Fresh sushi

Unlike in the game however the longbows were fantastic weapons as you didn't actually have to be right next to the monster unlike in the game. being within leaping distance kinda defeated the purpose of a RANGED weapon and it showed in this world were the bows had draws up in the hundreds or even a thousand pounds. the drop rate of those big arrows was almost not even a factor considering the force they were shot out with. so long as you could see pretty far away and had good aim nailing a monster from half a mile away wasn't hard at all in this world.

Most monster had horrible vision even if their other senses were way sharper in it's place and even alex only had normal human vision. this made archers a terrifyingly effective type of hunter if they got good at hitting a fast moving target at range. most of the other weapons in the game minus those with gun mechanics worked just as shown in the game. the various "modes" that made your character glow was actually a type of energy like dragon energy that was exclusive to hunters called aura.

The stuff had a buffing and strengthening effect depending on how it was used but it was not concentrated enough in people to count as it's own element. it also didn't counter any of the other elements so that was another factor in it's lack of proper listing as an element. alex found the stuff to be suspiciously similar to armament haki from one piece and was somewhat tempted to get it just to compare. alex couldn't afford the haki's from one piece anyways since they were shown reaching elder dragon levels pretty easily if you pushed them enough.

Observation haki let you literally see into the future to a degree and that wasn't even considered the peak of the stuff either. armament haki let you become almost invulnerable and directly attack insides of someone regardless of there armor such as kaidos elder dragon class defense being almost useless. conquerors haki was a whole can of weird effects like hitting someone without actually or increasing your own power by infusing it into yourself or literally knocking weaker willed people out when you used it. to put it simply haki was broken as hell and the price tag attached to it showed it perfectly.

These were the sort of thing alex thought about as he flew towards the wild spire waste and the temperature rose to standard desert levels. the increase of heat was actually because of the light colored ground that reflected the suns heat back upwards. it didn't take alex long to get to the waste as it was only a few miles north of the ancient forest. the mire was alex's destination in the waste since it was the location that the juratodus usually hung out. it came as no surprise then that he found one sunbathing in the water.

Alex ended the beast life easily since it had a weakness the thunder element and was fairly weak physically. he dropped down on top of it and dung his claws into its side. before it could even start struggling he pumped huge amounts of electricity into the fish monster killing it from an electro shock therapy session. 'such a shame it was making good progress.' alex made a joke to himself. he didn't feel like dragging a dead fish several miles just to have the hunters take it apart so he just tore into the monster after taking it to a dry area after scraping off the mud and washing the corpse in the nearby waterfall.

It was delicious no matter how he looked at it , the meat had the consistence of chicken but tasted almost like lobster dipped in vinegar. it was sweet and slightly tangy and had that wonderful seafood flavor everyone likes. all in all alex gave it an eight out of ten , mostly because it needed salt and butter in his opinion. for those curious the fish monster was worth seventy five thousand points after alex ate it. since it didn't take alex very long to hunt the fish thing he decided to find another monster to take as to go.

