Devil’s Lair

When Miranda came back from home after grocery shopping she immediately sensed something was wrong with Philip. Generally Philip came home much later. It was not even 5 pm and he was home.

But that wasn't what struck odd with Miranda. Philip was unusually quiet. Miranda assumed it was work stress. She knew nothing about her husband's shady work, but naturally she assumed it must be work related. She cautiously sat beside Philip. "What's wrong honey? Are you not feeling well?"

Philip looked at Miranda for a long time. There was a battle going on in his heart. No one who knows the actual Damien Bishop will believe in their right mind that this was a simple dinner invitation. But Philip couldn't decipher his true intentions. He tried to recall if any other employees were similarly invited but he came back blank. But it was of no use pondering further. Sighing Philip said to Miranda, "nothing dear, just tired. Oh! We have an invitation tonight. The boss invited us at his place."

Miranda smiled brightly. "Finally, finally he is starting to appreciate your work, oooh! It's such a good news! Ah! I don't have anything to wear. Why couldn't you tell me before? Look! My hair is a mess," muttered Miranda flustered. "Do you think you are due for another increment?" She asked in a hopeful voice reflecting pride for her husband.

Philip sighed internally. He highly doubted that it was just an appreciation dinner, but he didn't want to worry Miranda. Instead he said "Where is Liam? Is he back from school?"

"Yes he is upstairs. Nowadays his door is always locked. God knows what he does in room. I think you should have a serious father-son discussion with that boy. He makes me so stressed." Fumed Miranda.

Philip smiled. Miranda has always been too protective, too worried about Liam. He himself worries too. But he knows teen age boys need their space. Also he was sure Liam wouldn't do anything that would cause them shame. His son had been too perfect.

"You worry too much dear. Let him be. If we start mollycoddling him too much he will start distancing himself from us. Do you want that? Anyway ask him to get ready, we will leave by 6.30" said Philip walking towards the washroom.

Liam on the other hand was having a wonderful day. He had been crushing on Ellie since the first day of high school. Today he finally got the courage of confessing it to her. Though Ellie didn't say anything in reply but the way her cheeks warmed up and eyes twinkled he was sure he hit the jackpot. Hence he was floating on cloud 9. He didn't have much experience in love although he was approached by many, both girls and boys. Truly romantic at heart he believed in one true love. His bookshelves were filled with romance novels. His friends teased him for that. But he didn't mind. He stubbornly believed waiting for the perfect person. And his dream girl always had been Ellie.

So while his friends discussed about banging new girls everyday, which Liam was sure mostly exaggeration, he waited for the right moment to propose to Ellie. Today he was almost at the verge of showing others that true love does exists and you just have to be patient and not loose faith. So when he was asked to get ready for a boring official dinner invitation he wasn't too happy. But he was not the one to argue unnecessarily with his parents. Reluctantly he got up and took shower and got dressed in his favourite pair of light blue jeans and cherry red t-shirt. He put on a drizzle of strawberry perfume and backcombed his hair. Liam knew he looked good. He was a little feminine may be and his friends teased him as twink but he knew with the growth of facial hair he would be more manly. He couldn't wait to grow beards and look more mature.

As he went downstairs he felt a stark contrasts in his parents' mood. While Miranda was happily chirping Philip's expression was forlorn. Liam loved his parents, he didn't remember his life before the Roger family. He was grateful that he was chosen into this beautiful family. He had different equations with his parents. His mother was very protective of him and always worrying too much. But his mom was the best cook and gave the warmest hug. Whereas Philip was fun to be with. He taught him all the good things. Memories of their camping together, riding his first bike, taking swimming lessons and also learning to drive would always bring smile to his lips and warm his heart. So he felt a little down sensing Philip's gloomy mood. But before Liam could ask anything it was time to go.

Liam was really excited when he heard they were invited by Damien Bishop himself. He regularly followed all the interviews and blogs on Damien. He was in awe with Damien's charisma. In his school there was also a 'Damien fan club' and though Liam would never admit he secretly wished to be a member too. It would be so good to meet him face to face. He might even get to talk to him. Oh god! He couldn't wait to brag to his friends. Also if he managed to get a selfi together he might score some positive points with Ellie. Should he ask Philip if he can get a picture with Damien? Nope no no, he would have to find a way to do it himself. He couldn't sound so eager otherwise he would make it so awkward for Philip. He just needed a plan, if he could get Damien alone for two minutes he would definitely persuade Damien to take a picture with him. Oooh! His friends would be so so jealous.

Right at five minutes to seven they reached the Bishop Mansion. The whole way Miranda couldn't stop talking being excited and proud she was. Liam reflected Miranda's feelings as he unconsciously hopped up and down on his sit. Only Philip was quiet as he meandered through the long driveway between the main gate and the entrance of the mansion. As they reached the front of the Mansion Liam's eyes widened. It was as big and as beautiful as the pictures he had seen on the news. The pathway to the mansion was artfully decorated with neatly trimmed trees and beautiful stone sculptures. The whole mansion was alight with soft yellow light. There was a beautiful marble sculpture of a mermaid fountain. Everything was ethereal. Liam drank with his eyes, he was so engrossed that he did not notice a man dressed in crisp butler's uniform was already escorting his parents inside.

