During the age of the golden empire many scholars and mages dedicated their lives to studying the elves. Everything about them, from language to culture and religion.
Unfortunately their knowledge died with the destruction of the empire and the endless wars resulting after that.
Many attempted to restore the knowledge which the world had lost back then but the results were underwhelming to say the least.
Today scholars are still trying to put the pieces of lost history together, including the elves, once overlords of the world entire. Deciphering the mysterious languages and signs of the elves was a priority in this endeavor.
However, they faced a wall not long after. That was, two languages. The elves had used two languages, at least that's what they understood. The languages were named common elvish and ancient elvish.
It turns out the elves were using common elvish for day to day tasks while ancient elvish was used for important matters. That is where the problems started.