Bringing the loot to shore

The further from the docks one got the richer the area became with both fish and valuable resources. An example of this was that about two hundred yards out Alex found metal crystals that jutted but from the seabed around the edges of the corals. these particular crystals were easily twice his size and definitely weighed multifold his own as well. Alex tried to use his hard claws to dig out one whole deposit from the sand but apparently it went over three meters down so he just snapped off the exposed part and dragged it to shore.

The fact Alex wasn't actually built all that sturdily meant that he created a funny image of a large reptile inching a metal crystal deposit across the sea floor with each tug. After about ten minutes of not making much progress Alex stopped to glare at his haul. 'Yeah fuck this , i'ma go get some ropes to have someone else drag this damn thing back from the dock' he thought angrily. he wasted no time at all swimming back to the dock and going to find some really long ropes to help him in his endeavor.

The dock foreman just watched as Alex gathered four whole fifty yard long ropes and tied the ends together before dropping back into the water with the end of this really long rope in his month. 'Looks like the little fella's found himself something good' the man thought with a grin. "oi! one of you lot get ready to help the little fella haul up his loot!" the man yelled and one of the muscular men taking a break held up his thumb. 'I can't wait to see what this little monster of ours found' the foreman thought with a gleam in his eyes and a wide grin.

Meanwhile Alex was finding out how hard it actually was to drag a long rope behind you in the water. The extra resistance from the water along with the weight of the rope itself added an additional difficulty level to his movement but he kept going stubbornly. After struggling for about ten minutes alex finally made it back to the huge crystal deposit and tied the end of the rope around the middle of it tightly. thanks to Alex's claws having apposable thumbs he could still do most of the things he would need human hands for otherwise which he was always grateful for.

Once Alex was confident that the knot would hold he swam back to the dock much faster than he had swam out here. He was surprised to see someone waiting to help him already when he returned to the dock but was grateful none the less. The foreman got rather excited when he saw the worked actually straining to haul up whatever Alex had found. such a strain meant that whatever it was it was either very large or stupidly heavy and in his experience those things tended to the most valuable.

"Oi! one of you lot go help the man it seems the little one's got a juicy catch for us to bring up!" the foreman called out and two more men joined the first releasing quite a bit of the strain from him. With three people it took only twenty minutes for the metal deposit to get just below the dock under about eight feet of water. "HEAVE!" the three yelled and the heavy metal slowly began to rise from the depths finally letting the sunlight glint off of it in a deep blue coloration.

The foreman made his way over with a large crowd of people equally curious at what Alex had found. The three men who hauled it up stood there taking in deep breaths and letting them out sounding very much like bellows fanning flames. Lifting such a massive chunk of pure metal from the sea demanded a huge amount of effort from them. But they were all smiling while looking at the gorgeous metal deposit. The entire deposit was a deep cobalt blue and about three feet think and three and a half meters long from the base.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian


AGE: 3 weeks

Generated traits: Swimming muscles

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 1 , Water breathing(salt) level 1 , Heat resistance level 1 , Amphibious eyes level 1 , Bone eater level 1 , Compact stomach level 1

Fused traits: Omnivore level 1

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 1 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 1 , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.