The inside was as extravagant as the outside, Liam gawked his surrounding opulence as they were escorted inside a brightly lit living room. "Wow dad! This is how the rich lives huh!"

Philip smiled at his son, " too much of anything is never good dear, you should have as much as you require to lead a comfortable life, nothing more nothing less." Though Liam didn't say anything but he secretly was awed. But his thoughts were interrupted when the butler spoke "Kindly wait Mr. Bishop will join you shortly. In the meantime kindly enjoy these refreshments, dinner will be served shortly. My name is Adler if you require anything do not hesitate to call by dialling no 6 on the phone" Mr Adler said pointing towards a vintage telephone placed on an ornately designed wooden table.

As he left the atmosphere turned awkward and silent between them without meaning to. Miranda who was still excited tried to start the conversation but Philip was still brooding. Minutes passed but there was no sign of their host. Liam became impatient a little, he got up and started exploring the room. When both Philip and Miranda didn't stop him he went towards the display self near the vintage writing desk. There were small mementos, many awards and trophies on the shelf, most, if not all with the name of Damien Bishop. Liam who was already in awe with Damien was even more excited to meet him.

"Wow Dad, look at this Mr. Bishop must be truly brilliant huh! Look at these trophies" Liam gushed picking up a beautiful glass trophy.

"I am glad you think I am brilliant" came an unknown deep voice from behind his back. It happened in a matter of seconds. On hearing a sudden voice Liam startled and dropped the trophy from his hand which hit the ground and broke into millions of pieces of glass each reflecting vibrant colours. Liam's face instantly reddened out of sheer embarrassment. There goes his dream of making a good impression on his idol.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know how it slipped," he mumbled as he glanced towards the furious expression of Philip and panicked look of Miranda.

" Didn't I tell you not to touch anything?" Miranda reprimanded Liam, and Philip vigorously nodded in acknowledgement. Liam wondered when they said such things as they were busy in ignoring each other diving into their own thoughts. But Liam knew better than to contradict.

He bent down to collect the pieces of glass while he wished for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

Damien was enjoying the show. He was watching through his cctv live feed since the boy entered the room. He was even more beautiful up close. In the morning he didn't have any intentions of attending the meeting and was on his way to his car when he spotted his next prey. Liam was exquisite in his eyes. Damien led a promiscuous life filled with beautiful men and women. But what caught his eyes was the innocent vulnerability of Liam. He watched him as Liam walked hesitantly to Lily at the reception and nervously spoke to her. Damien couldn't hear the conversation but he saw how the stern middle aged receptionist melted within two minutes and gave Liam an indulgent motherly smile. Damien was curious indeed as he saw Liam handing a file to her. He was about to leave the scene when he felt rooted to the spot. He saw Liam smiling at Lily. And his already beautiful face became deliciously appealing. Damien felt dazzled, he couldn't move as he kept on greedily watching Liam devouring him through his eyes.

It didn't take him long to know he was the only son of his accountant. Damien smiled as he imagined mauling Liam under him. He had seen his smile but he couldn't wait to see the tears of pain and pleasure on this delicately alluring face. Pain which only he could give, pleasure which only he would control.

Coming back from his reverie he watched as the boy stooped low to pick up the glass eyes downcast, lips trembling and cheeks still warm. Amused he bent down and levelled with Liam. "Don't worry about it", he said in a hoping to be tender voice. "Its just a trophy, no need to feel bad, accidents happens, I am sure you didn't mean to break it did you?"

"No I pr..promise it was unintentional" Liam said as his lips wobbled. He was trying hard to keep his tears of embarrassment at check. Damien put two fingers under Liam's chin and gently lifted his face. His other hand slipped to Liam's back as he patted in what was an assuring way. Liam's mood lightened considerably and he felt grateful. But he couldn't hide his disappointment in the fact that he failed to make a good impression on Damien. He was so lost in his misery that he didn't realise his finger had a small cut probably from picking the glass. He felt a slight burning pain as he watched small trickle of blood started flowing.

"Ouch!" Liam grimaced. His pain transformed into panic when he felt Damien swiftly take his finger and put it in his warm mouth. Liam froze on the spot as he watched Damien seductively suck his finger twirling his tongue around the wound staring straight into Liam's eyes. Liam felt hypnotised looking into Damien's eyes, he couldn't move nor he could pull his hand away from Damien's grasp.

"Ahem! Ahem" coughed Philip. Liam jolted as if struck by electric current as he started to pull his hand but he was shocked and surprised to feel Damien had still his hand in his strong grasp refusing to let go.

"Welcome Mr Rogers, I apologise to keep you waiting for so long. Mrs Rogers, forgive my lateness," said Damien in a nonchalant way as he bent down to place a swift peck on Miranda's cheek. Miranda looked startled but extremely pleased. "Oh please call me Miranda" she said batting her eye lashes. Damien smirked, "very well then shall we move to the dining room?" And without waiting for an answer he lead the way out with Liam's hand still in his grasp.