The beginning

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Ray screamed out joyfully as he ran through the crowd of pedestrians on the road. He was trying to get away from the Men who were after him.

"Get that kid" The men would scream from behind hoping that someone or anyone would just help them in catching up with the kid who just stole from them.

This was his favorite part, the chase. He knew he could outrun the old men but he would love to run a bit slower for them to run until they were exhausted and then he would Go home feeling happy and victorious. This was his alley. You can't catch him in his own turf, he knew every alley, street and corner.

He turned back slightly to see that the men had stopped chasing him, they squatted with their hands resting on their knees trying to catch their breath, he chuckled and turned to a corner and started walking down as if nothing happened.He headed home, as much as he hated the idea of going home, he still had to.

The streets leading to his home was busy, bustling with activity, just like every other hood, the road side business was on going, Crack dealers selling their drugs, other's trying to sell their stolen items at a cheaper rate and this is where Raymond came in, he also had to sell the jewelry he had just stolen from the jewel store.

If you lived in the hood, you would know that, whenever you stood in or around any alley, one guy would run to you and start asking you to buy something from him; "hey would you buy this or would you buy that" they would say.

Ray strolled slowly down the street, he wasn't ready to sell the Gold neckless just yet, he planned on keeping it for something more important. He finally got home; Andrew was seated on the Sofa with his eyes fixed on the news displayed on the Tv.

"Hi" he mumbled, not even turning his glance at him as he walked past.

"Raymond" Andrew called.

Raymond sighed slightly and turned; "What"

"Where have you been all morning, your mother has been worried sick"

"I'm here now and that's all that matters ain't it" Ray replied sarcastically and started walking away.

"You don't walk out on me young man"

"Look, you not my dad. So, you don't have any right over me, so I'd advise you let me be?" he added and continued his trail up the stairs.

He really disliked Andrews, he still wondered why his mother choose to stay with a man who beats her up whenever he comes home drunk. His dad never laid his hand on his mother. His father died when he was 14, and that was 4 years ago and it took his mother just 7 months before she remarried. Her marriage with Andrews made him distance from her and her new husband, the more he grew distant from his family, the closer he got to the hood.

He dropped his bag on the floor and jumped up on his bed, pulled out the gold necklace from his pocket and stared at it. This was one beautiful piece of jewelry, he thought to himself before dropping it in his drawer.

He relaxed his back on to his bed and stared at the ceiling, just then he heard a knock on his door before it creaked slowly on it hinges as it opened.

"Raymond" His mother called softly as she walked in.

"Hey mum" he muttered and he sat up.

"Why didn't you go to school today? This is the fourth timethis week that you're skipping school"

"Mum I just had some things to sort out, but I promise I'll go to school tomorrow" he complained.

"Seriously, you're sorting out somethings? Or you are now going about robbing jewelry stores?"

"Mum I, I" He stuttered, looking for words to defend himself...

"didn't you think I'll find out, the next time I hear about it, I would personally call the cops on you. I'm I clear"

"Yes ma"

"Good. Come downstairs for your lunch" she said and rose up from the bed.

He relaxed back on his bed, he can't tell his mother the reason why he was stealing, he just couldn't.

"Ray!" his mother yelled again from downstairs.

"I'm coming mum" he replied and sluggishly climbed down the bed and walked out of his room.

He joined the family at the table and they had their lunch quietly, and then everybody went away in their various activities, the air between then had gone all sour. Ever since his mother remarried, Ray drifted far, not that he was angry at his mother for remarrying but he just doesn't like Andrew. He might act cool, but it seemed as if there is more to him than it meets the eye. Andrew was dangerous, avoid him, that's what his mind always told him.

The day went by quicker than expected, everyone retired to bed for the night.


The sun shone brightly, it rays finding their way in through Ray's window and casting its light on his face. He turned around avoiding the light rays from the sun, his eyes were still shut close as he had not gotten enough of his sleep yet.

But then, there was a knock on his door, he tried to ignore it, but it came again and again. He grumbled angrily into his pillow. he knew it was his mum, this was her routine, especially now that she had found out that he had skipped school.

"Mum, can I just take 5" Ray mumbled.

But instead of getting his mother's usual cutting remark, the door opened up and Andrew walked in, he looked around the room like an officer in a crime scene.

"What are you doing in my room?"

Andrew ignored his question and sat beside him on the bed, after taking one more disdainful look around his room, he turned to face Ray.

"Look here you little…," Andrew paused and seemly swallowed his word and spoke again "you don't get any 5 here. I'm married to your mother now, whether you like it or not it's you know what your gonna do?" Andrew stated with this murderous look in his eye that made Ray freeze at the spot as he nodded a no to Andrew's question.

