I'm not afraid of big things

"Why is it too little? I still have a thousand yuan in cash in my pocket for you." Xia Xia said very seriously, and he really took out a thousand yuan in cash from his pocket.

Lu Wan and her senior brother who were sitting in the back were heartbroken. They were completely defeated by Xia Xia's best quality.

"Strange person, you're dead this time." Lu Wan said helplessly.

"Hey, anyway, he didn't leave when we were going to fight with others just now. Master once said that you need to be loyal and go out to help in a while." Although Luwan's senior brother didn't like summer very much, But the little things he did in the summer just now made him a little recognized.

"The best, summer is really the best of the best." Fan Zaifeng was completely speechless.

Summer can no longer be described as shameless.

He has already cultivated to the highest level of shamelessness. The base price of one billion yuan is only two million yuan. The gap is too big. That's what he meant.

People wanted nine cows, but you gave them a hair.

"This guy is crazy, why is he again, he must not survive, and now he is still messing with the scene, and he actually wants two million to buy something with a base price of one billion."

"He must have known that he was going to die, so he gave up on himself. He spent all the money, and he couldn't take it with him when he died."

"Now even the masters in the first few rows are very dissatisfied with him. Even if the old man Qing Yang didn't kill him today, he wouldn't be able to leave Shennongjia alive."

The people around them all kept talking. It turns out that everyone's tendency to speak is towards the strong. In their eyes, Xia Xia is a weak person, so they only need to mock Xia Xia.

The old man Qing Yang, who was sitting next to Xia Xia, gave Xia Xia a disdainful look, "I dare to come to the auction with this little money, and I'm not afraid of others laughing."

"Or you can buy it and give it to me." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

At this time, in a room inside the mountain.

"Master, the situation is not optimistic now, no one is willing to pay."

"Isn't that someone paid for it?"

"Master, you're talking about that idiot, but he only made two million."

"I sold it to him. This thing was instructed from above. It must be taken out. Now it's getting more and more peaceful outside, so there must be chaos outside."

"Okay, I'll inform Lao Wu now."

Inside the auction.

Mr. Wu, who was standing on the stage, was slightly taken aback when he heard the voice in the earphone, and then nodded. Since it was an order from above, he naturally had to follow it.

"Two million once."

Mr. Wu suddenly shouted, when he heard Mr. Wu shouting two million once, everyone was stunned. Mr. Wu actually wanted to sell, and the one billion item was only sold for two million. This is too legendary.

"Two million twice."

When they heard Mr. Wu speak again, everyone was convinced that they had heard nothing wrong, and it would not be a hallucination. Mr. Wu was bidding for the price. Mr. Wu really planned to sell the thing to 2 million yuan. summer.

"Two million three times."

make a deal.

Hearing the sound of Mr. Wu's hammer, the scene was boiling. No one thought that this crystal jade bone was actually bought for 2 million.

The whole scene was full of curses.

However, the people in the first and second rows remained silent, and the old man Qing Yang slanted the corner of his mouth slightly. He had already regarded the things taken by Xia Xia as his own, because he would definitely kill Xia Xia. Summer things have been regarded as his own.

"Congratulations to the gentleman in the first row for getting the crystal jade bone, you can pay by card." Wu Lao confirmed again.

This time, everyone believed it. This jade bone was really taken by someone with two million.

"It's amazing, he actually bought it. What did the organizer of the auction think?" Lu Wan didn't know what to say anymore.

"This time, his affairs are too big. At the beginning, a Qing Yang old man was already difficult to deal with. Now all the masters in the first and second rows

All focus on him, as long as he walks out of the auction venue, there will be many masters who will directly shoot him. "Lu Wan's senior brother said helplessly, he felt that his head was getting bigger, he really didn't want to care, but when he thought of his master's words, he knew he couldn't care less.

"Looks like there's a lot of trouble." Fan Zhuifeng said.

"He did it on purpose." Bai Yu said.

"Well, it should be intentional, or else the head was kicked by the donkey." Fan Zaifeng nodded and said.

Zhao Shanhe is still chanting scriptures there. For him, crystal jade bones are too sinful. After death, people should be buried in the ground to be safe, but these people actually trade the bones of dead people as items.

"Boy, I will accept your gift." The old man Qing Yang said in a low voice, his face full of excitement.

"Thank you for coming to participate in this auction. This auction is over here. Welcome to the next auction. We will release news at that time." Mr. Wu said, "Please keep order. , start from the last person and go outside, don't crowd."

After hearing Mr. Wu's words, everyone understood that the war in the auction was over, and the next thing was to wait for the war outside the auction.

The two most interesting battles should be between the ~www.mtlnovel.com~ that ignorant boy and the old man Qingyang, and the battle between the ice crystal jade bone and those masters. As for these people, they can only Just to join in the fun and pick up leaks.

However, most people are under the illusion that after Xia Xia died, these masters competed, and as a result, the crystal jade bone was lost and was picked up by them.

Then you can make a fortune.

So after those people came out of the auction, they were all waiting to watch the show not far away.

"Boy, are you still waiting for me to invite you out?" Elder Qing Yang glanced at Xia Xia and said.

"No, but you must protect the blue water dagger on your body. That thing is mine." Xia Xia walked out with big strides, seeing Xia Xia walking outside, all the first and second row The people all followed out.

Lu Wan and her senior brother also followed.

"Hmph, boy, I'll see how you die this time." Old man Qing Yang followed directly.

"It's good to be young, energetic, come on." Wu Lao smiled at Xia Xia's back. He was already old, and he was not allowed to participate in outside affairs, so he couldn't go out to watch the fun.

Those people outside had involuntarily made way for a passage and a spacious place.

This area is for the Qing Yang old man to kill.

"Oh, I haven't done it for a long time, old guy, I don't know if you can resist." Xia Xia looked at the old man Qing Yang and said.