I was finishing up a sketch of a greenhouse. I had many ideas in

mind but my boss told me to go ahead with a specific design. The

one that he chose. Yes, our creativity was mostly crushed at work


"Just one more shot and there. Just perfect." I proudly held up my

sketch. Did I mention that I am a loud thinker? Yes, I am a loud


I was clicking some pictures of my sketch when I saw him

approaching me. He was wearing a black turtle neck sweater

paired with black pants and black boots. His taste in fashion was

amazing. I grinned and rushed towards him.

"Hey there! What's up, sweetie? I have a great news for you. You

are going to love it." he spoke rapidly whilst side hugging me.

What took you so long? And, please I don't wish to hear to your

great news. They're anything but great." I rolled my eyes at him

and sat down.

"Oh, please you still love me."

"No, I don't. Not until you give me the news I desire to hear."

"Yes, it is what you want to hear. I am coming back from San

Diego, Romaisa." he smiled lovingly.

I stared at him for a moment and then I let out a shrill voice and

jumped on him, as he balanced my weight on him.

"Geez, you're such a public embarrassment."

"No, I am not." I sat back.

"Yes, you are. What must the people think of us?"

"Half of them would be like: Aww just look at them."

"That half would be women, of course."

"Did anyone tell you that you are slightly misogynistic?" I smiled.


I took a sip of my cappuccino and glanced outside the window. It

was a Sunday evening and my happiness knew no bounds today.

"So, how are things at work?" he asked me after a while sipping on

his hot chocolate.

"Very well. My boss apparently fights with his wife all night long

and takes out his frustration in the morning on us."

He chuckled deeply.

"Well, it seems somebody has the spirit to break your spirit. You

having second thoughts on this, honey?"

"Absolutely not. I was and I am really positive about this


"We shall see at the end of it."

"Can we go hunting this weekend? Please, pretty please." I made a

puppy face at him

"Alright, I am down for it."

"Yes, thank you." I hugged him again.

"Why are you being so clingy today?"

"I am really happy. And did I mention about the volunteering that

I am doing?"

"Volunteering? Where? Since when did you start volunteering?"

he gave me a puzzled look.

"At Dignity Health – California Hospital Medical Center."

He rested his elbows on the table and looked at me briefly.

"Oh, but why?"

"Remember George?"

He nodded.

"She is a doctor over there. Specialized in Radiology. She offered

me. I would be doing the clerical tasks mostly." I glanced at my

wristwatch; it was a gift from him.

"Are you getting late for something?" he called the waiter for the


"Yes, Mama called me actually. She needs to talk to me regarding

a very serious matter."

I packed my bag up and he got up along with me. We walked

outside the restaurant.

"I guess I will see you at the weekend, then." he unlocked his car

and gazed at me lovingly.

"Yes, you will. Bye. Drive safe."

"Take care and drive safe, Romaisa."

I waved at him until he was out of my sight.

"You have to meet you mother and then you have to pay a visit to

your friend, Romaisa." Siri reminded me of my planner today.

I sighed and walked towards my car. I started the engine and a

scary thought crossed my mind.

"What if Mama wants to talk about it?"

I shook my head and rushed out of the parking lot. On my way

back home, I prayed all the while for her to not talk about it this


"So, what are your tasks in this internship?" Mama asked me

whilst arranging the clothes in her wardrobe.

"Nothing much, we have to crate three-dimensional building

models and two-dimensional construction documentation using

software and perform red line changes and revisions and..." I was

speaking absentmindedly whilst folding her clothes.

"That's too much. It's absurd." she shook her head.

"It isn't Mama. If I wish to be an Architect, I must do all of it."

"Romi, do you not wish to have a life filled with peace and not


I sighed and sat down in the bed.

"I Don't Mama. My dreams are different."

"I know but it is high time you think about it. Besides, you've

already finished your studies then why not?"

"You don't get it, Mama. Yes, I've finished my studies but I wish to

become an Architect and also, I was wondering if I should

complete M. Arch."