"you're going to get your room cleaned up, then clean yourself up, dress up for school and come downstairs for your breakfast. I'm I clear" his voice thunder with a clear authoritative tone that made Ray shudder.

Ray nodded sharply, the door open and his mother walked in with a smile as she sees them talking.

"Awn, seems you two are already getting along" she said with a bright smile etched on her lips.

"Yes, as a matter of fact we are. Aren't we Raymond?" Andrew replied and turned to Ray with a glare.

Ray nodded with a plastic smile on his face, Andrew stood up and hugged his mother before the both of them walked out of his room. He let out a sigh of relief and tried to calm his racing heart. Andrews nearly scared the shit out of him.

He stood up from his bed and got his room arranged, before he went into the bathroom, freshened up and then got dressed for school.

He came down and ate his breakfast and ran out of the house. Although he hated school, he hated staying at home more, especially when Andrew was around.

He ran down the road and stopped at the junction where the school bus would come pick him up.


School, some would say that school is not for the week. It for the tough kids and the rich kids. While the poor and the weak kids don't really fit in. it just like a game of prey and predator, it's either you are a predator or a prey.

Well, in school, Fred was the prey.

He sighted the old yellow bus from afar and sighed. Every day was just like every other day, it was just as if the guys at school had sworn to not let him have peace, to always rob him of his joy. Sometimes he wonders, is it because I'm black?

The bus stopped in front of him, the door let out a loud hissing sound before it opened and he climbed in.

"Hey, it's that Nigga again. The toilet freak, where did you run to yesterday" the familiar voice of Liam said mockingly from the back as he threw a tissue at Ray.

He used to "N" word on him again, he hated being called a nigga, he hated all the boys that bully him at school, and in all he hated Liam for making his life miserable

"Maybe he got a job at the dumpster" His cohort Ken chirped in and they and other students laughed at him as he walked over and took his seat.

Now you know the reason he hated school. He was always picked on; he was nicknamed toilet freak after the boys had pushed his head into the toilet and recorded everything on tape. He hated school, he hated Liam, he hated all his friend.

But each time he returns home, he acts all tough so no one would know what's really know what he was going through at School.

The bus drove down the street and into the popular hood, only a few kids from the hood were Lucky enough to attend the Preston high, and Raymond was one of those kids. The bus pulled over and Ray hopped in on the bus.

The bus taxied down the road, picking up a few other students before it took a quick turn and returned back to the school.

Ray sighted Ethan and walked over and sat beside him, Ray was all smiles, but Ethan was the opposite, he had this sad look on his face, probably because of what the boys were doing to him.

"Hey, why the frown?"

Ethan looked up to me but silently brought his gaze down to his feet.

"Hey toilet freak, when next are we getting a new tape of you in the toilet" Ken eased from the back. Ray turned to face them and then back to Ethan, now he understood why he had the sad look on his face.

"don't let them get to you and besides, I have got you this?" Ray stated and took out the golden jewelry from his bag and handed it over to Ethan.

"Ray, how did you get this?" Ethan asked, his eyes flashed in surprise as he raises his eyes up to meet Ray's gaze.

"What matters is not where I got if from, what matters now if=s for you to give it to them and they'd stop bugging you"

"thanks" Ethan muttered softly

Ray smiled at him and zipped close his bag and relaxed on his seat. The bus taxied into the school environment. The carved sculpture of the school's name stood boldly in the middle of the school "Preston high" it was indeed a privilege and also a tint of Goodluck for a boy like Ray to be attending such a school and the thought of it alone makes his heart leap for joy.

The bus pulled over and the door opened up and the students trooped out of the bus. Ray picked up his bag and walked up ahead of his friend. Ethan placed the Jewelry inside his back, he knew that sooner or later those motherfuckers would come knocking and asking for something to appease them.

he was about standing up to leave when he was pushed roughly back to his seat. He looked up and saw Liam and is friends standing before him.

"Hey toilet freak, where is the package?"

"I have it here" Ethan stuttered weakly and hurriedlybrought down his bag from his shoulder and brought out the necklace and handed it to Liam.

He chuckled and looked at the necklace; "this looks important" he muttered and handed it to one of the boys behind him; "there has to be more where that came from" Liam added with his eyes fixed on Ethan.

"I'm sorry but, but that all I have. Theres nothing else to give. You promised to leave me after this"

"we'll see about that" he cackled wickedly and walked away with his boys.

Ehan sighed again; his heart was racing but he tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths. he picked up his bag and made his way down from the bus.

He thought about what Ray might have gone through to get that expensive necklace, too bad he wasn't able to stand up for himself and he hated himself for this.

Liam had told him that if he gives him something of great value, they would leave him alone and won't bully him anymore, so at least this would be the last time he would be hearing from those boys.