A New Beginning

Damien barely slept for two hours that night. His extreme libido coupled with his evil desires acted as a stimulant as he repeatedly took the boy, wrecking his hole without an ounce of regret. Liam was his and it was the boy's duty to serve him, satisfy him, quench his thirst.

Damien looked at his precious boy who laid unconscious under him. It was truly a devastatingly ethereal sight. Liam was unconscious, true, but he appeared sleeping though not peacefully, his breathing ragged, his chest heaved with shuddering breath, his eyes swollen from continuous crying, his lips red and and puffy.

Damien looked at Liam with stunned attention drinking in his beauty. He always got what he wanted and Liam would be treasured above all. If required he would put Liam in a gold cage, but he vowed to never let him go. The desire to completely possess and own Liam lit a fire in his heart annihilating everything and everyone who would stand as an obstacle.

What did you do to me boy? He thought again and again. He had never felt like this before. Breaking someone had been satisfying always but never been this nerve tingling. Strangely only breaking Liam didn't give satisfaction to him anymore. He wanted to rebuild what he destroyed only to tear down, demolish again so that he could start the whole process from scratch.

He felt his cock hardening once more as he started stroking it, rubbing it against the boy's sinful lips. Within minutes he came and he dumped his load on the sleeping boy's face cursing himself loudly. He felt like a teenager who couldn't hold his orgasm. Shit Liam, what are you doing to me baby.

Leaving Liam on the bed Damien got up reluctantly from the bed. He had a long day ahead. He still needed to know and find out the culprit behind his surveillance malfunction. He got ready in his usual business attire and stepped out of the room towards his office downstairs.

"What did you find Jacob?" Damien asked, his face stony, his tone gravelly, his dark aura almost suffocating others in the room.

"No information till now boss", Jacob said in an even tone. He cannot act like a scared squirrel if he wanted to keep breathing. He wasn't the right hand man of Damien for nothing.

"Hmmm... so what's next? We cannot fucking rely on our own men now is it?" Fumed Damien as he sipped on his black coffee.

"I have already found the perfect solution boss, here is his file. Just waiting for your go ahead. I have personally met this dude. He seemed to be perfect" said Jacob earnestly, eager to please Damien

Damien picked up the file in front of him and studied carefully. For half an hour there was no sound other than the swishing of pages as Damien read the file while Jacob held his breath in anticipation.

"Hmmm he seems competent..... did you do a background check?" Enquired Damien.

""Yes sir, I personally did" said Jacob eagerly

Damien looked at the picture attached to the file for a long time.... "Welcome aboard Luke Desmond" Damien muttered  at last generating a relieved sigh from Jacob.