She slammed the door of the cupboard and came towards me


"You said that you wanted to study B.Arch. and I let you complete

it and now you want to go further and study M. Arch. Too? That's

absurd. You're 22 my dear, it is high time for you to get married."

"You're making 22 sound like 32 and not everything is absurd,

Mama. Besides, I've just begun to live my life. I don't wish to get

married. Please, let it be for now." I sighed and lied down on her


"Your dad has spoiled you rotten. Look at yourself. You refuse to

listen to me every time. I shall speak to him tonight. Let him

handle his daughter."

I got up from her bed and looked at her incredulously before


"His daughter? What do you mean by his? I am your daughter too,


"Get out of my room." she turned to walk inside her En-suite


I groaned and walked out of her damned room. Every time I came

her; she speaks about marriage. I guess the bedroom was cursed.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone.

"Ah, Daddy."

He gave me a one-sided hug.

"Romi, it's been so long since we've sat down and talked


"Yes, daddy."

"Let me keep my bag in the room. Wait for me in the living room.

Make some coffee, will you?"


I walked into the kitchen and started preparing a coffee. I glanced

towards the family picture resting on the kitchen counter. We had

a happy family. I was grateful for it. But things haven't been the

same for quite a while now.

"Hey, there, sis."

Hamza walked inside the kitchen and sat on one of the counter

stools. I turned away from him.

"Hey, Hamza." I muttered in a low voice.

"What's wrong?"


"Is it about what mom talked to you about?"

I turned to look at him.

"How do you know about it?"

"I have my ways, sis." He smirked and munched on an apple.

"She's not wrong though."


"She is not wrong about it. I think it's high time you get married."

"And what is it to you?"

I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. He sighed


"I am your elder brother, dear sister. I know what is good for you

and what is not."

"Well, if your elder than me tell why is it that you haven't married


"It is not the same."

He got up from the stool and walked towards me.

"None of this is any of your concern. Do not interfere in my


He came in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I

looked away.

"I've always wanted you to be happy. Why do you take me in the

wrong way? I always think the best for our family. And do you

know what is best for you it is to get married."

"I don't want to get married." I replied in a small voice.

"Why? Look once you meet the guy; you'll change your mind."

I looked at him wide eyed.

"What? You guys have already found a man?"

"No, we're just considering some. He's the most eligible proposal

for you amongst all the other ones."

"What is this? A shopping spree? Where there are products with

different qualities and we chose the one with the best qualities?

The whole idea of arrange marriage is ridiculous, Hamza."

"You are being ridiculous, Romaisa. All we want is the best for you

and you are acting so immaturely." he yells at me.

I removed his hands from my shoulders.

"Stop yelling at me. And voicing out one's choices is not acting

immaturely, Hamza."

"Are you seeing someone? Is that it? Is that why you don't wish to


"What? No, it isn't like that, Hamza."

I stepped back.

"Then what is it, girl?"

"It's nothing. Go away from here. Don't come in my sight,


"Hamza, Romi what's going on here?" dad yelled at us.

"Talk some sense into your daughter's brain, dad. She's being

ridiculous. She doesn't have the basic manners to talk to her


"And do you? Do you have the manners to talk to women,


"Oh, please don't start with this feminism shit and all."


"That will be enough. Hamza go to your room, right now." dad

raised his hand up and yelled angrily.

Hamza glared at me for a second and walked away.

"Romaisa, come here." he called out to me gently.

I walked to the stove to grab the coffee.

"Leave it. Come sit with me."

We sat down and after a while he spoke up.

"Look dear you know we are your family and we want the best for

you right?"

I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"Romaisa." his tone was angry as if warning me to behave.

"Yes, daddy."

"Listen to me. My friend who works with me his son is a software


I rolled my eyes again.

"They are well off and from a respectable family. I don't see

anyone else suitable for you."

I got up from my seat.

"I can decide that, daddy. I can decide what's suitable for me and

what is not. I don't need any opinions."

