First Meeting 2

"wow the King must be really lucky to have someone so good as you" said Ari while smiling.

"why say so?" said Berty giving all her attention to Ari.

" Because your a good person and I'm sure of that"said Ari in a calm tune.

"Thanks" said Berty in a polite tune while smiling.

"And I'm sure that's what made the king to fall for you" said Ari with a smile.

" can't say that" said Berty

"Don't understand" said Ari putting a confused face.

" same way he married you for a reason" said Berty in a serious tune.

" Don't understand" said Ari still confused.

"To have alliance with my dad he married me" said Berty trying to avoid Ari graze.

"wow" said Ari in a surprise tune.

"surprise huh. My dad is the head off the special force (our army). The king once had allot of brothers when their father died, it's a tradition for all the prince to fight or should I say range war among themselves and the last one standing will be growned king. So they needed alliance to support them and my dad accepted to support him if only he marries me and I'm sure you can figure out the rest" said Berty trying to put up a smile.

" Wow. So he marries only for alliance" said Ari

" Yeah and the truth is I don't expect anything more like Love cause I know I can't have it" said Berty in a calm tune.

"Why say so" said Ari With a curious voice.

Berty chuckle before answering"cause the emperor don't fall in love.He is heartless so sweetheart don't have hopes that one day he might fall in love with you".

"I can't think that" said Ari in a low voice.

"In our world, love is not in our dictionary welcome to our world. but he knows how to take care of you and your needs making you feel comfortable"said Berty

" guess that's all I need" said Ari

"I will take my leave now to go prepare for lunch "Berty willing to leave

"ok next time" said Ari with a wide smile.

" Yeah maybe we will chat tomorrow at the garden" said Berty smiling

"sure thing empress" said Ari .

"going to let leave so you can bath" said Berty while looking at Jane and Linda.

"ok see you soon" said Ari before hugging Berty.

"yeah" said Berty before leaving.