Welcome To Hell

Liam followed Merida taking slow tentative steps behind her. Every time his body moved he winced in pain. His legs barely supported him and he felt like a new born colt taking his first steps. His lower back and arse throbbed from the brutal pounding he received the previous night and his ribs ached as he took careful breath to steady himself. But more than the physical pain his tender heart couldn't bear the humiliation he received as he walked through the long corridor leading to the dining room. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Hazel sneering at him and whispering something gesturing Liam to one of the guards. He trembled internally as he saw the same evil glint in the guard's eyes.

Closing his eyes he took a deep breath as Merida opened the door and guided Liam inside a small cozy dining room. Liam was about to enter but he felt rooted on the spot as his eyes landed on Damien. Damien was seating at the head of the six seater table, his stance nonchalant as if he owned the whole world. He was wearing a crisp dark business suit with not even a single crease, his jet black hair styled in a way that would put to shame even the Hollywood stars. His sharp piercing equally black eyes danced with amusement despite his dangerously handsome face showing zero display of emotions.

Damien slowly got up from his sitting position and approached Liam in sure steady steps. Liam kept his eyes low as his body involuntarily started shivering. Last night's trauma came in waves and he felt as if someone was choking his windpipes. He tried to draw air into his lungs with his gaping mouth like a fish out of water starved of oxygen. His ears buzzed as he felt the bright room going in and out of his focus.

"Breathe Liam, that's a good boy, take deep breaths", Liam heard a distant voice. He tried to unconsciously reach towards that voice as he struggled to gulp air into his lungs. Slowly his breathing stabled and his eyes focused as his teary brown orbs looked into the pitch black ones. He found himself in Damien's arms clutching his biceps in a desperate grip as Damien cradled his face between his palms.

Instantly his face turned bright red as he scooted back on the floor distancing himself from Damien as far as possible. Damien's concerned look turned into amusement as he straightened up fixing his suit. He walked towards Liam and extended his hands in order to help him up. When Liam didn't move Damien himself bent down and dragged him up harshly and deposited him on a chair at the dining table.

Liam didn't look up nor did he move while he was served breakfast by Adler. Every nerve of his body was on high alert as he felt Damien's piercing gaze on him. He still couldn't control his shivering and violently flinched when Damien touched his arm.

"Are you planning to go on a hunger strike, that won't do Liam. I want you full of energy for what's coming tonight"! Said Damien huskily in Liam's ears. Liam shuddered as he felt Damien's warm breath on his neck. His eyes widened in panic as he registered Damien's filthy words.

"No..no nnn..oo, I..I.. nnooo" Liam mumbled as he felt another impending panic attack.

"Relax I won't do anything to you, at least not now, now be a good boy and open your mouth, say aaa" said Damien taking a spoonful of porridge and nudging Liam's mouth. Liam kept his lips closed. It's not that he wanted to disobey Damien. Being timid natured it was against his ethics to defy someone who is older. But every part of his body froze in fear as he watched Damien with wide doe like eyes.

Damien's eyes turned hard and cold. "I am waiting Liam, do not test my patience, or do you want something else in your mouth? Something else to keep your belly full?" Snickered Damien.

He watched as Liam's brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at him with clear eyes. Damien sighed internally.

How is this boy even real? He thought. He wanted to tease Liam and watch him squirm in embarrassment but Liam failed to understand all and any of his innuendos. The sheer need to corrupt this boy possessed Damien's thought like a mantra. He will sully the boy like no others, the boy would be his, his plaything , his toy to treasure and break. He nudged the spoon again against Liam's lips as he saw Liam parted his lips and ate the porridge fed to him.

Slowly Liam chewed the porridge being offered to him as he kept his eyes low. He couldn't understand why Damien was bothering to show kindness to him. He was sure Damien was anything but kind but he didn't dare to go against the devil. When Liam finished eating Damien wiped his face with a napkin as if tending to a child. Liam's face warmed up as he felt eyes of Damien's bodyguards and house staffs on him. He wanted to leave this hell and go back to his parents where he would be safe, where Philip would protect him and Miranda would hug him in her soft arms. His heart ached as he thought about his parents. He couldn't find his cell phone anywhere. Somewhere in his heart he knew he wouldn't be able to reach his parents but he refused to believe his parents willingly gave up on him.

Liam looked at Damien through his long eyelashes. "Wh..when can I g..go home?" He asked in a soft voice. He knew Merida said Damien didn't keep anyone for more than seven days, but he felt hopeful that Damien will not find any pleasure in his inexperienced self. Perhaps Damien will let him go now, after all Philip worked for Damien and Damien surely felt some obligations towards his employees. He wanted to escape this place as soon as possible, he wanted to bury himself in his mother's arms and hide from this cruel world. He wanted his life back.

Damien looked at Liam's hopeful face and smirked. "Home? Uuuh! Let's see …" Damien pretended to think carefully drumming his nails on the table. Then he leaned closer to the already pale trembling boy looking at him in anticipation as if telling him a secret, "How about never"!

Liam felt his whole world tumble. His terrified face reflected all the choking emotions he felt. This innocent happy boy was cruelly uprooted from his simple normal life and thrown into somewhere, where having breakfast with your rapist was not considered barbarous. Liam hysterically jumped up from his seat as he tried to run towards the closed door. He desperately tried to open it in order to escape clutching the door handles with both of his hands. His frightened mind refused to follow the logic that he would never be able to make it outside through Damien's tight security. As he rattled the door lock in an frantic attempt to open the door he felt strong arms snaking through his waist.

Damien simply embraced Liam's soft sweet smelling body from his back and rested his chin on the much smaller boy's head. Placing his hand over Liam's smaller ones he clicked the door open humouring Liam's frenzied attempt.

"There, there baby, its open now. I didn't know you were so eager to get back to our bedroom" he mocked the frozen boy in his grip.

"Pl..Pl..please I .. I ccc..ant do this, I am begging you sir, please let mm..me g..go", Liam sobbed pitifully.

"Eventually yes, but not before I have my fill with you darling," Damien casually said sensually licking Liam's ears, watching goosebumps rising in his captive's arms. "Till then you can cry, shout, be mad or you can enjoy the pleasure and luxury given to you while you are here. You just need to be a good boy and satisfy me and in return I can give you anything and everything you wish for. Trust me either I can be very good Liam or I can be your worst nightmare."

"Nn..never," said Liam, "I will never willingly come to you, I hate you, I hate you sss..so much" sobbed Liam.

"You can hate me as much as you want boy, after all I don't need your love. All I need is what you have here" mocked Damien cupping Liam's soft globes as Liam shuddered in disgust. "So if you want your stay to be less painful you would hmm… lets say cooperate".

Damien harshly pushed Liam from the door as he instructed one of his guards to take him back to his room.

"Make sure he is fed and hydrated and watch him like a hawk" he instructed Hazel.

Before leaving he turned towards Liam and his lips spread into an evil psychotic smile,"welcome to your personal custom made Hell"!

I know I keep on saying the same thing but your votes and comments gives new writers such as myself a moral boost. So please vote and comment.