Rage state

Alex found out the hard way that if he was a weakness to an element it might be better to let the hunters butcher the kill. he had forgotten that some monsters had sacs of element rich fluid in their bodies since he either wasn't weak to the monsters he ate or had the hunters butcher them. this led to the horrible situation where he bit into the legiana and got a mouth and faceful of cryo liquid. not only did all of his teeth shatter from the extremely effective element but so did the nearby scales and the flesh underneath them.

Even after he regrew the stuff he lost he was still in a terrible mood since he had no clue where the sacs were located in the legiana's body beyond the first one he bit into. he could only leave the mangled and partially eaten corpse behind for now since he couldn't just get the hunters to work on a worthless body since they usually also benefited from the exchange. alex left the coral highland in a bad mood and dived down into an area of thin effluvia in the rotten vale.

Alex knew that down here he wouldn't need to worry about the type weakness as he was neutral or strong against the monsters down here. the only one alex was hesitant to hunt was the rodabaan because it was covered in thick tar and other monster bones. tar is notoriously hard to remove so alex was worried he'd need to shed his scales just to get the stuff off him. while it didn't really cost him anything to do so it itched like nobodies business every time he did it so he only used it when his scales were damaged usually.

Since the big tar monster was out of the question alex turned his attention to the two other monster down here odogaron and great girros. alex occasionally grabbed to cat sized hornetaurs to crunch on like popcorn as he tracked the red dog monster. the huge insects tasted like buffalo chicken to alex and crunched like kettle cooked potato chips in his opinion. he offhandedly wondered if he could have the hunters raise some like cattle to keep him in stock. he knew in the game you could use the bugs to make a pretty decent set of armor so they would definitely have a reason to do so but he decided against the idea.

Alex didn't even realize it until he got tackled that the odogaron he thought he was tracking was actually tracking him instead. it tried to tear into his scales on his neck after it knocked him over but he pumped out his electricity into the beast sending it retreating with a painfilled howl. alex wasted no time pressing the ground with his wing instantly righting himself before glaring at the odogaron. the beast quickly realized that it made a mistake as alex's elements reacted to his rage and drops of water fell from his and streaks of electricity raced across his scales.

It went to back away without looking away but alex demanded retribution as he wing dashed into it and slammed its head into the ground. the beast howled and whimpered as electricity popped against it's skin and alex repeatedly smashed its head into the ground until it went silent and stopped moving. steam left his mouth as alex finally calmed the rage inside him and he noticed how badly he had reacted to being challenged by a weaker monster.

It was almost instinctual in how he lost all logic to his attacks but just brutalized the beast in a sort of fugue state. this was VERY problematic for alex since he knew that at the peak of the food chain losing your cool like this could mean death. alex knew he would need to either cheat and use the system to keep him clear headed at all times or he needed to put himself in a position were he could try and control himself even while literally steaming mad. at least alex now knew why it was said that the enraged state of a monster made them more dangerous having experienced his own first rage state.


P@trEon: patreon.com/user?u=81578854