It was a pretty average day like any other day. A day of business and calculation. A man known as Barry Nelson awakes from his relaxing slumber, and thus wipes his eyes. After blinking three times, he notices that the door in front of him is open. It's no one other than a fluffy slightly rounded neck of a girfy but an actually quite healthy feline. Barry just had a tendency to over feed the cat. It turns out the cat wasn't actually his, it belonged to his neighbor. It just so happens that it really enjoyed Barry's company. But other than that, he had to get out of bed as he had to start work early. The alarm bell delayed and beeped ferociously which in turn made Barry jump with a little fright but more annoyance. He really had to get a new alarm clock as this one was obsolete and shabby. Barry continues to the bathroom with the cat following him. As he gets to the bathroom he grabs the bottle of shaving foam, perceivingly. As soon as he applies it to his textured face the cat quickly brushes against his right leg. It makes Barry sigh in frustration "Get out, I'm trying to get ready for work." Barry tries to resist the cat's adorable expression by saying, "Don't make that face. It won't work on me." The cat doesn't leave his sight which causes Barry to stroke it and place him in the bathtub. Okay, I will be with you in a minute." He carries on applying the foam and grabs his shaver. He carefully and concisely shaves his beard without cutting himself. He then picks up the toothbrush next to the soap on his left side and then the toothpaste which is rolled up from the bottom as someone had tried to squeeze every last drop out. Barry manages to get a pea size amount out of the tube. He gently layers it on top of his electric toothbrush before turning it on. It vibrates slightly as he does. He starts to brush his teeth as fast as possible. The cat meows impatiently. Barry replies, "Nearly done. Oh, I forgot, I need to feed you." He makes it his mission to move like the wind and crack on.
He splashes water on his face to wash it. And applies soap onto his hands and scrubs as accurately as he can. He then turns the tap off, undoing the plug straight after and grabbing the towels on the left rack. He moves it towards his face and wipes all moisture off of his face. He does the same for his hands. Finally, his routine was nearest to an end. Now his next priority was the hungry feckless cat who was now scratching against the bathtubs walls. Wanting to make sure he doesn't completely demolish the tub into remnants of ceramic, he picks him up cautiously to make sure he doesn't hurt him. He trails downstairs with Barry following after. The cat makes his way towards the kitchen. He pushes his paws against the creaky door to open it. Barry follows him in. Still in his shirt and boxers, he opens a cabinet and rapidly rummages for the cat food. He gets frustrated as he struggles to find it. He notices the cat moving toward the cabinet below him. The cat makes the indication that the food is in that cabinet. Barry figures what's the harm in trying and looks in it for the food. To his bewilderment, the cat food is the first thing he sees. He takes it with a gleeful smile. "You are a clever cat aren't you, smarter than me I'm sure." The cat just looks at him saying he just wants to be fed. Barry realizes this and pours the food into the cat's bowl. The cat gets stuck in. He consumes the pile of food like a vicious lion. Barry's stomach grumbles. It is a low tone. He knows that he doesn't really have time to eat so he just decides to grab a banana and puts it in his work bag. It has one strap and it is a little warn.Then he approaches the cat to stroke it. He meows as he goes upstairs to get dressed for work.
It is a big montage of him changing into his work clothes. He puts on a white plaid shirt, an ebony black tie and grayish pants finishing his whole attire. He grabs his shoes which are on top of the large wooden wardrobe. They are simple black leather shoes. They are slip-on ones. He never chose to buy ones with laces because he felt it would take too long to put them on. The main reason was because he couldn't afford anything. He never had a decent salary working at the S- corporation but he didn't care. Barry was just happy he had a job in the first place, mainly because no other company would consider him even though he had the right qualities and skills. Maybe they were jealous of his talents or afraid that he would put them all out of a job. Maybe they never truly valued him as a person and would refuse to offer him any sort of job role. But Barry didn't have time to ponder his existence so he just sets his watch to the correct time before putting it on his wrist. The watch is also digital because no one was using those ancient ones with the two hands coupled together in this century. Those intertwining gears that would become rusty and pretty much render the watch itself useless were way overdue. People are glad to live in an age where technology has evolved to be more reliable.
After getting his watch he scans his bedroom to see if he could locate his phone in time. It is a Samsung galaxy. I phones were only a mere dream for him. Barry manages to obtain it as he opens the top draw of the dresser. It was stacked on top of a S-corporation magazine and a letter. As soon as he switches his phone on, he darts out of his bedroom back downstairs. But before he grabs the key from the small dish on a cylindrical coffee table nearest the front door, he is greeted by the cat. He pulls on his left pant leg being a forceful magnet. "I have to go now, let go!" He sounds mildly frustrated but the cat doesn't stop being clingy. Barry has no choice but to distract the poor kitty by saying his owner's name. "Look, it's Reginald." He feels bad for doing this but he manages to leave before the cat notices him exit, locking the door as quietly as possible. He walks towards his cobalt blue Volvo. The weather outside is pleasant with only mild winds. It is a pretty bright day for 7:00. But it comes to Barry's attention that he only had just under an hour to get to work. He wastes no time and runs to his car. He opens the car door in an instant placing his keys into the slot to start the engine. He without further hesitation shuts the door behind him, putting his belt over himself securely and in a speedy fashion. He begins to roll out of his driveway. He bolts through the streets like out of 'Need for Speed.' Barry turns up his radio a tad. It is his favorite song by Tears for Fears 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World.' It continues to play for most of the journey. Whilst Barry is driving to work, he notices a peculiar looking fella in his yard, picking up the newspaper from off his front porch so Barry turns off his radio as the song comes to its conclusion. It seems as though the man is trying to be discreet as he is inspecting his surroundings like an infrared scanner so Barry suspects he is doing something suspicious. But Barry knows he must get to work on time so he decides to worry about the guy later when he becomes a problem.
He notices the S-Corporation sign on his right. With a picture of his boss, 'Hugh Magnus' along with the business' motto below his name 'The S-Corporation doesn't keep secrets from anyone, S stands only for security and sociology. The time on Barry's watch is 8:30 which is right on the dot. He gets out of his car, gathers his belongings and makes his way towards the glass entrance of the abstract shaped building of the S-Corporation. He approaches the front desk to be checked in by Page, the receptionist. "Good morning, Mr Nelson,'' she says in a polite manner. Barry replies accordingly, "You too," After he has signed in, he walks towards the stairs to the top office. The entire office block is white a red ceiling throughout the building including the stairway. Finally, he made it to work just in the nick of time.