"I am your dad, Romi. You can't ignore me like that."

He got up as well.

"We can discuss this over dinner on weekend."

Saying that he walked out. I stood there angry and a little upset. I

was done with everyone thinking of me as an immature child. I

didn't want to get married as of now. I was way too young for it.

But no one seems to understand me. Besides, I don't think I

would ever be able to manage a relationship, a commitment. I

sighed and went back to my room for a shower. I took a short nap

after showering.

"Romi. Romi, wake up. Look who's here to meet you."

I woke up from my deep slumber and rubbed my eyes. My mom

was standing in front of me. I sat up.

"Hey, Romi."

"Hey there, George." I extended my arms towards her for a hug.

She hugged me.

"So, what happened?"

"What?" I asked her genuinely confused.

"Nothing happened?"

"Nope, everything's perfect." I shrugged and got up from my bed.

"So, why did you forget to meet me?"

I realized and facepalmed myself.

"Sorry, let's go now." I smiled at her.

"Alright, let's go. I am waiting for you downstairs, be quick."

She walked out of my room and I head to change.

"Was your brother not at home when I came? I didn't see him."

I rolled my eyes. We were driving to the hospital.

"Hey, stop eyeing my brother, okay?"

"I am not. I was just asking." she shrugged innocently.

"Yeah right." I spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"So, how are things at the hospital?"

"Don't ask babe. Every day is a tragedy."

I didn't know what to say.


"This is my cabin, pretty, right?"

We had arrived at the hospital and George was giving me a tour.

"Yeah, it's so pretty." I ran my hands over the soft couches and

gazed out of the window.

"So, your tasks will mostly be clerical. You just have to manage my

schedule, answering some phone calls for me and accompany me

in my meetings. Also, do you wish to do the other tasks?"

I took a seat on her couches.

"What other tasks?"

"Nothing much just greeting the patients, guiding them to the

correct ward, delivering flowers, making friendly conversations to

the patients admitted here."

"Oh, I would love that as well." I grinned and rubbed my hands

together excitedly.

"Alright, so you can start from tomorrow."

"Okay, I have to go now. I have some plans."

"What kind of plans?" she wiggled her eyebrows.

I smiled at her.

"Nothing of that sort. I am going for some hunting."

"I don't understand your love with adventures and stuff."

"Oh, it's because you are boring. Now bye." I smacked her

forehead and rushed out of her cabin.

"So, they said that they already have a guy for you in their mind?"

"Yeah. Apparently, it is high time for me to get married."

I scoffed and pulled the bowstring of my crossbow. We were

hunting in Angeles National Forest.

"What do you want, Romaisa?" I heard him ask after a while.


I saw a Jackrabbit enter my scope. It wasn't moving so I took that

as an opportunity I pulled my trigger. The shot was perfect.

"Yay. I did it. I won." I screamed happily. He rolled his eyes and

threw his hands up in the air frustrated.

"You just got lucky, Romi."

"No. Such a sore loser you are."

"Shut up." he, muttered annoyed. He sat down on a log and

started drinking water. I took a seat beside him. I gave him a

wicked smile.

"Remember the person who wins can demand for anything from

the person who loses."

"Not today, Romi."


"What do you want?"

"A piggyback ride."

"What? No way in hell." He stood up.

"But it is what we decided. You can't back off from your word. Just

this once, please." I looked at him sadly.

He sighed before bending down. I grinned and climbed on his


"It's not like I have a choice."

"Yeah, you're right."

He started walking and I looked around. It was almost time for


"You didn't answer my question, Romi." he spoke up after a while.

"I don't know Daniyal. I don't know how to explain it to them.

There's no way in hell I am agreeing to this."

He doesn't say anything.

"And, I don't know what's with Hamza. What does he have to do

with this? He doesn't give a shit about anything unless it concerns


"I don't get it too." he replied in low voice.

"Okay, for how long though?"

"Alright, that's enough for today." I laughed and got down. He

stood up straight and stretched his back.

