New digs(2)

This was not the true end however as now that the building had been created alex needed to fill it. first he set aside the elemental orbs towards the back of the area where he created a huge pile of just furs and other soft stuff as his bedding. he needed the systems help to create a harness to hold the orbs just above his wings so he still got their effect without the metal created by them touching him. just outside the entrance to the building alex set up a hitching station for the wingdrakes to bring people.

At the edge of the branches he had some people from astera create a sort of elevator that reached the bottom of the tree to carry larger things up without needing him to personally act. though the most common use of the thing would be to ferry up those who randomly decided to visit when they were out in the forest bellow. alex even created a massive pool of water just outside of his building with the systems help that was about the size of a lake and close to fifteen feet deep. the reason alex needed to systems help with it was the fact he used to massive amount of water that flowed through the giant tree to fill the thing with a steady amount of water.

This created a permanent flow in the pool as well as a small stream from the overflow that fell to the ground below the tree. this meant that this may as well have been a natural lake in how it functioned minus all the plants and fish one may expect. alex hadn't forgotten his days in the sea but didn't want to have to fly all the way there just to enjoy a nice swim.

Besides the small area in the building that served as his bed alex created an area for his research that had was filled with various tools and materials all his size rather than person size. besides this he left most of the space empty save for a closed off room that was half the size of the entire building. it was nothing more than a huge indoor garden for whatever system made growables he decided to have. at the moment he had a few berry trees from the pokemon games growing such as oran , sitrus , pecha and leppa.

These plants were chosen by alex due to the sheer usefulness they had for hunters and people in general. oran berries worked like health potions while the pecha like universal antidotes and sitrus worked against most higher injuries and leppa berries were basically energy drinks in fruit form. even if this world had developed quite an impressive amount of drugs and medicines there was always a high demand for more. pokemon berries were fast growing and extremely hearty plants that grew damn near anywhere so long as there was actual soil to get them started in.

Alex had set up a whole day night cycle and even a rain cycle for the garden room much to the jealousy of the herbalist in astera when the admiral brought back news of the room as well as samples of the berries. the rest of the nest remained empty however since alex didn't really feel the need to add anything else much to alcina's disappointment at not being able to raid his larder as he simply didn't have one. the admiral had effectively moved into the nest about a week later though and had a spot with a sleeping roll and training equipment set up for himself.

The nest was fairly quiet most of the time save about once a week when the herbalist and workers came to either study the berry trees or collect the harvest that alex stored in crates over the week. the admiral got a kick out of the fact a troop of apes about the size of human ten year old's with black fur and red stripes took up residence around alex's nest. they were very clever creatures that seemed to make it their mission to suck up to alex in exchange for berries and protection.

They had even learned how to harvest and store the berries correctly in exchange for a helping of the harvest which suited alex just fine as it saved him the time needed to do it himself. unlike most apes these ones had adapted to the new world by remaining silent and stealthy in most of their activities like ninjas. due to the fact they lived so high up the tree they had never been discovered until now and they were named ninja apes by the admiral and the name officially stuck in astera. to the troop of apes alex's nest was practically a paradise with food , water and a mighty dragon who owned it all and was hospitable to them.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.