
"Heres my proposal to you, I wont do anything to max and I will hear all about this alibi stuff later. But right now we need to get to Thanos and sneak in so we kill him and end this, then we kill my family."

"Sound like a plan. how will you pull it off though?

"Good question, the answer is pretty obvious, bombs my gift, guns and compulsion."

"That's the plan your great plan" He noded smiling as though I was joking

"Yes it is" I did a little dance smiling as I closed my eyes for a second.

"Ok lets do this" He chuckled.

"Before I forget get gas masks for us" I went to my room to finish up.

I tied my hair in a ponytail and brushed my bangs as msic softly sounded in the background, I murmured the lyrics swaying my body gently as I continued to do my hair.

A knock sounded on my bathroom door "Are you done? We need to go" Damon opened the door and came in.

"Almost done" I spoke feebly as I concentrated on my make up.

"Why are you taking so long?"