I tucked my bangs behind my ear and ran my fingers through my

hair mentally making a note to moisturize them when I get back

home. My hair was frizzy and curly, I had to keep them

moisturized always. I wasn't blessed with beautiful hair. I had

long black hair. My mother was highly against me cutting them

short, she didn't like it when I got bangs too. We walked back to

his car.

"Get in."

I rested my head against the seat and closed my eyes.

"Why do I not hear the chattering of the chatterbox?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I smiled. Daniyal was a

blessing. He understood me and would cheer me up when I would

be upset. I loved him dearly.

"I am tired."

"That's a first. Usually, I say that when you talk too much."

I smacked his arm. He chuckled lightly.

"Daddy thinks I should get married too. Apparently, they know

what's best for me."

"Always do what your heart wants to do, Romi."

I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me.

I nestled my palm in his large hand.

"Do you?"


"Do you follow your heart's desires, Daniyal?"

"I want to." he looked at me and smiled warmly.

"So, what's the best and worst part of your job?" I quickly changed

the topic.

Daniyal was a Pediatrician in San Diego. He had always talked

about his work with great passion. He had taken up his work very

seriously. When he was completing his residency program, he

used to call me at midnights and cry about some patients that he

lost during their treatment. I would listen to him calmly and I

only ended the call when I was sure he had fallen asleep. Cute,

isn't it?

"The best part is the doing what I love and the worst part is losing

a patient."

He looked upset. I rubbed his shoulder in a soothing way.

"Hmm, but you know that death is inevitable right? No matter

how hard you try as a doctor the patient will only live until he has

been destined to live."

"Yeah. I understand. It's just that I develop a beautiful bonding

with each one of them so it's hard to let go."

"You have a really big and merciful heart, Daniyal."

He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Oh, yeah?"

I smiled back.


I returned back home and I was about to take off my boots when I

saw mom approaching me.

"Romi, could you please get some milk from the grocery store.

Your dad and Hamza aren't home. It's urgent."

"Mama, I..."

She walked away before I could speak. I sighed and wore my coat

again. I walked to Walmart. It was near our house.

It was the month of November and it was raining lightly. In my

hurry I had forgotten my umbrella. I was standing under the

canopy of a building. I looked around and checked the weather

forecast. The rain wasn't going to stop any sooner.

"Do you need a shelter, miss?"

I heard a deep male voice behind me. I turned around.

A man was standing under a red umbrella.

He was incredibly charming. He had warm brown eyes. I got lost

in those warm brown eyes for a minute or so. In that moment it

was the only thing that I noticed.

His dark locks fell on his forehead. He ran his fingers though his

wet dark brown hair. I followed the movement of his slender

fingers; he scratched his light stubble.

When I didn't reply he cleared his throat. I immediately composed

myself and looked away.

"Do you need a shelter, miss?"

I looked at him confused.


He pointed to his umbrella.

"No, thanks." I smiled politely and turned my back towards him. I

looked around hoping to find a taxi. I sensed some footsteps and

after a second, I saw him beside me. We were under his umbrella.

It was getting dark and it was pouring lightly. His skin was

flushed. A little dark, sky, light pouring and gentle breeze.

"I can drop you somewhere."

"No, that's alright. I just need to cross this road."

"Alright, come."

We descended the stairs of the building and walked towards the

other side of the road.

"Do you live here?" the gentle curve of his eyebrow raising as he



"Hmm...." he hummed.

We walked towards the gate of my community.

"I can go from here. Thanks for the shelter." I pointed towards his


"BTW an aesthetic umbrella." I complimented. It was just a plain

red one.

He chuckled lightly.

"I should get going. Thanks again."

"Good day, miss." he replied and disappeared out of my sight.

"Mama, here's your milk."

I kept the milk in the fridge and walked into my room. I took out

my phone from my pocket and kept it on my nightstand. After

performing my night routine, I lied down on my bed. I heard my

phone beep.

Good night, Romaisa.

Sweet dreams.


I smiled and closed my eyes.