1-handed battle against half-step ground level

Xia Xia's arrogance has made the old man Qing Yang fall into a state of madness. Xia Xia is just insulting him in Chi, and Xia Xian actually wants to deal with him with one hand.

What kind of person is he? A Qingyang old man, a half-step master, and a very famous person, but now he has been underestimated, and he is still a hairy boy under 20 years old.

"I heard it right, he actually wanted to beat the old man Qing Yang with one hand. This is simply courting death."

"Arrogant, too arrogant. Whose kid is this, how dare he tell old man Qing Yang like this."

"He will surely die miserably."

The people around them all think that Xia Xia is bound to die, and they think that Xia Xia's arrogance is unacceptable. They are usually very arrogant. Because of this, they can't accept people who are more arrogant than them.

"Have you noticed that summer seems to be different?" Fan Chaifeng said suddenly.

"Well, I found it too." Bai Yu nodded.

"He looks exactly like that person now." Fan Zhuifeng said in surprise.

"Well, it is indeed the same." Bai Yu said.

"Is that the person you are talking about is Xiyin Xialong?" Zhao Shanhe asked the two of them in confusion.

"Yes." The two nodded at the same time.

They feel that the current summer is exactly the same as the summer dragon of that year.

"It's amazing, he seems to have a strong aura." Lu Wan said.

"Junior sister, I also have a strong aura." Lu Wan's senior brother said hurriedly.

Xia Xia stood there with one hand, quite like a master.

The surrounding experts who came out from the first and second rows were not in a hurry. Now that the old man Qing Yang went to help them explore the bottom of this kid, they were also happy to relax.

"You can do it now." Xia Tian said lightly.

Old Man Qing Yang rushed towards Xia Xia directly. This time, he didn't speak, but directly used his special skill, Eagle Claw Hand.


Just as he moved forward, Xia Xia appeared in front of him. His **** directly touched the palm of the old man Qing Yang. The old man Qing Yang felt a sharp pain in his palm, and his body hurriedly retreated.

Summer did not pursue.

"What a fast speed." At that moment, Xia Xia's speed stunned everyone.

"Why did he break through again?" Bai Yu said gloomily, Xia Xia's breakthrough speed was too fast, and seeing Xia Xia's incomparably familiar Manyun Immortal Step just now, he was really speechless.

"It's alright now, the few of us can be treated as theatergoers." Fan Chaifeng shook his head helplessly.

"His speed seems to have increased a lot." Zhao Shanhe said.

"That's because his realm has improved. The Manyun Immortal Step with his Tianxing Jue is simply invincible. Every time his Tianxing Jue breaks through, his overall strength will skyrocket, including the Manyun Immortal Step." White Feather explained.

He has competed with Xia Xia and Xia Xia Long for speed. He admits that Xia Long is the strongest person he has ever seen, but Xia Xia has indeed seen the fastest growing person.

"Damn" the old man Qing Yang grabbed both hands towards the air at the same time.

Xia Tian felt a strong suction, and his body seemed to be attracted by that suction.

"No." Xia Xian secretly said no, and hurriedly wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

Elder Qing Yang's palm has already slapped on Xia Xia's body.

"Good guy, this is a good move." Xia Xia's body took three steps back, stopped, looked at the old man Qing Yang with admiration.

He was actually admired, and he was still a hairy boy, which was a shame for him. Appreciation is only said by the strong to the weak, but Xia Tian dared to speak to him with such an attitude.

"Hmph, stinky boy, I'll show you how good I am today." Old man Qing Yang snorted coldly and rushed towards Xia Tian.


An eagle chirping appeared in everyone's ears. It was the old man Qing Yang. He made a move. This time, he completely showed his stunt. He was not at the late stage of Xuan level.

, but a half-step Earth-level person who is more powerful than the late Xuan-level.

The most powerful part of the earth-level masters is the release of internal force, and the half-step earth-level is able to make sounds and shapes. Although they can't use the internal force to release it, they already have certain special attacks.

When this eagle's cry appeared, everyone seemed to see a giant eagle. Although the giant eagle's shape was only a phantom, and it was very faint, it was already a precursor to the release of internal power.


In just an instant, Xia Xia's right arm was torn open.

"Why didn't he dodge? He should have been able to dodge just now." Zhao Shanhe asked inexplicably.

"He's trying a move, his realm should have just broken through, so he's still adapting to his current strength." Bai Yu explained.

Xia Xia didn't pay attention to the wound on his arm, but looked at the old man Qing Yang and said lightly, "If you have any other skills, use them together."

"Hmph, you still dare to be a big brother, then I will let you die without a corpse." Old man Qing Yang said angrily at Xia Xia.

"Force me to use my left hand first." Xia Xia's right hand was aimed at the old man Qingyang again. His arrogant attitude made the old man Qingyang even more angry. He was a master at the half-step level.

Actually, he was provoked again and again by a boy who looked less than twenty years old.

How could he not be angry.


It was the sound of the eagle's chirping again~www.mtlnovel.com~ Old man Qing Yang grabbed Xia Tian again.

This time Xia Xian moved, and his body instantly disappeared in place. When he reappeared, his **** pointed directly on Qing Yang's ribs, and Qing Yang turned back and grabbed Xia again.

But Xia Xian's walking through the clouds is really too delicate, and the old man Qing Yang can't keep up with Xia Xian's speed at all.

When he attacked again, Xia Xia appeared behind him again.

"Hey, an opponent who has lost his judgment is useless. Although you are a master at the half-step earth level, in addition to your strength, the way you fight and the operation of your brain are even more than a person at the early stage of the Xuan level. It's not comparable." Xia Xia said with a sigh, he didn't expect this half-step-level Qing Yang old man to be swept away by anger and face.


After Xia Xia pointed out the old man Qingyang, he directly touched him and found two things, one was a soft gold armor, and the other was a blue water dagger.

The old man Qing Yang stood there motionless.

Everyone looked at Old Man Qing Yang suspiciously, why would he let Xia Xia take away his belongings.


As Xia Xia's voice just fell, Qing Yang's body fell straight down, and his body was like a puddle of flesh, while the other masters clenched their fists.