Floating city

2 days passed quickly, along the way, master Konan and his party hunted for survival, however, they had not prepared any food before.

On the other hand, Edo had also regained consciousness, but he couldn't run away, even if he wanted to.

"We will arrive at the floating city soon!" Mr. Konan provides information.

"This is the second time you have said the same thing, but we haven't arrived yet, are we on the right track!" Yashu grumbled lightly, and his friends also felt dissatisfied.

"Haha, sorry, I seem to have miscalculated, the speed of the horse carriage isn't very good. But this time I'm not joking, we have arrived. Look over there!" Mr. Konan slightly scratched his head then pointed forward.

In the distance, a wide lake could be seen, and a floating city could be seen above it.

"Wow, how did they build a city on water?" Tayron was a little amazed when he saw the scene in front of him at around 2 kilometers.