run away

When those people saw Xia Xia rushing in front of them, they directly killed them. In their opinion, Xia Xia was courting death, and they dared to face so many late stage Xuan level masters head-on.

At this moment, a giant finger phantom appeared in front of those late stage Xuan level masters.

It's the second point of Lingxi's first finger.

This time the phantom is bigger than before.


The huge finger phantoms were directly mounted on the bodies of those in front, and the bodies of those in the first row were all knocked out, and the masters behind them also avoided everywhere at the same time.

"What kind of internal force is released." Those experts in the late stage of the Xuan level were all stunned. Just in the summer, the internal force was actually released.

The ability to release internal force to the outside world is the ability of an earth-level expert.

However, this seemingly small boy in front of him can actually use his internal force to release it. Is he a prefecture-level master? No wonder he can easily kill the old man Qing Yang with one hand.

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Damn it, it's too amazing. I saw the youngest prefecture-level master in history. That's an internal force."

"It's no wonder that he was able to defeat the old man Qing Yang with one hand, and he also faced so many strong men by himself."

"Such a young master at the prefecture level is really terrifying. Who is he?"

Everyone looked at Xia Xia in astonishment. They couldn't imagine how Xia Xia did it. He had the strength of a prefecture-level expert at such a young age.

"He is actually a prefecture-level expert, the same level as the master. He is still so young, which is too scary." Luwan's senior brother looked at Xia Xia with disbelief. .

This is really shocking.

"Weird, what a weirdo." Lu Wan said to himself.

"Okay, let's go, he's still so pushy." Fan Zaifeng shook his head helplessly.

"Isn't it going?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Fan Zhuifeng in confusion and asked.

"Go on what, didn't you see the gesture he made just now, let the two of them escape first and gather at the foot of the mountain." Fan Chaifeng explained.

"Don't fight, I'm all ready." Zhao Shanhe said depressedly.

"How come there are more than 30 people at the late stage of the Xuan level, there are five people at the half-step prefecture level, and there are hundreds of masters at the mid-level and early stages of the Xuan level. Just a few of us will be exhausted to death." Fan Zhui said the wind.

"There are too many people here to fight. Fighting in this kind of place will make us suffer, and Xia Xia carries too many treasures, which will definitely cause everyone's jealousy, even those of the yellow level will be jealous. It's become a big trouble." Bai Yu understood what Xia Xia meant.

"You mean if you can't walk, how can you leave him here alone?" Lu Wan's senior brother asked suspiciously.

"He won't be able to escape if you two stay here. You two are following us. Let's go now." Fan Chaifeng pulled the two of them and walked directly behind.

Lu Wan and her senior brother are known to everyone, so it is not easy to escape.

But with Bai Yu and Fan Zhuifeng clearing the way, there would be no problem at all.

"No, they're going to flee." Someone shouted loudly.

"Oops, I've got a plan, he's not a prefecture-level expert." Those half-step prefecture-level experts realized that Xia Xia was definitely not a prefecture-level expert, otherwise those people would not have escaped.

Summer's right hand is raised

Conscious rhinoceros one finger second heavy


A huge phantom finger directly hit the half-step Earth-level expert.


This time Xia Xia only attacked him alone, and the half-step prefectural master thought it was the same attack just now, so he didn't care, and was directly vomited blood by Xia Xia's blow.

The second layer of Lingxi One Finger that was used in the summer just now was used to attack everyone, so it was much less powerful, but this time he concentrated the second layer of Lingxi One Finger and only used it to attack one person.

So the power is naturally a little bigger.

"Hey, the power is still not enough. A full blow can only hurt him so much." Xia Xia said with emotion, although he

The strength of the whole has improved, but the second level of Lingxi's finger is still unable to cause too much internal damage to deal with the master of the half-step prefecture level.

However, the half-step prefecture-level expert didn't feel well at this time, and he was hit by Xia Xia's Lingxi finger in the second front.

The internal organs are now in pain.

"Damn, let's go together, don't say that he is not a real master at the ground level, even if he is, he will surely die." The half-step master at the ground level shouted loudly. All want a piece of the pie.

"The plan is successful." Xia Xia's plan was to attract everyone's attention first, so that those people on the outside would not be able to block Bai Yu, Fan Zaifeng and others. After they escaped, Xia Xia could start to escape. .

Bai Yu and the other three broke out of a passage in an instant, and Lu Wan and his senior brother were completely stunned.

They didn't expect this group of people to be so powerful. From the skills of Bai Yu and others, it can be seen that they are all about the same strength as Xia Xia.

He always thought that his strength was already strong, but compared with Bai Yu and the others, it was far worse.

"Finally escaped, then I will also escape." Xia Xia saw that Bai Yu and others had already escaped the encirclement, so he prepared to escape. He believed that as long as Bai Yu and others had escaped the encirclement, no one would be able to escape. Can stop them.

Because it is impossible for others to catch up with Bai Yu and the others.


A golden light flashed, and the person closest to Xia Xia couldn't resist, and was directly killed by Xia Xia.

Instant kill.

Seeing such a scene, the people around hurried back a good chance. " Xia Xia's footsteps of the clouds flashed, and he rushed out of the encirclement.

The instant body technique, when he moved again, he was about ten meters away from those people, the golden sword was thrown out again, and the people around him hurriedly moved away.

"No, he's going to run away." The half-step master could see Xia Xia's intention.

"Goodbye." Xia Xia fled directly. He fled in the opposite direction of Bai Yu and the others, so that they could be prevented from catching up with them, and Xia Xia didn't use full speed at the beginning.

Because he was worried that his speed was too fast, those people turned around and chased Bai Yu and the others. After all, Zhao Shanhe and Lu Wan were not as fast as Bai Yu and Fan Zaifeng.

"Don't try to escape." At this moment, a person appeared beside Xia Xia, holding a tiger-headed knife in his hand.


The tiger-headed knife slashed directly at Xia Xia.

Lingxi pointed.

Xia Xia's left hand directly clamped the huge tiger-headed knife with two fingers.

"What?" The man with the tiger-headed knife in his hand was surprised. He didn't expect that someone could clamp his big knife with two fingers. This was really terrifying.

bang bang bang

Five figures appeared directly beside Xia Xia and surrounded him.

"You can't escape." These five people were all half-step masters.