I woke up with a gasp and immediately trying to sit up before i start feeling pain on my right shoulder and my right rib.
I can't move my right arm at all, it's seems it's dislocated and my rib brushed, at least i hope it's only brushed.
I start looking around me, and i noticed it's look like after i rolling downhill and passed out i got into what seems a crack on the ground since above me is a tree trunk. I'm just happy that this place isn't flooded from the heavy rain, at least i can rest for bit after being chased around by that things.
Whatever thank thing is, i hope it's gone
"Fuck... This is suck..." I start pulling my knees to my chest, my shoulder really hurt and every time i breath my rib hurt, and this fucking atmosphere isn't helping at all with how it making it hard to breath and make me lungs burn.
Luckily i didn't lost my bag and all, i start slowly taking it off from my shoulder even that little movement is hurt.
I take out my water bottle, some disposable masks and my handkerchief, and slowly start sipping from my water bottle, though it's a bit hard with how much i'm shaking right now. After i finish drinking, i pouring it a little bit to the masks and handkerchief to make it soaking.
Even though it's raining right now, i don't want to gambling and use it, since i don't know if it's safe or will make my poisoning worse.
Now wet mask and cloth over your lower face will make you harder to breath, but that is what i'm hoping for, at least i hoping with that will make my oxygen consumption lower and lessening my chance dying from oxygen poisoning.
"I'm hurt, tired, hungry and shivering... Can it be any worse..." Maybe i shouldn't have said that, since others will say i was raising a flag.
While i was thinking stupid stuff while trying to accept the reality around me, from the gap where i fall in start a flash so bright followed by a loud thunder, making my ear hurt.
And then it happen, a loud snapping sound followed by massive bang and something heavy start sliding, at first i fear that thing is around here or even find me, but i see through the gap, a massive tree trunk that seems struck by lightning rolling down to my direction.
"Oh nononono-!" I start backing away like i'm trying to merge my body with the mudwall before i lay down and protect my head with my good arm and knees before the tree struck the tree trunk above me making it shake before every thing clam down
Slowly i put my hand down and look at the gap, or at least the gap that used to be there.
"You... Got to... Be... Fucking with me..." Tears slowly pouring from my eyes, you may thinking that i'm a bitch because i'm crying.
But the mental distress is too much for me right now.
Before long, my eyesight turn dark once more.