyang dares to show his face, he must be an idiot."

All those people around looked at the summer like idiots.

"Is he mocking?" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"No way. Even if Xia wanted to ridicule, he shouldn't have shot so early. He must have liked this stone." Fan Chaifeng guessed.

"Well, he must have seen something about this stone, and what he likes will definitely not escape." Bai Yu knows Xia Xia's strong character, and what he likes will never escape, even if he can't buy it, he will will grab it.

It's not summer's nature to suffer losses. If summer can suffer losses, it would be hell.

Everyone looked at Old Man Qing Yang, and everyone was waiting for the moment when he went into a frenzy. Although no murder was allowed here, they all knew that Old Man Qing Yang would not let it go.

"1.1 million." The old man Qing Yang did not panic, but increased the price again.

Everyone understands that the old man Qingyang is to maintain his quality, and also to give the other party a chance. After all, the other party may not know him, but through the atmosphere just now, he thinks that the other party should not be stupid enough to continue to increase the price this time.

Everyone believed that this guy should not increase the price this time.

"One hundred and one hundred and fifty thousand." Xia Xia said again.

Everyone was stunned, including the Lu Wan next to Xia Xia and her senior brother. They originally thought Xia Xia would definitely not increase the price this time, but Xia Xia actually dared to increase the price.

"Are you crazy, you will die." Lu Wan's senior brother looked at Xia Xia worriedly and said, although he didn't like Xia Xia very much, Xia Xia was with them after all.

"That person is crazy. He actually dares to increase the price. This time, the old man Qing Yang will definitely be angry. He is dead."

"A stinky boy dares to increase the price with the old man Qingyang. If he increases the price a little more, he will die even more miserably."

"Old Qing Yang will definitely burn him to ashes."

The people around all thought that Xia Xia was crazy, this was just a broken stone, and the old man Qing Yang was obviously just trying to stand up for his prestige. He simply wanted to save face, just like the master Ma Yuanyi.

However, someone would actually collide with him.

"I knew he would do this." Bai Yu said lightly.

"It seems that he really likes this stone. I really can't see the use of this stone." Fan Chaifeng looked around the stone, but found nothing special.

"No wonder he has so many enemies, so it is." Zhao Shanhe seemed to understand what was going on.

The atmosphere at the scene became very manic. Everyone was waiting for the reaction of the old man Qing Yang. If he didn't give a reaction now, who would be afraid of him in the future?

The host of the auction, Mr. Wu, did not interrupt them, but looked at the two with a smile on his face. He liked this kind of scene the most.

Now, he's passionate enough, and at the same time, he can raise the price of items. The most important thing is that he doesn't have to worry about a real fight.

Because there are guards here.

Sure enough.

The old man Qing Yang stood up, turned around, and looked at Xia Xia, "I'll add another price. If you dare to buy it, I promise you won't be able to bring Shennongjia."

The tone of the old man Qing Yang was very calm, there was no expression on his face, but everyone knew that he was angry, for this man who dared to provoke his majesty again and again.

He must have an attitude.

And what he said just now was his attitude. If Xia continued to shoot, he would not increase the price, but he would never let Xia leave Shennongjia alive, a threat, an undisguised threat.

But everyone took him for granted.

No one here knows Xia Xia. In their eyes, Xia Xia is just a nobody, but Qing Yang is different. Qing Yang is a very famous person.

He is a powerful, half-level expert, and he is ruthless. He has killed one person in the outfield of the auction.

Moreover, the opponent was a Xuan-level expert, and he was instantly killed by him.

This shows that he is a very bad-tempered person.

"One million and two hundred thousand." The old man Qing Yang made a bid. He has already made it clear that he will only add this one time, which means that he will only give Xia Xia this chance. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Everyone looked at the summer.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Lu Wan's senior brother reminded in a low voice.

"1.25 million." Xia Xia said lightly.

In the summer, the price has been increased, but he actually increased the price. The increase in the price means that he has challenged the Qingyang old man head-on. He is a nobody who dares to challenge the Qingyang old man head-on, which is no different from courting death.

When he said 1.25 million exit, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Because they thought that Xia Xia was calling out their life.

"You are courting death yourself." Old man Qing Yang looked at Xia Xia coldly and said.

Lu Wan's senior brother had completely collapsed. He didn't expect that Xia Tian would actually dare to increase the price.

"Hey, if no one has increased the price, it's mine. Let's shoot it." Xia Xia said to Mr. Wu, who was hosting the station. His tone was not polite at all.

Mr. Wu was stunned just now, but now that he has reacted, he hurriedly shouted, "1.25 million times."

"One hundred and twenty-five thousand two times."

"One hundred and twenty-five thousand three times."

"Congratulations to this friend for obtaining this extraterrestrial meteorite." Elder Wu shouted loudly.

"In my eyes, you are already a dead person. You should think about how you died first." The old man Qingyang looked at Xia Xia angrily and said.