The worst day of my life

"No I can't let my only daughter married off to the vampire king"said Queen Rhean in a loud voice.

"But honey"king Arnav to calm down his wife.

"No but. My daughter will not do it" Queen Rhean given king Arnav a sharp glare.

"Mom please stop. I will do it" said Ariyanna.

"No darlin you wouldn't. mom wouldn't let you do it" said Queen Rhean at the verge of crying.

"Mom please. I've think this through and we don't have any choice but this so please let me do this" said Ariyanna in a sad tune.

"darlin please there must be another way please" said Queen Rhean sobbing.

"Mom please don't stop me and if this is the only way for my people to be saved so be it mom cause I will do anything for you and father can't afford losing you both. we both know that before we were born this war already existed this unending war mom and allot have lost their lives so please let me do this before it's too late mom please let me"said Ariyanna sobbing

"And please don't worry Rhean our daughter will be save trust me please" said king Arnav comforting his little family with an embrace.

Finally the king Arnav accepted the proposal after laying his own conditions which was later accepted by the vampire king and the wedding was set after a month.

Present day:

"your mom will help you get dressed while I will just step outside" said Arnav before leaving.

At the wedding venue

The venue was not too full since only important people of both the kingdoms could attend even do the people of Astro knew about the wedding,but they were scared to attend. The room filled with silence while they waited for the bride and groom. After some few minute and vampire king showed up and 10 seconds later the bride showed up with her father who gently work her to the aisle trying to put up a a smile but her father gave a dull face. Ariyanna was handed to him while her hands reached out for his which was warmly received, though she couldn't see his face ' why will he wear a mask on his wedding day ' thought Ariyanna while they exchange rings not long the wedding came to an end. Ariyanna left to bid farewell to her family and people for the last time.

"Ari are you sure about this" said Rhean trying to hold her tears.

"Mom please" Ariyanna with a light smile.